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Everything posted by Life&Death

  1. @Archer You have started a war that has no end in sight.
  2. Finally read it. Sorry it took me a couple days. Feedback. The fact about arms coming from his eyes kind of confused me. Are they small enough for the thickness of the arm to fit in the eyes? Or are they full sized? Sorana did a much more detailed run through of it, most of which I agree with. Overall, very nice job. It hints at a very fun fantasy world built into it. I want to read more.
  3. Hello @ND103 Welcome to the Shard! What Brandon Sanderson books have you read? Which one is your favorite? Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?
  4. That is actually depressing. (The librarian part.) Welcome to the shard and enjoy your stay! What Brandon Sanderson books have you read? Which one is your favorite? Do you prefer chocolate or vanilla? Indeed. I quote it all the time. (My friends think I'm crazy but oh well ) That's a little extreme. You are probably more likely to die if you join the Alleyverse. (Although @Shallan+Adolin it is really fun and my favorite part of the forum so you should still join. )
  5. Alleycity Mr. Amber led a dazed Ski through the half rebuilt Alleycity, muttering to himself. "Now I've looked around and tried to find a place where a chocolate shop would be the most wanted, but I only get mention of this "Waystop" instead. It seems like I waited to long to come back and whoever owns this has taken my business opportunity." Ski nodded absentmindedly, looking around at all the strange people. Some were glowing and floating along, others ran at incredible speeds. A giant frog hopped along talking to a man with half a metal head. The one thing everything had in common was a dangerous look about them. Most people were armed to the teeth, (Sometimes literally since Ski saw someone with razor-sharp metal teeth.) and even if they weren't visibly armed, they still looked like they could rip you in half if they chose. Even the giant frog --- Which Uncle Amber said was something called a 'Kandra' --- had knives strapped to each toe. "Excuse me sir." Ski tuned back in as Uncle Amber stopped a hulking blue figure carrying a huge sword. "Where could I find the Waystop? I can't seem to find it." "The waystop isn't in the Alleycity." The giant monstrosity replied. It's voice was deep and grating and made Ski think of boulders crashing down a cliff. She pulled out her Crystal Sword hilt and prepared to activate it. These people should know that she was armed and knew how to fight. Just because Uncle Amber was crazy enough to walk unarmed and obviously vulnerable with that twisted leg,--- while carrying a golden cane no less!--- did not mean Ski had to be just as crazy. "The Waystop is located in the Horneater Peaks." "Thank you sir. Where perchance is the nearest perpendicularity to those peaks? The blue figure, which on closer inspection had many cuts where it looked like the skin was simply stretched so tight it tore, pointed outside the city. "That way. It is pool made of spheres. When the else calling rock belonging to the being known as Voidus was killed, it opened a gash into the cognitive realm. I assume you know how to worldhop correct?" "Yes I do. Thank you for your help good sir." Mr. Amber whistled and the black car drove up next to them and Ski got in followed by her uncle. "Now let's be off." "Uncle, what was that blue thing? It did not look human." "You are right, it was not human. It is called a Koloss. You will eventually know about all the different species and races that can be found here." When the car reached the pool of glass spheres, it drove in and then exploded out of a pool on an extremely high mountain. "Ah, the Horneater peaks." Mr. Amber got out of the car and pressed a button on his gold watch. The car shrank down to a tiny version of itself which Uncle Amber picked up. The watch was what Uncle Amber referred to as Epic derived technology, whatever that meant. Walking up the trail, Ski saw many signs advertising the Waystop and banning use of hemelurgy. "What is hemelurgy?"She asked. "It is a useful art that many people find repulsive since it usually involves killing people. I'll explain more later, we are almost there. When the arrived at the Waystop, they found a couple other people there, including a woman who had another woman appear next to her seeming to form from something on her head. "You know it's a weird day when that doesn't even reach the top ten weirdest things I've seen today." Ski muttered quietly. Uncle Amber walked inside the Waystop and called out. "Could I speak to the owner of this? I have a business proposition for you."
  6. I do know Cats, but not Dance of the Vampire. Is it good?
  7. Mostly a cappella stuff - like Pentatonix, Peter Hollens, and Home Free - string music - like Lindsey Stirling, Piano guys, and 2cellos - with some Imagine Dragons and musicals - like Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, and Be More Chill - thrown in.
  8. He is an amazing character, and has one of my favorite redemption arcs of all time. But if we go with AtLA villains, I’d have to go with Sparky Sparky Boom Man. Not only was his power interesting and unique, his name (curtesy of Sokka) is simply beautiful.
  9. @I think I am here. where did you find me on YouTube? I’m curious.
