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Everything posted by Wind_Breaker

  1. Could yo tell me which chapter that is, please? I kept skimming through RoW but I can't find it right now.
  2. Yeah, I am really looking forward to seeing that. It struck me how the Stormfather called Kaladin "the son of Tanavast", like it was normal, while he fell in the storm. Like, GUYS I WANT TO KNOW. -It could be a straightforward biological tie. Tanavast produced children at some point and Kaladin is his descendant of a million generations or something. Very unlikely because that would mean that there are quite many children of Tanavast. -Kaladin's personality and mindset is similar to Tanavast's. Possible but I think there's more to it. -Kaladin might become a religious figure at some point. Like Tanavast. Maybe he'll become a spren-like being or some other powerful representation of Tanavast. It would make sense if the Stormfather could sense that something like this is coming - but he can't because seeing the future is not of Honour. -It could have something to do with Syl, Ancient Daughter, and her bond to Kaladin. -There are some theories about Hesina's ancestry right? That she is from a lighteyes family? Maybe there is something there. That's all my brainstorming got me. All that doesn't completely convince me either.
  3. While I like Lift but felt annoyed when reading her chapters, I, for some reason, adored Adin. We'll see about him. I typed my thoughts into a word document and when I copy/paste them to the forum, the original formattig stays. Do you know what I can do? I also can't figure out what kind of formatting the forum has soooo I am a little lost right now.
  4. Right??? In RoW, Szeth finally grew on me. I liked his character before, but he scared me. He literally scared me, which hasn't happened with book characters in a long time. I feel like I can connect to him now, and am looking forward to SA 5. AHHHH I was surprised at how tired I was with Venli. I found her past chapters interesting information-wise, but not intriguing, and when I read that she could have tried to stop Szeth, and thus spare him and Bridge 4 and countless civilians a lot, I was mostly tired. Same for Nale, who would have acted differently if he wasn’t his weird Skybreaker ideal. But Brandon is awesome in writing stories in which one chain of events leads to another, and without a bad decision here, the characters would never have gotten there. Probably. So, I am curious to see what comes. Oh I was mind-blown by what the Rythm of War actually was! That is epic!! Also, I started to like Gavilar again. The way I „like“ Taravangian I guess. I feel closer to them and see them more as people than as villains the more I get to know about them. Jasnah also grew on me on this part. I liked her well enough, but found her character never remarkable until now that we learn more about her thoughts and struggles. There goes my conviction that Venli wrote Rythm of War, too, haha.
  5. Haha the moment I listened to that chapter I also thought "uhhh aren't there Syl x Kaladin shippers? they have hope now I guess". Hm. Personally I really liked the spren as concepts who can gain consciousness a lot. I was a little disappointed by how human-like they actually are, but got used to it and like the story. Spren/spren or spren/human romance would go further down the "oh and they are even more humanlike, I'm disappointed" road. But yeah. I can see why you ship them (or Adolin & Maya) and yeah, it's cute. I hope it won't happen for personal preferences, but yeah - cute.
  6. Lirin has kind of a Skypbreaker personality / philosophy I guess. What do you think? He could get along with both Szeth and Nale.
  7. While Jasnah is an amazingly competent and intelligent character, I felt that a certain part of her calculating morality is problematized, like the scene with Hoid and her and that Highprince. Jasnah is badass; she does plan and act melticuously; she is certainly a good ruler; but she is also ruthless. So I, too, think she is ok / interesting enough as a character but I am not head over heels for her. I also see Greywatches' point though: Jasnah is struggling with keeping up. She is so sharp, so melticulous, so cunning and competent, ecause she feels she has to to have a chance at keeping up with what is happening, which makes her ore human, and more relatatable. About Jasnah's morals and planning, I am constantly waiting to see whether she will keep being a constant competent side character who does her job and her best to save the world, or whether she will trip over her own intelligence at some point. I understand your position, OP; I can't relate to the Jasnah worship I see sometimes either.
  8. I would call this having principles. Kaladin also has principles. Dalinar has principles, Adolin has them and struggles with his father's principles... I have a theory that maybe Lirin once did kill and regrets it and did everything in his power to make sure his children can be better people than him. And when that fails he is angry at himself / the unfairness of life and lashes out at Kaladin. Or maybe he simply is a pacifist who is disappointed in his son. It is also pretty normal behaviour to be disappointed when you worked hard to get a point across a ong time - and someone as close to you as a child just seems unable to see / understand it. I appreciate that, and the fact that Lirin is not simply a distant paragon of virtue, in kaladin's memory (that is how I perceived him in WoK), but a family member in conflict with his son. These conflicts make characters, stories, and books human. Lirin could also be consideret a robot if he was in soft-spoken, harmonic, mindlessly supportive mode all the time.
