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Reckless Reader

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Everything posted by Reckless Reader

  1. I was just thinking of one relating to the mist that stuck around after sunrise at my house! I guess it's the time of year for misty things. That thing scraping at your window? Mistwraith. Don't get your soul stolen!
  2. You know, I didn't realize Brian Balmages had a "style" until I listened to this. I just realized that it sounded very stylistically similar to a lot of the other songs I've played by him. Welp I guess I learned something today. Ooh, my band just got all new marching jackets! And our first field show is tonight! I'm so excited!!
  3. Hi and welcome! Just to let you know, it's kind of a convention around here to not have multiple posts in a row by the same person. If you think of something you want to add, you can click "Edit" and change your post. Anyway, we're glad to have you! Happy reading!
  4. No; we're probably not good enough to compete with any level of competency. We are the only school in the district who actually does field shows, though. We're pretty proud of that. Anyway... YKYASF when your English class goes to the library for a book talk, and you convince one of your friends to check out Elantris.
  5. Well, we usually have four-ish, but this year we only have three. The first one is Mama Mia (So, of course, I'm gonna have Dancing Queen stuck in my head for the next month...) What did yours turn out to be?
  6. I would love this. Of course, it'd have to be done in the air... with Lashings... Wait, "next year's marching show"? You guys only have one a year?
  7. HERALDS ABOVE I JUST REALIZED SOMETHING So Nale is pronounced "nail", right? Well, okay, I never really liked that, so I usually just call him Nin. I was thinking -- "it makes it kind of sound like he's a Hemalurgic spike. I mean, it's not like he grants powers or -- OH STORMS NVM HE DOES" I mean, he pretty much tells the spren who to bond, right?
  8. Alternately, if you've seen Coco and somehow haven't read SA, spoilers for WoK. You know you're a Sanderfan when you open the Shard before your school website. Also, Coppermind. Sometimes Arcanum. In my opinion, anything should come before the school website. But especially the Shard.
  9. My math teacher just said "colon" and I heard "Kholin". It took me a full three seconds to figure it out. Edit: My bio teacher just said "collect" and I heard "Kelek". My brain is on vacation to Roshar, apparently. Also, what is the difference between Cohesion and Adhesion?
  10. When you go on a road trip with your dad and spend the entire drive time listening to WoK on audiobook. I had to pause every five minutes to explain that no, Hoid is not a Herald. Quit being so paranoid. (Though that was probably my fault for hyping Hoid so much...) And also reiterating the difference between Vorin and Veden. Anyone else have trouble with that at first?
  11. I think my friend has the record for fastest conversion. I'd seen her reading WoK in the mornings, but one day at lunch she just up and dragged me to the library and checked out the first two MB books. I started reading immediately. So... A ten-minute conversion? Then again, as you may be able to tell from my username, I read a lot of things. ... Some of them are... Bad... and I really should've done more research into them before starting.
  12. I honestly feel really bad for "Them". But I had a similar experience with the friend that introduced me to MB. She told me that (spoilers for pretty much all of MB):
  13. You know you're a Sanderfan when: Okay, so my mom leaves the back door open sometimes in the morning to cool off the house, and during breakfast, she suddenly jumped up. Then she sat back down, saying, "Oh, I just thought I saw something come inside. Like a shadow or something." I immediately freaked out inside. So, there's that. But also: I remembered a guy I had known a couple years ago and I realized his last name was Rao.
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't most earrings not be Hemalurgic spikes? I seem to remember that to make something a Hemalurgic spike, it needs to be in contact with blood, at least at first. So in that case, only piercing earrings would be Hemalurgic spikes. *fiddles with piercing earrings that haven't been taken out for six months straight* Ruin totally isn't influencing me (I'm just extremely lazy when it comes to jewelry -- or am I?)
  15. When you, being bored, read the label of your vitamins and discover that you have been taking small amounts of iron, zinc, copper, and chromium. Allomancy, here I come! Edit: when you recognize all sixteen of the Allomantic and Feruchemic metals on sight and immediately think of their properties.
  16. When you refer to leftovers as "lefting of the over of this". (I don't know if this is correct, but it sounded pretty good)
  17. I do this anyway. Regardless of costume. Also, I found a Hammond pretzel company.
  18. I'm on a road trip and there's something about every ten minutes that reminds me of Sanderson. Fleet street (cute street name under any circumstances) Bridgeman Lane - I am not kidding; it was hilarious A chicken coop A stick Honestly it's amazing how many things you can connect to Sanderson if you try hard enough
  19. I was just mad that I couldn't get Elantris in time for my trip. My parents suggested that I just bring a tablet to read books on (I usually only read paper copies) so that my bag didn't weigh a ton, and I didn't plan ahead enough. You know you're a Sanderfan when (first of all the suggesting there was "Elhokar") someone says "DA" and you're not sure if they mean Dumbledore's Army or Dark Alley. Well, Sharder, anyway. Also, I was watching a TV show with the subtitles on and one of the lines was "drink the odium" and they capitalized "odium" and I freaked my parents out by running around the house screaming.
  20. . When you spray-paint your flashdrive copper so you can confuse people by calling it a coppermind.
  21. When you spend your five-hour drive theorizing about what would happen if highstorms showed up on Earth. Not any type of spren or Shards or anything, just the storms. I mean, pretty much everything would be wiped out within the first few occurrences. Plants would be blown away, all the soil on this storming planet would end up in the ocean, human life would pretty much be over unless we moved underground or something. All the farming would have to be indoors since polyps don't exist here and it would take a few million years for them to evolve on their own. Also, completely unrelated but it's midnight, you know you're in geometry when you her "pecan" pronounced with a southern accent and think "Ha! Secant." Back on topic, when you immediately think of Rock when anyone starts a sentence with "Ha!"
  22. True story: I once put a disposable water bottle in the bell of my alto saxophone and forgot it was there until it made the most horrifying sound in the known universe when I tried to play a low note. In marching band.
  23. Neither of which fits them in the slightest, unless you consider Kaladin's lighteyes prejudice an ability to sense evil. I wouldn't.
  24. When you're super excited that your new neighbor has read the Inheritance Cycle and Harry Potter and Percy Jackson and stuff -- not because you want to geek out about them (though you do) but because having read and enjoyed those books means she will probably read the Cosmere if recommended!! Ha haaa! Evil plan initiated!
  25. When you decide to refer to our favorite white-wearing assassin as "Szeth-son-son-Vallano, Wielder of Cool Swords". (If you've finished WoR, you're fine:)
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