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Bookish Ocelot

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Posts posted by Bookish Ocelot

  1. 2 hours ago, Staenbridge said:

    GRSM is the one I use (you're going to have to clue me in on where the "A" is in "Gender Minorities").

    IMO, anything beyond LGBT or LGBTQ is too convoluted for common use. The point of an abbreviation is to be short and snappy: an 8 letter initialism is venturing into alphabet mafia territory, and gives me this shifting goalpost vibe for representation in the acronym. I've seen stuff like "QUILTBAG" proposed, but that's really trying to save a sinking ship. 

    My bet is Jasnah or one of the long lived characters, i.e. Hoid or a Shard's Vessel. I could imagine that having lived for thousands of years would have a large impact on your attitudes towards romantic and/or sexual couplings, especially if who you are is being constantly moulded to better fit the Intent of your Shard.

    I realize I typed it wrong. Whoops. Also, the alphabet mafia is exactly why GRSM is needed. 

  2. 17 hours ago, Eternal Khol said:


    Why does Stormlight make things cold?

    Brandon Sanderson

    It’s not the Stormlight, it’s condensation because something is going directly from a gas into a solid. The coldness is caused by that, it’s not necessarily that the Stormlight is making things cold, but that the Shardblade is condensing.

    Boskone 54 (Feb. 17, 2017)

    Interesting. That makes sense. Except that condensation is exothermic, so it should be hotter. 

  3. 4 hours ago, BobyVass said:

    If blades formes from air, then they should be hot after forming, as when you compress air, it becomes hotter. Also, there should be a lot of wind generated, because of the sudden comperssion of air, the reverse of what happened in TWoK:

      Reveal hidden contents

    When Jasnah turned the big rock in Kharbranth into air.


    No, I meant that it uses the energy from the heat generated to form the blade somehow. 


  4. 12 hours ago, Karger said:

    Its atmosphere is actually much denser then earth's.

    We actually know that perfect gemstones glow indefinably and have a WoB indicating that the light is just a side effect and in fact the energy for the illumination comes from relmatics not the stormlight itself. 

    Can you link the WoB? 

    As for the Cherenkov Radiation, the amount of radiation you would need to get that kind of glow would kill you, or at the very least give you radiation poison. Unless Rosharans are all somehow resistant to ionizing radiation. 

    On 11/3/2019 at 0:37 AM, Dawnbearer said:

    Yeah, okay. This is the last thing I don't have a solid answer for. I think maybe the reason condensation appears on shardblades is correlated to frost forming on clothing. Any ideas, sharders?

    Perhaps the heat from the compressed air is used to form the blade? If the blades automatically pull from the surrounding air's heat, they could (in theory) draw enough out to form frost. 

  5. 11 hours ago, AonEne said:

    That’s fair; it doesn’t roll off the tongue as much in English, though. 

    I've been using GRSM (Gender, romantic, and sexual minorities) and SAGA (Sexual and gender minorities). SAGA rolls right off the tongue but it isn't as inclusive. Anyways.

    I do think that there is a long way to go in terms of GRSM representation in adult sci-fi/fantasy (Meaning books not marketed as YA). The YA genre has actually done pretty well in terms of this - there are lots of popular fantasy books with non-straight leads or side characters. In fantasy books marketed towards adults I have seen 0. Unless you count The Priory of the Orange Tree. Brandon is a very popular author and has lots of influence. Surely he could use his platform for representation?

  6. On 4/25/2020 at 0:04 PM, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Thanks." He looks around. "Plenty of space... lots of stuff to individualize."

    Oh, not this again. Avelyn sighs, then says to Leona. He always takes ages to personalize things. It has to do with that philosophy with his.

    "Yup," she replied. "Guess I'll leave you to it then."

  7. 1 hour ago, R J said:

    I think Roshar's form of currency provides adequate answer to the question of whether or not Stormlight's light is Physical or purely Spiritual, given that spheres are gems encased within glass to better distribute its light and is used as a light source by the general populace, including to read and check their reflections. It reflects and it refracts, it's Physical light, it just comes from the Spiritual.

