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Everything posted by Dalakaar

  1. To add to this, if you're quoting something from outside of the website you can use... [ quote ] blahblahblah [ / quote ] (Take out the spaces)
  2. I have a hard time remembering these books aren't YA sometimes. Think about spren and how invested in human emotion they are. Now think about how much of humanity's emotions are invested in sex. There must be sexspren. Probably many types. Lustspren, intimacyspren, cuddlespren, bondagespren! I don't need my Stormlight to turn into pr0nlight but I also kind of get tired of reading teenage-level crap too. I liked both Sazed/Tindwyl and Breeze/Allriane as well. Breeze and Allriane struck me as a really neat pair in particular. On the Dalinar/Navani count I actually sort of enjoy it but Dalinar is my favourite so I'm biased. Here's an interesting snippet from an interview in Spain with Brandon on the subject(s) of some the ships going on. Source
  3. Dalakaar's Rendition of the Real World Concept Behind this Topic: He walks jauntily down the street. Passes by a place with a sign that reads, "Stormlight Anonymous". Looks at the sign, laughs to himself a bit. Keeps on walking. Walking to the book store... To ask again when the release of the next Stormlight book is. Or even when the next Cosmere book is... Anything Sanderson related that isn't YA? Okay... well uh YA? No huh... He walks back the same way in defeat. Looks up at the sign as he walks by it again. Turns around. Peers through the window at someone setting up some chairs. Walks in, closes the door quietly and says, "I think I have a problem."
  4. Good answer. lol I do sense a nerf bat swinging for her in the future, albeit they might arrive in her flashbacks. Dunno if I want her to just yet though. I don't think she's half as flawless as her facade portrays. I do think she's great at projecting it though. I find all the Taravangian votes interesting, he's one of the characters I least want to die. I like the surprise answer as I hadn't even considered him.
  5. Let's go a little darker for this topic, maybe even macabre. So, who do you most want dead in the Stormlight Archive? Not who you think is most likely to die, but who you want to die the most! Odium? Shallan's burgeoning multiple personalities?(You don't have to pick just one...) Moash? Stick? A necromantically raised Amaram just so you can do it again? For myself, tough choice. Nale pre-Edgedancer would've been up there but that turn while not terribly original was, for my part, unexpected. Now I'm much more curious about the character and where he'll wind up. Oh, here's a good one. Aesudan. As soon as I learned about Elhokar and that he had a wife I knew she would be bloody intolerable. Also on that note a death I was happy to read was that interludes Ardent chicky that got into Aesudan's court, Pai. I actually felt bad for Lhan, trying to be so patient with her explaining exactly how things worked in court. I personally hate people who are trying to change the world for what they consider "better" by ruining everything around them. Compromise is a funny and wonderful thing when dealing with pragmatic realities. (Probably not a oft-shared view of that interlude I'm guessing lol.) *hands the axe over* Your turn.
  6. Me too but I’ll sleep on it and see if I come up with something in the morning. I’m terrible at off the cuff jokes. >.<
  7. When I clicked on this topic I was secretly hoping there’d be offensive Truthwatcher jokes inside.
  8. Having a tough time picking just “favourite” so I broke it down a bit. The Order I Most Want to Be: Windrunner is up there.(bad pun) I’m 35 now but since I was 14ish I’ve been able to fly in 99% of my dreams. It’s also one of the first things I do when I start to go lucid in my dreaming. Flying in a lucid dream is on par with great sex in my not-so-humble opinion. Leading however is much less my forte. I hate supervising/managing. I’m not sure about Adhesion yet either. The Order I am Most Like: Lightweaver characteristics are the closest to my own real world talents and personality. I’d approach it quite a bit differently than Shallan does though. But given the choice I wouldn’t choose them. That being said I like their less than stringent Ideals and naturally am inclined to their truth/lie mechanics. The Order I Most Want to Learn About: Dustbringers. Not Malata specifically but the Order itself. I think they offer a lot of depth and moral confusion; they will make for really interesting discoveries, plots, and stories. More so than any other Order as they seem the closest to “ends justify the means” which for me has always been a fascinating subject. The Order I Most Want to Take out for a Beer: Stonewards. Something tells me those guys know how to party. Frontline troops usually have a great take on life and experience.
  9. Granted, but the only Truth you get to Watch are daytime soap operas from the 80's/90's narrated by Mike the TV. I would like to have every Cosmere work that will ever be published or unpublished in my hands by the end of today!
  10. This is exactly what happened to my brain between originally reading Mistborn/Warbreaker, then going to Stormlight. (Stormlight opened up the Cosmere to me in a huge way.) Foreshadows everywhere.
  11. Me too, I don't even know why it's so interesting to me that an author would read his own books but it arrested my attention all the same. I'm not one for "reaction" videos but, watching Brandon hit certain parts of the books could be amusing to say the least. (I'm guessing a few evilgrins along the way.)