  9. Page 592: Navani's chapter with Kaladin's symbol
  10. Weird. I have seen several people point out how mad they are at Lirin. I am actually glad he is like he is. It makes sense that he has deep-rooted values and wants his child to see and accept them and has serious problems with seeing the child he raised take a path he condemns. It's simply human to be angry. And to not be perfect. Or to be so in over your head in you rmorals that you can't accept that other people simply see things differently. That they must be bad because they don't /can't see your point. The internet is full of this attitude, from the most extreme ends of the political/ideological spectrum to the "idc let's just not be annoying" middle. Which makes Lirin a pretty regular guy to me. I am also not part of the storm Moash crowd (although I appreciate the meme lol). I am not a fan of Taravangian, though. I prefer Moash's reasoning to Taravangian's. Dunno. Ah yes, Moash / the Vyre interlude after part II. I noticed that while it's normal to find repeptitive / manual work meditative, Moash seems to slip into a Parshman mindset: Not doing much just working because working is good, not feeling. Odium tells him that Vyre behaves in ways he hasn't seen before. and I thought "yeah like a human Parshman right?". I'm curious whether we'll learn more about the Parsh-form (what was it called? Numbform or something? I didn't read the first two books in English ^^°) And whether Moash will corrupt/turn Kaladin towards Odium, or Kaladin will corrupt/turn Moash towards Honour, or some third option. Hmm. Edit: 17th shard changes the word f* to "storm". Guys. Guys I love you all. This forum is the best I swear Edit 2: Random theory: Lirin might have killed someone, and decided to heal from then on. And now he is mad about the fact that his son is not better than him, although he did his best to prevent that. Like Dalinar wants Adolin to be better than him. How about that?? I just remembered my grandfather (WW2 veteran, never talked much about the time but mentioned that how people looked after you pulled the trigger or threw a bomb was always a thing he didn't want to see) angry. I saw him angry at us kids exactly once in my life: my little brother had a wooden rifle and played with it. He was pretty immersed and happy with his wooden weapon, making sounds and movements that imitated battle. My grandfather dropped his spoon, and suddenly yelled at the top of his lungs "if you have to play with this blasted thing, get it out of my house, both of you!" So - that could be knee-jerk anger at yourself/the trauma you never addressed, I guess. Another not friendly but normal thing to do. I really want to know how Lirin found his morals/convictions now.
  11. UK print edition Page 479: Navani's chapter has a Venli chapter header/symbol
  12. Noooo way! Sadly that does make sense. Though I hoped that Pattern was trying to help Shallan by getting some information Mraize will give her towards her by betraying her - which is, well, twisted, but Spren becoming twisted by the problems their Radiants face might be a theme in the book, with Syl's depressed "all will leave us" moment which is exactly what Kaladin has been thinking in some of his worst moments. I wonder whether Spren were changing with their humans in personality. Probably. Oh yes ! Pattern worrying about Shallan must have been in WoK or WoR. I always assumed that he was reffering to the abandoned Oathpact. HUUUUHH. Is there a rule against double posts? In case there is I'll just add my rant about part 2, which I have just finished, here: 1) Brandon and his awesome quotes / philosophical insights (I imagine he discusses this and reads up on stuff?). I am so glad he slips those into his books. Sometimes I discuss things with friends - or random strangers on the internet - and something someone says doesn't sit right with me. It takes me a lot of time sometimes to find the concepts and words to express myself, and sometimes someone else has the words ready. I discussed with some stranger on Twitter about Jamie Lannister (GoT) once. She believed/argued that threatening to trebuchet a baby was worse than killing your trusting cousin in order to create a slim chance for escape because the first thing happened when the character wanted to win a battle, and the second when he wanted to survive and go protect his family. According to her logic, Goal 2 was nobler than Goal 1, and that somehow justified Means 2. I didn't have a good argument besides "threatening to murder is absolutely not worse than actually committing a murder". Brandon added the other aspect I couldn't formulate but recognize as one of the things I do believe: Dalinar tell Adolin in chapter 21 that "your goals and the journey used to attain them must align" and I was like YES THAT'S IT, EXACTLY THIS! Seems so simple. I needed someone else to formulate it. 2) Chapter 23: So far nothing in RoW has brought tears to my eyes yet, but this chapter got the closest / really touched me: Teft follows Kaladin!! I really loved this. 3) As a general note, Shallan's plot really intrigues me. I am really curious to see how things are playing out in the end: what Mraize wants, who the spy is, IF there is a spy, what Mraize meant when he said Sja-Anat might be playing "us both" (chapter 30) - ahhhhh 4) The scars wars and victimhood leaves for generations and different ways to dealing with guilt and responsibility are really well explored in RoW imo. 5) I wonder whether Lirin's remark that emotion alone is not enough, but you need a plan / principles to go woth them (I can't find the quote rn) is prophetic (My brain heard some faint "emotion without honour and honour without emotion are not that optimal, how about we try some Harmony" in there). My pet theory is still that Venli (+ somehow, maybe Leshwi) and Kaladin will connect somehow. 6) Oh Kaladin. A friend of mine remarked that to her, Kaladin's plot was essentially 1. Take a deep fall 2. Work hard to get out of it 3. Find yourself in a pretty good position (compared to before) 4. Ruin it 5. Repeat. That moment Kaladin killed the Fused to protect Teft --------- I was like KALADIN YOU RUINED IT AGAIN. Excited to see where this will go. About the Rhyshadium: Where do you have the musicspren bond info from?? That is interesting. The moon: Ohhh I missed that entirely! I guess we'll learn how the world of Roshar was fromed by H + C at some point. Adhesion: ah I thought that since the Sibling was partially corrupted, not all Radiant surges were suppressed, only some, and Adhesion happens to be one of them. I also assumed that the Bondsmith abilities were the closest to Honour / that one of them was the tenth surge Raboniel mentions. I couldn't figure out which surge the Fused do not use yet. They definitely use Transportation, Illumination, Abrasion and Division. Okay while this is epic, I doubt that Brandon would literally call any of his characters "ass comb" haha
