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Everything posted by Pagliacci

  1. Welcome to the Shard. You can see the master himself explain the cosmere here TL:DR: The cosmere's a shared universe where each book/ book series takes place on its own planet. Also look for a guy named Hoid. Feel free to read the books in any order. Though I'd suggest reading Warbreaker before the Stormlight Archive. Again, welcome to the Shard. Also if you could be a misting what metal would you burn? PS: Servillius is right, there's no turning back now. (evil cackle)
  2. I'm from Australia and it does irk me a little but not enough to detract from the experience. What irks me MORE is wondering how I should spell 'Honor/Honour' here on the 17th Shard. Should I spell it the way Brandon does or the correct British/Australian way? I wonder how the audiobooks pronounce Aluminium.
  3. I was wandering through my library looking for fantasy books to read and I saw Elantris on my shelf. I borrowed the book and took it with me on holidays. The next few days I obsessively devoured the darn book, grinning like a storming fool the whole time. "Who is this guy?!" I thought. A quick google check and I shouted "There's MORE?!" I scrambled to finish the Stormlight Archive and read the free copy of Warbreaker Sanderson's site. Eventually I read Mistborn. Warbreaker and TWOK are my favourites.
  4. 1. If one we to use Nightblood during a Highstorm would it instinctively absorb the surrounding Investiture? 2. Is there some correlation between the Mists and Highstorms?
  5. Hello, fellow lefthanders and welcome to the Shard! I fear we may never break the cycle.
  6. Hi there fellow fantasy writers! When reading and writing fantasy I tend to come across some standard occupations for main characters. Monarchs, thieves, assassins, soldiers, etc. I was wondering if anyone's writing or has recently read any fantasy featuring some characters in less standard fantasy occupations. I love all the classic occupations but I can't help but yearn for some more variety in the jobs of our characters. What are your thoughts?
  7. So how would Hemalurgy change the Spiritweb of those who lose their Allomantic/Feruchemical abilities and those who gain them? Could gold compounding heal one's spiritweb?
  8. I suppose Intuition it would an interesting Shard to Ascend to.
  9. Yes, I suppose that's a better way of describing them isn't it?
  10. Probably zinc/zinc. Increased mental speed and rioting emotions. A dangerous combination especially with compounding especially in the modern world. What about yourself?
  11. To properly answer this question we must first answer the question what is evil? What makes a person evil? Is it their actions, their intent or the consequences of their actions? A combination of all three? So here's my ranking of the characters listed. From most evil to least evil. Apologies for any misinformation regarding characters. Note: None of these characters are really 'evil' as such, they just do some morally questionable things.
  12. This stick will always be out of your reach. I wish for dominance over all sentient life.
  13. I thought Shai was excellent in The Emperor's Soul, which I had read immediately following Oathbringer so it was a real joy getting an even more in-depth look at the interactions between the cognitive and physical realms.
  14. Thanks for the warm welcome! Sazed, Szeth, Dalinar and Hrathen are all contenders. Either them or Stick from WoR
  15. Thousands of years before any of Brandon's published works a being known as Adonalsium was shattered into 16 distinct entities. My understanding is the Shards are manifestations of various abstract concepts. We know of 11(?) so far. So what potential Shards would you like to see? I'd personally love to see how Perception and Divinity would work in the cosmere.
  16. brass/brass. Being able to Riot the emotions of others while also having increasing mental speed (though not intelligence) would be rather useful. It would certainly make school life easier...
  17. Tough question... I suppose it would have to be either TWOK or Warbreaker. That said Mistborn era 1 has the most interesting STORY but I feel it is best to judge tFE,WoA and HoA as one unit rather than individual instalments.
  18. I've been reading Sanderson's magnificent Cosmere for about a year now. I've read all of the Mistborn novels except Band of Mourning. I've fallen in love with the Stormlight Archive and really enjoyed Sanderson's standalone works as well. This place seems like a really positive environment of fellow sanderfans (is that the term?) so I thought I might as well join. Major Warbreaker spoilers below.
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