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AonEne last won the day on June 6

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About AonEne

  • Birthday 01/06/2003

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  • Member Title
    Am I doing something I can't take back? (Relax!)
  • Pronouns
    he/him in an enby way
  • Location
    Utah, USA
  • Interests
    Roleplaying, reading, editing, organizing, psychology/sociology, animals, humans, Wings of Fire, The Magnus Archives, The Owl House, Hollow Knight

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  1. Out of nowhere my brain threw a scene of an immortal, incredibly powerful being walking up to some people to recruit them for help, then noticing they have a dog and lavishing SO MUCH ATTENTION on this pupper. “Ah yes world is ending or whatever blah bluh-so-cute who’s the best dog, you are, you are so fuzzy I love youuuu” 

    *dog has rolled over to get belly rubs* *immortal being eagerly complies*

    *humans look at each other blankly as they receive exposition in a gooey voice with occasional breaks for the immortal to glance up and go slightly more serious before resuming scratching behind the dog’s ears* 

    *dog is completely in love with this weird-smelling person* 

    *humans have no idea what is happening* 

    *immortal doesn’t care, the dog is clearly the most important priority* 

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    2. AonEne



      I have no idea what I’m doing, this is just one of those times where creativity happens and you go with it. Wanna join Fadran in investigating a mystery? :P 


    3. Condensation


      Mebbe, but I'll be gone until late Saturday.

    4. DramaQueen


      Well, I can attest that those links don't work...But I'm pretty sure you knew that.

      Also this thought is incredible and I really want this to happen please. Don't know when we'll get this incredibly powerful being, but I hope I live to see something like this.

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