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Reckless Reader

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Everything posted by Reckless Reader

  1. When "Roshar" is ALWAYS the FIRST thing you think of when you see that vine. EDIT: And the second. And, well, I was supposed to be studying for Chemistry. It'll be fine. You know you're a Sanderfan when you're much more willing to learn the laws of physics in the Cosmere than in, you know, the universe we actually live in.
  2. When, in the typical finals mood, you find yourself wildly theorizing about Lashings... instead of studying. Or, you know, on the Shard instead of studying. I was thinking about how partial Lashings work, and whether you could Lash half your weight to opposite walls -- which would have the same effect as a normal up-down half Lashing. Then, I wondered if you could form an almost a slingshot-like Lashing by Lashing yourself to two points on opposite sides -- but also ahead -- of yourself. And if you can do that, why can't you Lash yourself to two lines on opposite sides of yourself? It would be like the rails of a train, but with gravity. Then, you could Lash yourself forward in the direction of the lines to zip along them. And, is there a way to make fabrials that do that? You could set up a whole system of Lashing-based transit. Anyway. Studying.
  3. When you recommend SA to a male friend and they say they'll check it out and you say, "oh, well you'll have to get the audiobook, though. There's a longer wait for that." EDIT: Sorry for derailing your conversation. I posted without catching up on the thread.
  4. More than one if you count Khriss and Nazh. Speaking of, I just ran into who I think is Khriss in Bands of Mourning. She's sciency, right?
  5. But think about how useful copperminds would be in school! You could just store the entire textbook in them and access the parts you need, and you could hide the bracers under your sleeves! You know you're a Sanderfan when you're vacuuming the stairs and your dad reminds you to get the risers (the vertical parts), and you say, "Are there any Windrunners or Skybreakers in the house I'm unaware of? Nobody walks on the risers." (He laughed, but made me vacuum them anyway.)
  6. This is the Cosmere symbol, there's much debate about where each part comes from. Note that the star at the canter has sixteen points. EDIT: Sorry, it didn't show up. You know you're a Sanderfan when you see someone with white-blond hair and wonder how they could be happy and scared at the same time. Also, what is the process by which one may create a signature?
  7. When someone asks what your favorite vine is and you say "Wyndle" before you realize they're talking about videos.
  8. I think I'll wait till I'm farther in. Thanks, though!
  9. Welcome! Ignore anyone who says to ignore anyone who says to beware of cookies. Also, "this 'Hoid' character" is one of the most beloved people on the Shard for many reasons. EDIT: He's not actually on the Shard. (At least not openly...) We'd probably all have heart attacks if he was.
  10. No, I'm not caught up, sorry Oathbringer is a time sponge
  11. When you're rewatching RWBY and realize that Jaune's (I had to look up how to spell that and I'm glad I did) character arc EXACTLY follows the Ideals of the Windrunners. Like, so exactly that I was rooting for the pattern to continue and was absolutely shocked when it did.
  12. When you finish Warbreaker in first period and despair because you left your copy of Oathbringer at home and you won't have anything to read! So, of course, you check out BoM at lunch. Now I'm worried that I won't be able to finish BoM before the end of the school year because, of course, Oathbringer is top priority.
  13. When you're listening to your friend talk about how she prepared for the test, and something about it seems off but you can't place your finger on it... until you realize she prepared in all three realms. Physical by getting enough sleep, cognitive by studying and spiritual by wearing clothes she liked. When you have a 6 1/2 inch tall stack of exactly three books.
  14. I've tried to get my dad to read WoK but he's so storming polite that he refuses to start until I finish rereading it.
  15. Sorry to bring back the pronunciation discussion but in my experience, to pronounce Aons or other things from Sel, every vowel says its name. I'm sorry. It's a cheesy elementary-school style memory trick.
  16. When you want to learn how to proficiently use a calligraphy brush solely so that you can draw glyphs properly.
  17. When your sister is talking about how she got a raise at her job and you jump a little and think, "RAYSE??? Oh storms we have to get OFF this planet."
  18. I love how 90% of musicians are completely willing to make fun of themselves. I for instance, play alto saxophone, and even tough all the altos in my band are pretty good, we always make jokes about how bad we are. What's the difference between an alto saxophone and a lawnmower? You can tune a lawnmower.
  19. Rashek, why has nobody mentioned Rashek... I think the best villains are the ones who turn out to be right. Or at least the ones who have plausible goals.
  20. When you think back to when your friend dragged you to the library and forced you to check out Mistborn, and it seems like a perfectly logical thing to do now.
  21. Reckless Reader

    Happy accidents

    Actually, all my artwork that turns out half-decent is a complete accident. These ones were drawn while I was listening to Oathbringer on audiobook.
  22. From the album: Happy accidents

    One of my first attempts at a city. It's in perspective, so I couldn't show the cool symmetry Kabsal noticed.
  23. Hello! Welcome to the Shard! (I'm the friend that got them to make an account...)
  24. Did you hear President Trump wanted to ban pre-shredded cheese? His exact words were "Make America grate again". I put root beer in a square glass... And got beer. First attempt, how'd I do?
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