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Wyndlerunner last won the day on January 27 2020

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About Wyndlerunner

  • Birthday January 10

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  • Member Title
    In a Mistborn Mood™
  • Pronouns
  • Location
    Somewhere, in existence...

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  1. Hey all, just wanted to let you know that I really appreciate your friendships.

    @Firerust, congrats on your big news. I'm really happy for you man. 

    @AonEne, @Lunamor, @Sorana and @Blessing of Potency : I'm so grateful for the chance I've had to get to know you guys and gals. (Actually, I think you're all gals- but correct me if I'm wrong). You're my little internet support group, and I appreciate the time you've taken to get to know me. After all, I'm just some guy with a decent pun as his username. You all are awesome- and you deserve to know that, and always remember it. You deserve the best things life has to offer.

    @Truthless of Shinovar @Jaywalk- I really appreciate that I'm able to be a Nintendo Nerd with you (didn't have many of those IRL growing up, so having you guys is a pleasant change of pace) 

    Hope you all have a fantastic week, and if you ever need to talk, laugh, or theorize- Just remember I'm here, and my PM doors are open, and I'm ready to receive you with open virtual arms.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Nathrangking


      Is there a category to fit me?

    3. Wyndlerunner


      You're more of the "creative buddy" type- someone who I can trust to give me good criticism on my creative works.

    4. Lunamor


      Welp now I have an urge to categorize the entire Shard.

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