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Everything posted by Dalakaar

  1. Don't think they are the heralds or anything, and found this to take into consideration... WeiryWriter Are the Unmade Splinters of Odium? Brandon Sanderson Yes. Good guess. source I was wondering more along the lines of what you mentioned above as byproducts. Not necessarily of the breaking of the Oathpact though. I'm at a chicken/egg point in my thoughts about what came first. Was 9 a bad sign before the Oathpact was broken for instance? And if that's the case did this 9 "something" at all impact the Oathbreak in the first place. (Where 9 little unmade whispering on 9 Herald shoulders?) Is 9 representative of something larger (or smaller as the case may be) or was 9 made a cultural taboo simply because the heralds in the first place... /shrug
  2. You think it's possible to dual-wield a single spren? Seems like they are limited to a single option. It's either the sword or the board. [OB]
  3. I'm guessing that's what the Dawnshards actually are and they are all or mostly kept in Aimia after the same thing that started the destruction of Ashyn began in Aimia. Also probably not literal blades. (Cracks the pot a little...)
  4. The Recreance as it stands doesn’t make sense for a 100% loss of knights. Knowing it isn’t your world and you’re arguably on the bad guy team could and would wreck morale as a whole but not wholesale. There would be many I’d argue that would look to alternatives beyond “I’m getting some cigs don’t wait up” and never coming back. It makes some sense but the impact it has as presented doesn’t match up with the expected results given human behaviour.
  5. You are my sprunshine, my only sprunshine You make me happy when weepings blue You'll never know dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sprunshine away
  6. I feel like even if BAM is there, Aimia is hiding something more important that an Unmade. While I was performing my morning ablutions (Read: reading the forum on the toilet) I was pondering the 9 Unmade and the 9 Heralds that Betrayed the Oathpact. And the correlation between the two. Makes me wonder just how much of this "9 is the bad number" is connected to itself. And if the Unmade are connected to the Heralds in some pertinent form.
  7. Good call I think I remember that too. Could be highstorms still, just without investiture then. /shrug (Removing the link to the Spiritual realm via Stormfather death, also I hope I am using "investiture" correctly.)
  8. I took that to mean Nightblood was the criminal himself, heh.
  9. Hey all. I'm guessing everyone reading this is already aware but just in case you're new/missed it; the Stormlight Archive will be produced in two five-book arcs. This means there will of course, be a gap between the books. From what I've seen/read it sounds like the consensus is 15 years. (Guessing there's a WoB I haven't read on the topic.) I suspect there will be something pretty momentous at the end of book 5 to cap things off. Now what do you suppose that could be? I don't have any solid theories myself yet, but varying ideas all running amok through my grey brain matter. *** Here's a not-entirely logical progression that's going through my brain about all this on the fly. Firstly, what would slow things down for a bit? Ie. Why is there the gap? I get it from a technical perspective, acts, pacing, etc, but there has to be an in-universe reason for the gap as well. I'm guessing it's going to be something pretty bad. The end of the first arc will undoubtedly have some sort of fitting conclusion for the first crew (Kaladin/Shallan/Dalinar/etc) but I don't see things ending, er, happily... There needs to be a reason for the next arc to come around in the first place. A reason for the first group to go on hiatus for the interval as well. I doubt anything terribly important is going to happen during the gap. Or if it is it will be off-screen, referenced in the back 5 flashbacks. So a conclusion with a bit of a slowing down, but the promise of problems arising again. (Otherwise why have a gap at all?) Few things... First, Lift doesn't need stormlight to use her surges. That alone has me believing we'll get to a point where no one but her has access to their powers. How that's done I don't know, but the simple fact that everyone but her needs it to access their surges makes it pretty easy to see there will be a point where no one can use it, but her. Second, the reaction the Stormfather has to Odium. IMHO, the Stormfather is terrfied of him. But it was too much from a stoic stolid Stormfather for me to just brush off. Third, throughout the books we're seeing small tidbits of info passed to us in regards to Stormlight acting almost like a drug. Kaladin himself worries, "was this what it would be like every time he ran dry". At some point, someones going to run dry and it's not going to be pretty methinks! Well, what if everyone runs dry? (Everyone that isn't awesome that is.) Fourth, this quote from the Stormfather. "To fight directly might coax out forces that could hurt him, as he has been hurt before. Those scars do not heal. To pick a champion, then lose, will only cost