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AonEne last won the day on June 6

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About AonEne

  • Birthday 01/06/2003

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Profile Information

  • Member Title
    Am I doing something I can't take back? (Relax!)
  • Pronouns
    he/him in an enby way
  • Location
    Utah, USA
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, reading, editing, organizing, psychology/sociology, animals, humans, Wings of Fire, The Magnus Archives, The Owl House, Hollow Knight

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  1. Heeeey all! This status update is gonna hopscotch around a lot, but I’m not sorry for it because I’m practicing not apologizing for as many things! Wheeee 


    This one time I was typing someone’s name in a school assignment, had to do an á and could only access those letters from a weird box in the options; said box covered up the page, and I clicked á several times before having a RealizationTM and exiting the box. I was greeted by ‘Luááááááááááááá’. 


    That writing schedule I ever-so-optimistically proposed for myself a while back? You may have noticed that that didn’t happen. :P So instead I’m dropping the week rigidity and just going for a few things at once, to be completed when I have time. 


    senior freaking year, man 


    At this rate I’ll probably have 100 followers and more rep than Brandon by my next Shardiversary, which is...a thought. You guys are too amazing. I’m still shocked that so many of you thought I was interesting enough to follow! *hugs* to everyone! 


    The TBR is a monster that only grows... 


    Sneak peek at song parodies I’m gonna be writing: 

    I Have A Dream, Tangled - In TLT (TLT-themed) 

    Castle on the Hill, Ed Sheeran - Watcher at the Rim (Stormlight-themed) 

    Gotta love those syllable counts! (Aksksjdjfjfj ‘syl’able where’s the pun thread when you need it) 


    I’ve been doing decently mental-health-wise. Not great, but I’m living. I hope you’re all doing okay too. 


    Go check out Paleo and Jofwu’s incredible awesome fabulous interactive Roshar map and timeline if you haven’t already!!! Like seriously, guys, this thing is so excellent. 


    I think that’s all for now. You can expect more creative works from me soon! :ph34r::lol: 

    (Oh and a quick reminder that this WoB exists (it’s at the bottom because I had to attach the file)) 


    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. revelryintheart



      *hugs Rev* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

      i may or may not be doing the entire statistics class unit all today because i was busy the past month doing college stuff :ph34r:

    3. AonEne


      i may or may not have done absolutely nothing in my computer science for weeks :ph34r:

    4. Elend  Venture

      Elend Venture

      "senior freaking year, man"

      'Tis both a blessing and a curse is it not?

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