  10. VinNavaniIalaiAllrianneSterisAshSilenceMeganTiaValVivennaSiriKarataVenliKhriss Eliminated Mizzy cause Reckoners isn’t cosmere. Who is would be most likely to become president of a country?
  11. Hello and Welcome! What's your favorite book? What is better, Chocolate or Vanilla? There are dangers associated with this cite. Namely cookies that will steal your soul via hemalurgy, and people wanting to steal your soul via breath stealing. You have been warned.
  12. Near the End of 16 Year Peace Ski finished off her training exercise with a flourish, sweat streaming down her face se gasped for breath. She had long outgrown minders while she trained, and preferred to do it by herself. retracting her crystal sword she strapped the hilt to her belt and walked outside towards her uncle, who sat on a bench under a tree. Waving Ski ran towards him. "Hey Uncle! You know I've turned 16 a couple months ago, and you promised to take me to this mysterious 'Alleyverse' when I was 16. So when shall we go?" Ine Amber was regarded as slightly crazy by everyone Ski knew, mostly because of his interesting views on science, and because of his belief in a place called the Alleyverse. Ski believed his stories when she was younger, but now her belief hung on one thing. The fact that he promised to take her there when she was 16. The longer she was 16 and her uncle didn't take her, the less she believed him. "Taking you to the Alleyverse is not like taking you to the store, or even to the Hushlands, Ski. It is taking you to a place where whole new physical laws apply, and investure is the main power. But you are right. I said we would go when you are 16, and yes, you have been 16 for a while." He trailed off, thinking. "So....are you going to finally take me to where you say I was born?" The stories her uncle told her mostly involved what happened to her parents and why Uncle Amber took her to the Free Kingdoms. "You were born here, in the Free Kingdoms Ski. You know that. You were raised, on the other hand, in the Alleyverse for your first year of life. The reason I brought you back, was because of the war." "Yes, I know about the war that the "Ghostbloods" started." Ski said, doing air quotations around the word "Ghostbloods". "I have told you about them many times, yet you don't seem to understand that they are as real as you and me, and if we go to the Alleyverse, you will meet them." "If they are real, I will kill them uncle. And don't say that I can't, I am one of the greatest Knights of Crystalia ever!" "You are very naive. But the only way to cure that is through experience. Go and tell your instructors that we are leaving for a while, and that we might not come back. Tonight I will give you some more information about the Alleyverse, and then we will go." "Really!" Ski squealed. "You are entirely to excited and not cautious enough." "Whatever uncle. I'll be right back." Knowing that they would finally be leaving to the Alleyverse seemed to rekindle her belief in the place. Strange. "You'd think that becoming a knight and battling librarians for 6 years would make you more serious." Mr. Amber muttered. That evening. "The first thing you need to know is that nearly everyone you see there is part of a guild. The main ones are the DA, TUBA, Black Crusade, Liebrary.... "Library! Why haven't you destroyed them." "You can't just destroy a guild. They are very powerful and document history. They don't keep everyone in ignorance because there isn't much they can hide besides their own secrets. Now don't interrupt. Those are the most powerful guilds, although there are smaller ones that include members from all of these guilds." Amber handed Ski a book. "This book---now don't look at me like that, it's not evil---has details about the guilds. The next thing you need to know is that magic is extremely common in the Alleyverse. All sorts of magic which are too varied to go into at the moment. They are very different from the types of magic you know, so be on guard." "All right, what are we going to do there?" "I am going to open a chocolate shop. You on the other hand will explore and learn about this new world. Hopefully neither of us will die. Now lets leave." With that Mr. Amber and Ski left the building, entered the black glass car, and drove to a remote location near a river. "Now stay here." Mr Amber ordered as he got out of the car. Pulling a small fabrial from his suit he flipped a switch and the ground slid apart, revealing a small perpendicularity. "Whawasthat!" Ski shrieked as Mr. Amber got back into the car. "A form of technology you will get very familiar with in the Alleyverse." He calmly replied. Gesturing forward the car sped into the swirling pool and vanished. In Shadesmar, a black car exploded from the ocean of spheres and drove onto a narrow strip of land. Mr. Amber flipped a switch on the inside of his car and it transformed from Free Kingdom technology to a fabrial powered car. "Stormlight is the easiest fuel source here. Even easier than sand." Glancing over, Mr. Amber saw Ski's face. She was completely stunned and speechless, simply watching the strange land outside. Sighing he flipped another switch which made the car start to glow. An enormous flash followed and the car was back into the physical realm, this time of the Alleyverse.
  13. FYI @The Tenth Pancake Mods get grumpy if you double post. It’s not a problem this time cause you’re new, but in the future just edit the previous post if you need to add information.
