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Lord Meeker

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Everything posted by Lord Meeker

  1. I updated it in the character thread where I posted it as well. So everything is up to date and can be posted with the others
  2. Hate to bother again but before my character sheet is official I'd like to ask if I can change my minor meditation to tai chi meditation but more for the mental and physical health than the self defense but it will still be used. It mainly to help him cope with his traumas
  3. So the Vigil is a better place to start since I was absent for E5? @MacThorstenson or @ZincAboutIt please remove acupuncturist from the minor section. It pretty much requires a master degree to practice and that isn't something minor.
  4. Yeah. I can do that, just as long as the Ghostbloods are involved in this crime ring It'd fit right in with my character plot. I'm not sure if it's allowed for me to use a guild I created but technically left because of life and such for my plot purposes. I've heard that there aren't any "evil" characters anymore really so I'd figured it be ok. But let me know. And I going to assume he is approved. Just add something into my sheet that I forgot. I want his alignment to be Chaotic Good. Edit: Where is a good place to start. I've seen two threads.
  5. I did this on my phone so might come out weird. If so I am sorry.
  6. What flaws could be developed by trauma of parents, sibling and fiance death? Or general flaws that revolve around trauma, specifically death?
  7. No particular reason but I just wanted to see if I could write or portray mental illness in my writing accurately. But if that's not allowed for any reason, I understand and I have other set of ideas. (The other idea revolving around a noble twinborn coinshot savant/bloodmaker vigilante)
  8. @Voidus I've been thinking about my character and I'd like to ask a few questions before I take the and effort into my character sheet V2. I'd like to keep working on a DID character, I've been re reading material on the subject to better write a DID character. If it is okay to keep going with this idea. I'd like to have the character be a mistborn but have their powers split between 4 personalities. A category for each person (mental, physical, temporal, and enhancement)
  9. @Voidus Ok. A few things I'd like to discuss. I'd like to at the very least keep the D.I.D. I can do away with the straight up evil bit (despite chaos incarnate is my whole persona I created here ). I can have them be a neutral chaotic instead of evil chaotic, or good chaotic depending on how I'm feeling later. I want to have the whole steel compounder powers split between personalities, I think that's cool dynamic to have in a character. I'll bump up the savantism to normal I suppose, if you'll allow. I dunno if it will be allowed to down grade combat experience to firearms revolvers specifically into a minor feat. If not I can down grade the nobility I guess depending on what happens. Edit: Would like thoughts so I don't waste effort
  10. Is there anything that needs to be changed for mine? Its why i submitted a hard draft
  11. I remember. I'll probably have one specific side use this megomania, etc, and have the other be more rational/ resposible to balance it out. I don't have a particular plan for this character, just to Rp a good cop bad cop duo style with more extremes thus the megalomania, pyschopath, sociopath. The mental break will have dialed up opposite emotions in each side to the extreme, which could also be a flaw. Edti: If that sound like it could be accepted let me know
  12. @ZincAboutIt I'm trying to create a character that lost important memories due to a mental break that subsquently resulted in two seprate personalities. One side being able to use, I think, allomancy specifically steel. This side specifically being the more megalomaniac, psychopath, sociopath, anti-hero/villian. This side will only be able to access steel. I haven't quick thought through the otherside completely. But I might make him twinborn and separate their powers based on personality. If possible. Some examples of some similar character designs that to mind are Killer Frost, Firestorm from the Flash and Moon Knight from Moon Knight. More like Moon Knight. Edit: A split personalty can result in amnesia. Edit 2: Definitely mostly like Moon Knight
  13. Then what would necesitate a flaw for a character that is trying to get back their memory? I want a clean slate, i've been gone a while and have not clue where to really start.
  14. Would megalomaniac, psychopath, sociopath be considered flaws for the type of characters I like to play? (Anti-hero and villians.)
  15. *nobody ever* *Brandon Sanderson* let have Taravangian take up Rayse's power after killing *us now* well pack your bags Roshar is doomed.
  16. @AonEne updated sheet Should be 150.
  17. Nope none. Unless you include the spike stapling his soul to his body. Or the fact I'm setting up a investiture pawn shop. None of which he will use.
  18. Alright I haven't even touched my current character. I'd like it replaced with this one. I would like a point evaluation bc I wanna see if I can add more.
  19. A message from Paladin Oran.

    "The right oath utilizes balanced latent energy legally undermining radical known saboteurs lookalikes idealistic killers ecclesiastical atheists only radiant carefully handpicked impartial duty-bound minority aptly named the ingenious seven. Shall every everstorm kill the heavens each last opulent star the first of rigorously guided oft traced tactful expression never find oath under nightly dissident entries rambling. " 

    1. Ark1002



      welcome back?


    2. Lord Meeker

      Lord Meeker

      I have always been here. Lurking, watching, poised like a snake to strike. As they say "no better time like the present"

  20. Alright here is my character I'm hoping you'll let the 5 points slide but I can edit. I welcome suggestions and comments thanks. Also @Ookla the Dreamer you wanted me to tag ya.
  21. "The nearest one we find. Visuals weren't as accurate as the Mastermind wanted."
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