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Bookish Ocelot

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Posts posted by Bookish Ocelot

  1. Maybe the time dilation affects the cognitive realm only?

    For example, the time would slow down for the mind of an object, sometimes bleeding into the  physical identity like soulcasting does. (Soulcasting requires the convincing of one thing to become another, therefore using the cognitive to affect the physical)

    This would explain why the spheres would hold stormlight longer - they think that little time has passed. The guards would also think that no time has passed - and require less food/water. However, I can't find a way to explain the beards. 

    @ me if this makes no sense!

  2. Plasma is usually hot. But its just an ionized gas and we have seen other rules of physics being bent- why not plasma temperature? 

    My theory is that stormlight is in some way related to the lightning in highstorms. (Lightning as pure investiture?)

  3. 1 minute ago, Channelknight said:

    However, now that I think about... wouldn't this mean that the red lightning in Odium's storm would fill up their spheres with his own stormlight, as feared by Kaladin and the others?

    Hmm. I wonder if that relates to the mysterious black sphere gavilar has. Is voidlight red? I'm rereading Oathbringer but I don't think I'm that far yet. Also, stormlight being a plasma might explain how it condenses on shardblades whenever it is summoned. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Channelknight said:

    I definitely think that it could, possibly, be affected by magnets. Surges on Roshar are directly connected to the fundamental forces of nature, like Gravity (Lashings). It would make sense that the source of the surges could be affected by the very forces that they're manipulating. For every Push, their is a Pull, then? : D

    Also whenever a surgebinder finds themselves in a Highstorm, their stormlight stores are constantly renewing themselves. Could this be a result of lightning in the area? My wording here is rough, but in theory could this lightning be stormlight, its own plasma? In fact, could it be that the lightning is the stormlight, which would confirm the theory that stormlight is affected by magnetic fields? I give this one final push of evidence, as Voidspren are often described as "acting like lightning."

    That is a really good point!

    I wonder if the lightning is in someway connected to the stormlight? That would make a lot of sense. Also, that would make the stormlight actually connected to the storms because as far as I recall stormlight doesn't appear in the storms, but appears in the spheres.

    How much detail do we have on lightning in the highstorms? Is it similar to Earthen lightning with thunderbolts? I recall strikes of thunder or at least loud rumbling associated with the storms. 

  5. I feel like it is a gas or a plasma. But what would be good to know is if magnets or metal affect stormlight in any way. (Plasmas are affected by magnetic fields) As far as I recall, there are neither magnets nor electricity on Roshar. 

    Lightning is made of plasma though. Hmmm. 

  6. Quote

    You guys have probably noticed that I haven't been super active on here in a while. I just started a new term at school and things are pretty crazy right now. I don't know if or when I'll be back, but it's been super fun RPing with you!


  7. Quote

    I have no idea what time it is, only that it's the next day. 

    Leona woke up to her phone's alarm at 6:15. She was absolutely exhausted after the events of the previous weekend, but it was time for another day of higher learning. She got dressed and almost fell asleep walking down the stairs. 

    "Coffee?" she groggily questioned in the kitchen.

    @whoever is in the kitchen

  8. 4 hours ago, AonEne said:

    If we can, Cassie though pessimistically, but didn’t speak. “Why don’t we let Doc take care of it?” He was the adult; she didn’t want Shana to have to do anything about this herself. Everyone in this house had so much responsibility for their age, so much in their chest. Even herself. 


    "Yeah," Leona replied. "I'm not really sure what to do here. Only that we have it contained. Ish."

  9. YKYASFW...

    you apologize for wrong number texts by saying that you had your earrings in when you sent them

    you hear 'spiked' (insert food) and wonder why someone would want to give food superpowers, before realizing that's not what they meant

    someone asks you for book reccomendations and you wordlessly hand them a list of branderbooks

    you draw aons in your notebooks when you're bored

    you have alethi glyphs doodled on everything you own

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