  14. Proof: Three interlocking diamonds is the Ghostbloods symbol. A triangle is the symbol for the Illuminati. Both are secret organizations. A triangle has three sides. Do you need anymore proof? Theory: Kronk from Emperor’s New Groove has bonded both an Honorspren (Shoulder angel) and a Voidspren (Shoulder devil) and will then ascend to the fifth oath of both of them and beyond, taking both the shard of Odium and the Shard of Honor upon himself and become a double shardholder like Harmony.
  15. Brandon Sanderson might win based on numbers alone. Tolkien’s one world vs Sanderson’s many. But then again, Tolkien does have massively powered characters, while Sanderson’s seem to include more limitations.
  16. Right after my last post. A black vehicle made entirely out of glass pulled up in front of a TUBA building. A man in a black and gold suit stepped out and walked inside. ”Hello, I am Mr Amber. I was told to pick up the will belonging to the man known as Soul.” ”Yes, right this way sir.” A woman said, leading him into a back room. “Here is the will. If you need help setting up funeral arrangements let us know.” ”That won’t be necessary.” Amber replied, and walked out. • • • • One month Later A storm raged above. It was not a high storm or any of its cousins, but a regular storm. Mr Amber stood facing a stature of Soul. He stood in a black obsidian cloak, with an aluminum body. Two large perfectly cut diamonds shone for eyes, as they glittered above Soul’s customary smirk. And aluminum sculpture of a spren swirled around Soul in a stream of frozen liquid, forming into a young women by Soul’s head. The most unique thing about this sculpture was not how it looked, but how it acted. It floated two feet off the ground and hovered there permanently, due to fabrials hidden inside it. Mr Amber had soulcasters create this in a memoriable directly below the spot where Soul died. It would stand in the Alleycity forever. Turning away, Mr Amber walked towards his car. Funeral arrangements were done. He needed to get back to Ski, to watch over her until it was time to return to the Alleyverse.
  17. This looks like lots of fun. Give me a bit to think and I’ll post one. (this post is to help me not forget.)
  18. First of all, I’m 90% sure you will love Alcatraz because it is amazing. But to help with your question I’m thinking Rithmatist might be the best out of the ones you mentioned. But I would also second @Quantus‘s opinion about Reckoners.
  19. Ruin. Because I like destroying stuff. WYR have The Lord Ruler trying to kill you, or Szeth with Nightblood trying to kill you?
  20. Mr. Amber sat on his desk and rubbed his twisted leg. Even traveling to Earth had not helped it in any way. He looked out the nearby window and saw 1 year old Ski playing with her Crystin Knight guardians. Sighing he stood up at grabbed his golden cane. He had almost gotten out the door when a light flashed on his desk. Walking back he pulled out a spanreed, which had a perfectly cut gem still glowing with stormlight even after a year away from the alleyverse. Setting up the spanreed, Mr Amber twisted the top and it began to write. Mr. Amber. I regret that it took this long to contact you. I have unfortunate news. The man known as Soul is dead, he died in the battle of the Alleycity which I am told you witnessed. We searched and talked to people who knew him and we finally found his home, which as you probably know is a hollow mountain far away from any portals. We searched through this, and found a will which he had complete in case he died in this war. I will not send the whole will to you now, but you may like to know that he mentioned you. He left you his supply of Crysts which he kept in the bank, and he happened to leave you the very cavern he called home including all valuable materials the mountain may contain. He would like you to take care of funeral services as soon as you possibly could, but we regret to inform you that there is no body left to bury. Details of how he wants the funeral are enclosed in the will and we would appreciate it if you could come to The Alleyverse Deceased Citizen Funeral Arrangements Headquarters to pick up the will ASAP. The distribution of his further belongings to the people mentioned in his will, will be left in your responsibility. Sincerely The Alleyverse Deceased Citizen Funeral Arrangements™ The spanreed deactivated and fell into it's slot. Mr. Amber stared in silence for a long while at the message before walking out of his office. Walking out towards Ski and her minders, he spoke. "I must leave for a month or two. An old friend has passed away and I must go take care of funeral arrangements. I will return to continue caring for my niece when I have completed this. Is it all right for you to continue her education and training while I am away?" "Yes, we can do that. I am sorry about your friend. What happened?" "It was an explosion at work. They deal with experimental technology and my friend was always slightly careless. I will return in a few months." With this Mr. Amber walked back towards his office and grabbed the few supplies he would need. Taking his black glass car he drove to a secluded area, opened a portal to the Alleyverse, and drove in.
  21. I am a fan of what I term "The guy in the Suit" Which is essentially the mysterious leader of a powerful group that the main characters know next to nothing about. So I looked around for a picture that represented it with no luck. Until I found this amazing picture of a cosmic being in a suit. It is now my profile pic on almost everything.
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