him time. He has that in plenitude. He still will not agree easily, but it is possible he will agree. If presented with the option in the right moment, the right way. Then he will be bound. Time, the Stormfather said. Which, though dross to him, is the most valuable thing a man can have." Time itself is a win, but then if it's a win, time will have a cost. That gap between books may not just be a "gap". It could be the product of a momentary win. A momentary win with a cost...? What is the cost? ... Odium(or something) kills the Stormfather. No more highstorms. No more Stormlight. I'm sure there will be some tit for tat in this exchange. The loss of the Stormfather as the price for winning the time between books. Odium's great counter-stroke to a plan from the KR that goes awry perhaps. In that same vein, I go back to Lift. She doesn't need Stormlight to surgebind... she'll have access to powers, and I could see her being the reason Stormlight comes back in book 6. It also fits in with the Honor/Cultivation duality we have. The front 5 seem particularly relevant to Honor. Cultivation is just sort of sitting back biding her time. Except we know she's not just sitting back. She directly impacted Dalinar like a chess piece to counter Odium's Champion plot. Cultivation seems to be playing the long game, and if I had to guess I'd say Cultivation is going to be more of the theme in the back 5 to compliment Honor in the front. Lift being something of her Champion possibly? (Thus she took from Lift the need for Honor and replaced it with sustenance, cultivation.) It also leaves us in an interesting, yet at the same times almost boring, point in the books. The perfect place for a 15 year gap. No radiance for the Radiants, a reason to slow down, retire, move onto other things, their lives. *** This is all off the top of my head as I write this and ponder, so now it's time for your ideas! (Cause I'm not at all sure I'm on the right track, albeit it makes some sense to me.) Cheers
  10. Renarin has his own flashbacks in book 7 so if there is a death in his future it might not be till after. (Still possible he could die beforehand like eshonai) Just imho I think he had his “is he going to die?” moment in OB with Jasnah. I don’t see him dying anymore.(or not soon) I see him becoming a fleshed-out character, his impact more through his foresight and connection to Sja-anat/Glys. Not sure why his death would have more impact than the others though. Right now he’s just build up without a lot of characterization. If i was a betting man I’d guess his flashbacks will be from the intermission between books 5-6. In the Kholin family I’d guess the death that propels them like Tien does Kaladin would be Dalinars. Or maaabye Adolins.
  11. Kaladin grabs Szeth's head, holding it delicately in his rough manly hands. "Szeth, Szeth when I stare long enough, I can see myself in you. And sometimes who I see, well it frightens me." Szeth takes Kaladin's hands, "you don't have to be frightened of me or yourself, we could be together. We could found a new order, one dedicated to both Wind and Breaking. We could be together forever. We could unite each other, as the Windbreakers." "...No I mean if I catch it in just the right light I can literally see my reflection in your head. Almighty I'm an ugly SoB." Szeth looks away, unshed tears in his eyes, "oh. I see. Nevermind..."
  12. I forgot the most important casting choice... >.> <.<
  13. Interesting, I didn't remember that. *** On a whole different level something this talk about the Recreance has drudged up in my brain, is the sheer import a spren takes on itself when deciding who to bond with. If confidence in your oaths is really the only "check and balance" on your surge limitations then the person the spren bonds, well, that choice is of singular import. That then makes me ponder about the spren deciding, and how they decide. On top of that, another thought going through my head is the location the spren choose. Are spren being attracted to a specific type of person, and does the fact that Odium has sway over certain areas more than others have any impact on the spren's decision. For instance, if I was an honorspren looking for a worthy candidate I'd probably avoid Kholinar now, whereas Urithiru seems like a pretty good place to bond. Or perhaps they aren't even taking locale into consideration given they are primarily (or completely?) cognitive beings.
  14. She has me a bit curious, but where my interest (in her PoV) really lies is not her, but her spren. *** On a complete tangent everyone should probably ignore I have now decided that we need a blue Surgebinder named Bob with a spren called Glitch. >.> <.<
  15. Just as an aside remember Kaladin mentions that he believes the Recreance didn’t happen all at once but more of a slow crumbling of the foundation of confidence in the Radiants. And he continues to explain that the power is derived from that confidence in their oaths. Not anything solid or stable, just chaotic human will/belief/confidence. Dalinar’s vision was created. Might not have been the literal truth. (Not aimed at anyone in particular just something to note that might have impact).
