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Zephrun’s Imperium

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Zephrun’s Imperium last won the day on October 3 2022

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About Zephrun’s Imperium

  • Birthday 07/08/2005

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    Ad Astra Per Aspera
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    My interests include figure drawing, writing and RPing, music of all types, mental wellness, and good movies!

    Check me out on Tumblr for Cosmere (@zephyscosmere) and Gravity Falls (@zephrunsimperium) content!

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  1. Kind of a story behind this. So I stumbled upon an old recording of this same song that I had done two years ago. It was right when I my ex boyfriend and I had first gotten together. It was a lot of emotions to hear it again. So I decided it needed a do-over.

    I hope you guys like it.

    (please excuse when my dog whines)


    1. Cinnamon


      Is that you??? Woah. The breath control is S O  G O O D. also its a beautiful song and the context makes it really emotional. 

      :0 you can draw, you can write, you can sing, you give good advice. What can't you do?

    2. Zephrun’s Imperium

      Zephrun’s Imperium

      Aww, bless you Cinn! 

    3. shortcake


      that song.. that was beautiful. your voice sounds so amazing! and yea, like Cinnamon said, the breath control: on point! the context makes it that much more meaningful <.3

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