  13. I am so damn excited and super glad that we have these threads! Awesome idea, Chaos / whoever came up with this! Soooo Part 1 really got me hyped about those Truthwatcher abilities. And how Renarin's corrupted / synthesized abilities might differ. That moment in chapter 8 when Renarin shows Moash his "parity" reminded me of Mistborn Augurs / Gold Allomancy. I'll go check if someone else has opened a thread on that already in a moment. RN I am too excited and just have to spill what comes to mind here haha. In general, I wondered how the Truthwatchers had obtained their name anyway when they were in fact not seeing things like the future. Maybe they simply see truths? I can't see how that is tied to their abilities. So, as I said, I am HYPED for that. Another Big Moment for me was Rock's goodbye from Kaladin. It was short, simple, and intense. Personal ramble: I noticed that I actually don't ship anything in SA, although I used to have some fandoms in which I'd ship people, and in which shipping was a huge part of fan culture. And I noticed/remembered/thought that there can be such intense moments of emotional bonding between two characters that shipping would ruin the whole thing. Because you can declare your devotion to someone, and it means a lot, without any erotic stuff thrown in there. That is really the best moments. LOTR is another great example for these kinds of relationships I think.
  14. Ohhh right! Mh. Right, with that in mind, the Southern Scandrials definitely speak some Germanic language family language, I think everyone agrees there. And Allik seems to speak a mix of different languages which exist today in this language family OR different tribes stick to certain languages and had a certain influence on the lore and religion of the SoSc because a) calling Harmony Frue and Herr is definitely high middle ages German (frouwe & hêr) Jaggenmire though, wow... I don't recognize anything there. I tried to find some similar words, no luck so far. Anyway, this looks Nordic to me. c) He is from a place called Wieslow which could be something German
  15. I personally also immediately had the impression that Allik's language is Nordic inspired when I read the book, even if I don't really speak any of these languages. And kudos to you for detailing the words we have!! ....If I may bring in a less serious aspect / the cultural perspective when I read the description of Allik's outfit, I had this in my head. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:München,_Tracht.jpg I did not unfortunately not find a perfect image, because this traditional costume does actually exist with white socks and red vests with buttons. https://de.depositphotos.com/213217454/stock-photo-germany-bavaria-upper-bavaria-man.html So, to me, Allik's people will forever be Nordics with Bavarian clothing. The aforementioned "yah"/ja is also used in a lot of languages, as in German, in Estonian, Danish, Dutch, Icelandic, Slovakian.... So it's a cool nod to a lot of European languages, but doesn't necessarily lead further.
  16. Ohhh I see! =D Cool! I guess the books get super heavy at some point, yeah. X*D
  17. True, it was really nice! (You weren't the girl in the mistcloak who was telling me to go read Starsight, were you? =D)
  18. Same haha. Hmm did anyone know beforehand?
  19. Oh really! How did you know that this Q&A session was going to take place? Like, I followed the events page and twitter but didn't get that piece of information
  20. Soo Sadees conquered the known world and overthrew its curret order, much like Dalinar does now (although Dalinar more like goes with the inevitable flow and does his best to steer it). They both have strong ideas and a high motivation. In Dalinar's case, it comes from these visions that make him insist even though he's called a heretic during the first books. Sunmaker could have had the same reason for claiming that the ardents were lying. And he could have either been keeping conquering because his dreams told him to "unite them", OR, actually, because he was driven by the thrill. The Thill also could have rosen or taken control of him in later years? Which would make the whole receiving the Stormfather's visions business kind of hereditary. Interesting theory, OP! I have been wondering what Sunmaker's drive was, as well, but so far I assumed it was his personality.
  21. Same. They share some kind of close soulbond, I think, but no sexual/romantic one. About Lopen - well there IS lots of affection and a naturally close bond of something there. I'm kind of reluctant about assuming that Lopen could be in love with Kaladin. But now that you pointed it out, Im super curious to see what's going to happen!!
  22. @Pagerunner Oh NO, was there a question and answer round?? Or did you simpy ask and record that? (On No because in this case, I HAVE BEEN THERE AND MISSED IT)
  23. Sooooo what if Darkeyes have some Singer's/Dawnate names because their cultures used to be close once? So in the Alethi language, darkeyes names don't mean anything, but in either the ancient version of a human language, or the Singer's language, they actually have a meaning? I mean, in the real world, too, all words and names once had a meaning, they come from somewhere. It's possible that they aren't understood anymore.
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