  16. Just curious who your favourite Point of View is in the book, and who you'd want to see next? Not your favourite character btw, For myself, Dalinar is my favourite PoV. I'd say he gives the best glimpses at the world-building from a higher echelon of society. (Or highest, as the case may be.) He also happens to be my favourite character, but his nahn/command position, his oversight, and accessibility to Navani (fabrial tech) generally interest me the most. While I don't particularly enjoy reading about Shallan I do find some interest in Veil's "night life" PoV as well. I like the grit as much as the ivory tower. Be curious to see a street-level PoV that isn't in her eccentric voice. For the next PoV I want? Tough call. Rlain is certainly up there, the Listeners have me piqued. Their story, abandoning their gods knowing they are damning themselves to drowsyform has me captured. I was also kind of, well, it hit me a lot more than I'd have guessed when I read how they were trying to find artform. There's a deep-seated sorrow in there, soul deep. That being said, a Nightblood PoV while being a bit rudimentary would also provide a hilarious interlude IMHO. You? (PS: Merry Christmas for those Christmasly inclined. )
  17. Me and my girlfriend had a quick bit of fun with it last night. I got 83% Truthwatcher and 60something% Elsecaller. Pretty fair in my case actually. Looking at other scores I'm not seeing many 80+, interesting to note. Many of the other percentages of mine were 0. My girl got 59% Skybreaker and 35%ish Willshaper, the Skybreaker is, er, not likely in her case. The Willshaper was much more on the spot for her but as she noted, mine were pretty solid in my upper two categories while hers were really spread out across the board. (Also interesting to note.)
  18. Couple ideas springing to mind on reading the Vasher-talk. Vasher isn't the most, er, lawful of people. I could see him trying to pull the "toss the sword on the ground and let god sort it out" method on Nale, Nale just sort of looks up in surprise, grabs the sword, and walks off "smh" with a "thanks-wave-of-the-hand". (Or more realistically he continues to try and bring Vasher to heel but Vasher is long gone.) My 2c interpretation of how Nale got Nightblood. >.< On the Nightwatcher comment, I can't remember the exact phrasing but did she say "sword" or something different like "blade"? Even if she did say sword though, well the big question I have is... what if it wasn't Nightblood? Swords leaking black smoke doesn't seem quite as unique as it did before. For instance, it could've been the dagger Moash uses instead of Nightblood if her terminology was "blade" as opposed to "sword".
  19. Pretty much ditto @What's a Seawolf?’s post. I’m curious about Vasher but not to the extent that Nightblood has me wondering. Vivenna wasn’t my favourite character so I’m a bit less enthused ‘bout her.
  20. Nother place that's cropped up a few times that we might get a "present day" revisiting of, Feverstone Keep.
  21. Here's an interesting way to really tie Kaladins hands with an oath he'll have a bloody hard time holding. "I will only save lives, I will not take them." Kaladin gets the kid gloves if he wants his armor. No more killing. To be clear, not sure I actually believe this'll be it, just an interesting idea that'd really muddle his choices, and works within the confines of his surgeon/do-no-harm background.
  22. What is the name of Ba-Ado-Mishram's sibling on a farm?
  23. Kaladin Shallan Dalinar Adolin Renarin If Doug Jones was younger I'd say him but he's a bit too old for the role. Having a tough time with this one so I'll just say... Odium So many choices, too many so I'm going to give three of them as I can't decide. Jasnah Amaram One of my fav actors and someone I think could do him immense justice. (And would even be likely to accept the role IMO, I honestly think it's right up his alley.) Szeth Okay, this one might surprise you, you might not agree, but I actually think it could work. I get why it's a kind of "out there" take on the character though. Elhokar Not entirely sure but this is what I gots... /bigoleshrug Lirin, Kaladin's father. Wit/Hoid Nother tough one for me... Numuhukumakiaki'aialunamor, AKA, Rock. *** I'll leave it there for now. Although I might add a few since the idea is stewing around now. Couple extras, Tom Hardy feels like he'd match something. I dunno what, but he should be something dangnabbit! Not sure about Moash as I have trouble picturing him. He doesn't really have a look to me yet.
  24. Just a random curious question I had... How fast can a spren move? The question was sparked as I was rereading OB last night and got to the part where Shallan is chasing after a Midnight Essence. She chooses to have Pattern form into a shardblade as she's running after it, and loses it in a room before seeing it squeeze through a tight window into the Breakaway. Now, to my mind, that was a dumb idea. Or at least not a smart one. I would've (in hindsight/oversight) sent Pattern to keep track of this thing and report back to me. He can form instantly into the shardblade anyways and she wouldn't have had to run with the damnation thing which is doubtlessly awkward. But that leaves another question in it's place... could Pattern have kept up? Or if the situation were changed and Kaladin was there in her place could Syl have kept up, or moved faster? *** I am just beginning to realize how much info is tucked away into WoBs, almost feels like cheating, but regardless I'll take it. So someone here might already have offhand knowledge or maybe it hasn't come up yet. Or got RAFO'd. Anyways, not a question of huge import, just curious.
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