  12. # Order Number Herald Image Primary/Sec Divine Attribute Essences Gemstone Body Focus Soulcasting Properties Spren Primary Surge Secondary Surge 1 Windrunners Jes Jezrien King image Protecting Leading Zephyr Sapphire Inhalation Translucent gas, air Honorspren Adhesion Gravitation 2 Skybreakers Nan Nale Hooded man Just Confident Vapor Smokestone Exhalation Opaque gas, smoke, fog Highspren Gravitation Division 3 Dustbringers Chach Chanarach Woman with something akin to a helmet Brave Obedient Spark Ruby Soul Fire Ashspren Division Abrasion 4 Edgedancers Vev Vedel Hooded woman Loving Healing Lucentia Diamond Eyes Quartz, glass, crystal Cultivationspren Abrasion Progression 5 Truthwatchers Palah Paliah Woman with hair going all directions Learned Giving Pulp Emerald Hair Wood, plants, moss Glys Progression Illumination 6 Lightweavers Shash Shalash Woman with large jewel on forehead Creative Honest Blood Garnet Blood Blood, all non-oil liquid Cryptic Illumination Transformation 7 Elsecallers Betab Battar Woman with band around head, over hair Wise Careful Tallow Zircon Oil All kinds of oil Inkspren Transformation Transportation 8 Willshapers Kak Kalak Man with uncovered hair, long bangs Resolute Builder Foil Amethyst Nails Metal Lightspren Transportation Cohesion 9 Stonewards Tanat Talenel'Elin Helmed man Dependable Resourceful Talus Topaz The Bone Rock and stone Cohesion Tension 10 Bondsmiths Ishi Ishar Old man with long beard Pious Guiding Sinew Heliodor Flesh Meat, flesh Stormfather, Nightwatcher, Sibling Tension Adhesion Taken from http://stormlightarchive.wikia.com/wiki/Knights_Radiant. The Primary/Secondary Attribute might be what you're looking for. Although I think it matters more who the spren chooses than the human's attributes. (That choice seems more important than implied.)
  13. To be fair, (I'll dig it up if needed) I had the thought a bit ago. And yes, this theory is bang on what I believe! I'm quite curious if it was accidental or on purpose. As I'm guessing it was on purpose. (Odium Plan: 269,351 - Partial Success)
  14. Yup 2 x 5 book arcs. Possibly spaced 15 years apart. Also, click me. :)
  15. I simultaneously love and hate em. It feels like cheating to me but the wealth of information is useful and fun. For my part I think I’d hate having everything I say recorded and dissected like WoBs. They are undeniably interesting to read through though.
  16. Hey all Bit of a fun quick post. Curious what you think the best thing you learned about Stormlight was here. i joined a couple weeks ago and am loving the well laid out theories and wealth of information. I was pondering myself all the little, and not so little, things I’ve learned and trying to decide what’s my favourite. In my case I think just finding out that the books already had their perspectives allocated surprised me. I had no clue that information was out and available. It’s changed my view on how the series will progress dramatically. I’ve left the question vague for a purpose. You can decide what is “best” in your view.
  17. I believe the same thing. Maybe more than one there too. My current guess is the Dawnshards had a hand in the destruction of Ashyn and started on Aimia but were stopped and secured somehow.
  18. We read very different stories if you think Sazed had little development. Very different stories. Hmm, new ship I just thought of now though, that I am fully behind. Sazed and Cultivation!
  19. Not sure I do too, thinking as I go. Maybe when SA remembers it's not YA Adolin might ask Shallan, "can you do that thing again" in the bedroom. (Giggityspren here we go!) I think all these are connected. He was a dandy because he hung out with dandies as he's good at hanging out and making friends. Now most of those dandies are dead or on the wrong side of the Oathgates, so he's making friends with those currently around him. I don't see that as growth, just an example of his being himself in different times/circumstances. It's not really development per se. Good writing and understanding of how a character would behave in that environment though. But again, not a sign of growth. Now, that being said, his making friends with people that aren't dandified backstabbing fops like Jakamav may impact his growth and development. (Hopefully it does!) That is true. There's some growth in there. Not sure that's true. He's pretty nostalgic when training Shallan a few times. Dueling was the centre of his character for WoR so I see it more as a moving on from that particular plot-line than Adolin moving on from dueling. Technical reason as opposed to characterization. (Meaning he'd be dueling if the circumstances were different, less "end-of-the-worldy") He does make a good exemplar of Alethi high-society and the underlying changes it's getting. His acceptance of the Codes is definitely indicative of that. Although I'm not sure how much of Alethi high culture has/will survive lol.
  20. I didn't really stop to think about it until I read that, but I agree on all points. Whether or not a character is well written/enjoyable/liked is completely beside the point of a character being well developed. Adolin doesn't develop, he's the same. We don't see growth. And from some WoBs I've read he was intended to be a sideline character that got a leading roll somewhat unexpectedly. He also seems to be (and IMO was made to be) the most well adjusted main character. Sort of a foil for the foibles of the others. (Probably a reason he's so well liked?) Unfortunately, it doesn't leave a lot of room for development. Sadeas was a launching point but instead of taking off he just sort of... jumped up a bit then fell back down to where he already was. *** Heh. The best part of reading that is thinking how much Nightblood is just going to soak it all in. I'm picturing wide-eyed wonder at pretty much everything Lift says. Nightblood, "No! Really? Those do that!?"
  21. Still disagree I’m afraid. Why do you assume it has to have a structure just because other spren do? I don’t see a rule there. On the other hand Sanderson seems to really indicate it’s only light with, “really just a shimmer of light.”
  22. I don’t think there’s any crystal at all. No formation, just distorted light.
  23. Clearly it’ll be the Song of Storms.
  24. Lol at his sword. And a cat-fight between Jasnah and Malata could be fun.
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