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Bookish Ocelot

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Posts posted by Bookish Ocelot

  1. Quote

    Well, I guess I should have read that post through twice. *facepalm* I forgot how much of this fandom is teenagers.

    I wonder how much cake has been mentioned in this thread.

    "Well, I can," exclaimed Leona. "But pancakes contain cake in the name, so it's close enough. Also, I swore my third oath earlier!"

  2. Leona slapped a hand over her heart. “Are you suggesting that my cake is not good enough?” she exclaimed in a mock-offended tone. “Because I recall you eating quite a bit of it yesterday and the day before that and the day before that...”

  3. Quote

    We don't know the elsecaller ideals at all, but Leona just swore her third. So long as it has something to do wiht one of the divine attributes of your order, you should be fine. Nobody will judge you if you get them wrong when book four is released. It's an RP- we've already annihilated canon.


  4. Quote

    that was unexpectedly poetic. where was this when i was writing an essay yesterday?

    Leona is on her second oath, and may or may not be about to swear her third. 

    Leona walked upstairs to her room and fell face-first onto her bed, ignoring the stab of pain from her still-healing side. Why had this ended so badly? It just wasn't fair. If she was normal, would any of this have happened? 

    probably not said Onyx, as if reading her thoughts, but that's what happens when you are chosen to save humanity. think about all the good you have done, the lives you have saved. 

    "But why choose me?" Leona asked. "I'm probably as far as you can get from an elsecaller."

    sometimes I wonder. Leona half-heartedly slapped the air where Onyx was. but it was not because of your character then, your looks, your abilities. it was for your potential. you can do great things if you let go of the chains you have put on yourself and realize your mistakes do not define you. you must realize that hope does not lie in the past, but the future. 

    "Oh, you're a poet now?" she said, sitting up and leaning against the wall. 

    learn to let go, leona. stop wallowing in what could have been and focus on what could be. on the future. 

    "I..." The words were on the tip of her tongue. So close, but so far. The room brightened and she realized she was glowing. 

    get on with it already. 

    "I will not let my past mistakes define me, but learn from them so that I will not make them again." There was a flash, and then a large piece of cake fell to the dresser. 


  5. “Well, it would be great if I didn’t have to light things on fire every time we needed assistance.” Leona said. “I greatly prefer cake.”

    no way said Onyx. never would have guessed. you? cake? nah uh.

    Leona rolled her eyes. 


  6. "I did," Leona added helpfully, "threaten to set him on fire. I also set the cake on fire." 

    Onyx appeared. 


    idiot. only you would be like that. where is the wisdom you were supposed to have?

    "I don't have any."

    why did i pick you again?


    "He looked pretty freaked out." she said. 

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