    Maybe it's like the spren. Brandon said somewhere that the surges are based more in the human idea of what a concept is rather than pure science. 

    If stormlight is spiritual, it would obey some but not all laws of physics. For example, it's visible as a mist, unlike normal light. 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Hmm. I'll believe that."

    So there are demon void creatures that we have to kill. Avelyn notes. And a myriad of other things to worry about. Where do we start with all this?

    "So... when do I start... killing voidthingies?"

    "Whenever they show up. Speaking of which - Doc? Have you seen the others?"

    @Dr. Dapper

  9. 1 hour ago, Dr. Dapper said:

    "Windrunners, Skybreakers, Dustbringers, Edgedancers, Truthwatchers, Lightweavers, Elsecallers, Willshapers, Stonewards and Bondsmiths." Doc said, "Ten orders, each bonding a different spren. Ten Surges, each order having two, with overlap between orders. Ten is kind of an important number." 

    "Your order and Doc's order overlap. You share the surge of tension, I think. Or is it cohesion?"

  10. 13 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "Uh... order?" Fadran frowns. "I can make stuff hard and change things' shapes."

    Stoneward. Avelyn tells him. You're a Stoneward, idiot. How many times do I gotta tell you this?

    "According to my personal nuisance, Avleyn, I'm a Stoneward." Fadran gestures to his stonespren. "How many Ideals are there?"

    "Five ideals, and ten orders," Leona said.

  11. 15 hours ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Nice? Avelyn says to Fadran, scandalized. NICE??? Did she just call your attack NICE?!?!?!?!

    "I'm not horrible at this kind of thing." Fadran replies. He goes for an overhead swing towards Leona's... well, head. "Just not good either."

    Leona snorts. "Nobody is intrinsically good at sword fighting. It's hardly something they teach in schools." She ducks under Fadrans blow and comes up with her sword at his neck. 

  12. Personally, I think it's Shallan. Her face looks too young to be Jasnah or Navani. Lift doesn't wear havahs. Speaking of the havah, it's more loose and flowy than I remember them being depicted. 

    What's in the foreground? What's she pointing at? Is that a column? A tree? 

  13. 1 hour ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Fadran instinctively... blocks his face.

    "Ow!" He yells. The sword hits his arm hard.

    Dead dead dead dead dead dead dead. Avelyn says. Stormlight will heal you.

    Fadran sucks in stormlight, healing the wound, then slashes outwards warrilly. His arm wobbles as he does so, so it's unclear whether he's aiming for Leona's shoulder or head.


    I'm going to assume the blades are dulled. Otherwise I would have sliced Fadran's arm off. Whoops. 

    Leona raised her sword, parrying. The force of the blow made her arms quiver. "Nice," she said, dodging right.

  14. 39 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    Fadran shrugs. "That wasn't the direction my mind was going, but sounds fun!" He readies his arming sword.

    Fix that stance. Avelyn chastises him. Is that really how you hold a shield? You'll sooner break your own jaw than block an arrow.

    Fadran readjusts himself. "Come at me."

    You are soooo dead.


    let it be known that I have absolutely NO weapons training, so apologies if this makes 0 sense.

    "Alright then," Leona said, surprised that he had agreed. Had he had any formal training? "Hold your shield a bit higher, and stay on your toes."

    Then she lunged forward, slashing at his left shoulder downwards. Involuntarily, she inhaled sharply. Azriel was heavy. And she hadn't stretched. 

    idiot, Onyx said.

  15. 33 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

    "I tend to follow the 'you don't have to murder them if they don't try to murder you' style, but I guess being armed would be a good idea." He grabs a shield, strapping it to his left arm. "Sword and shield. Nice and easy, but effective nonetheless."

    "Alright," Leona replied. She grabbed Azriel, her longsword, from its sheath in the corner. It was a gray-blue metal. Leona had no idea what it was, only that it was good at cutting things. "I'm assuming you want to spar?"

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