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Status Updates posted by Ink

  1. Welp, another day, another limitation on the shard... <_<

    So my parents aren't huge fans of me being on the shard during school (and I can see why...) and so now I probably won't be on weekdays from 8-3 (MST). 

    Also, my parents want me to spend more time writing my own thing and not "something that just gets lost in the cloud" so I may be doing that more instead of the shard. My dad doesn't like the shard at all, but my mom is okay with it cause you guys are all so great and it's my version of social media. So my mom offered me an idea. convince my dad to let me be on the shard and I can be on it more often. He's an analytical-minded person, and likes to have reasons why, evidence, proposals and counter-proposals.

    So, if you guys could help, give me reasons why the shard is good for me and why I should be allowed on it, I would appreciate it. So far I have "creative writing" (Shut down because I can write my own thing that could be published, which I should do too...) "good group of people" (viable, but not the strongest argument)

    My dad's are "it's addicting" "you spend too much time" "you focus too much on the furry stuff (THERE'S ONLY ONE MAYBE TWO ROLEPLAYS LIKE THAT AND MOST OF THE PEOPLE AREN'T AND IT'S A BETTER OUTLET FOR THAT STUFF THAN OTHER PLACES) and "You need to spend time with actual friends" (we usually only hang out on the weekends but my parents want weekdays, which usually doesn't work too well...)

    So if you have any ideas on why I should be allowed on the shard more,or a proposal for like "this much time on the shard, and I do (X)" or "after (X) I can have time on the shard"

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Ink


      Thanks guys. I now can do something “productive and that betters myself” to earn shard time. That’s about it...

      I have no clue why they’re so against it. It’s better than social media, which my sister is on Instagram way more than me on the shard...


    3. Tesh


      @P's and Q's That's actually I've if the reasons i don't put my books in my backpack. They make great weapons. (I'm rather paranoid).

    4. Tesh


      (I meant one of, not I've if). :)

  2. Scratch what I said in Bad Day, I will basically have no shard until my grades are up. Hopefully by this weekend, but it could be a while. Sorry if I hold anything up... if you really need me, contact Bit and he maybe can post for me...

    Otherwise, see you all soon...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Life&Death


      Hopefully you can return soon! Your presence will be missed. Good luck

    3. AonEne


      This exact reason, parents withholding Shard because of grades, is why I have to "subtly multitask". Not that I'm telling you to go behind your parents' backs. I AM NOT TELLING YOU THAT, for the record.


      But it's possible



    4. Ink


      Tis why I'm on now. School computers. I got most of everything sorted out, so hopefully I can get it back this weekend, if not, next school week. I didn't finish a test in math, after I got all of everything else in, so... hopefully that's fine, but expect me fully back monday or tuesday.

  3. Ink

    Hey, you’re an ENEfel now!

    1. AonEne


      I know, it makes me happy. :lol:

  4. Ink

    You.... ship... bumblebee...


    alrighty then.

    1. AonEne


      I regret nothing.

  5. Ink

    To reply to your rank: I think it’s because we tend to be on throught the day in small bursts and you tend to only get on once a day, in the evening. But i see how that sucks...

  6. What’s your background picture of? Kinda looks like weiss but not really.

    1. Jaywalk


      It's Marie, the better half of the Squid Sisters.

    2. Ink


      Not her profile, the background. I know who Marie and Callie are...

  7. Ink

    Know your pain and read WoF? Does this have to do with book 12?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. AonEne


      RWBY & Roleplaying. Started on Google Hangouts, but then moved to the Shard. It's inactive, as is the Lunar Chronicles one, which I never posted on. Maybe in the future.

    3. Ink


      Huh, cool. Just curious.

    4. AonEne


      Can't stay away from this name for long...

  8. You have started a process which cannot be undone.

    1. BitBitio


      Spren week: episode 2

  9. 99 bottles of pop on the wall,

    99 bottles of pop!

    You take one down, 

    pass it around

    98 bottles of pop on the wall.

    98 bottles of pop on the wall

    98 bottles of pop!

    you take one down

    pass it around

    97 bottles of pop on the wall

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AonEne



      One bottle of pop on the wall 




    3. AonEne


      ZeRo bOttLeS Of PoP on THE wAll 

    4. Just_a_Fan


      -0 bottles of [drink] on da wall.

      -1 bottles of N/A on the walll.

  10. Ink

    Wow... just... wow...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AonEne


      And as usual, the screenshot didn't work.

    3. Ink


      ??? screenshot? what for?

    4. AonEne
  11. I’m nearing 1000 posts. I have 2 more to use for “Important” stuff. And I have no idea what to do... January 9th is the day I want to do it but.... ahhh I’ll think of something. Maybe drawing RP characters and making an Album? That idea I had a while ago, and just let it run itself? 

    whatever the case, it’s happening, one way or another. BRAIN START STORMING BRAINSTORMING!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ink


      It was a few updates ago. Hunger games but with existing rp characters.

    3. Ed Venture

      Ed Venture

      3 days left! Any ideas yet or is it going to be a surprise?

    4. Ink


      I may go back to an old idea i had a while ago.

  12. eeyy you're back to ark. finally I won't be confused about Kidpen (notvoidus)and you!

  13. Well, another status update, but this one actually matters (I'm deleting the last one.)

    So my 1000th post idea was something I'd have to constantly be on and working with, and now I won't be able to do that. So here it is, if anyone wants to adopt it. (gotta think of a new 1000th post idea now...)

    I don't have a proper name, but the idea is basically battle royale, with roleplay characters. You'd take existing characters or make one up with basically any magic system or weapons(doesn't have to be Sandersonian. Pokemon, Harry Potter wizards, Jedi etc would all be viable) (there would be a power cap, i.e. fullborn would be disqualified and/or have to only use allomancy OR feruchemy). They would start out with nothing but they clothes on their backs, and in rare cases, items that they need, but would be able to find things around. allomancers/feruchemists could find metals, knights radiant could find stormlight, etc. In fighting interactions, someone who was not in the battle (or not in the game part) would determine damage, similar to alleyverse duels. I would normally be this person, but...


    So if you like the idea or want to see it implemented somewhere, go ahead! I just won't be able to lead it anymore.

    1. Doomstick


      So magic hunger games?

    2. Ink


      uhh... yeah. basically. but with existing/new rp characters.

  14. SUPER SMASH BROTHERS ULTIMATE IS OUT AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Okay, dunno why I put it as a status update but I'm hyped. my new name and profile pic are Galeem from the story mode. I haven't got the chance to play it yet but it'll be arriving in the mail sometime today and I JUST CAN'T WAIT COME TO ME NOW!!!

    Also, if anybody else has a Switch and you know your friend code (I sure don't know mine), and want to be my friend on the switch, pm me or put it here. if you want. no pressure though.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AonEne


      So long as I can still call you Ink, I'm good with it, but Inklingspren is good. Whatever you want though.

    3. Ink


      Inklingspren it is then. After Koloss Head-Munching Day.

    4. BitBitio


      No guarantees on me staying Bit.

  15. So... uhh... my shardic access is now extremely limited

    Me and my parents were talking last night and I told them about being a furry. We had a long talk, and they said they still loved me and everything, and everything is okay, but they decided to remove the news app (which is how I get to the shard in a very roundabout way) from my phone, which is how I shard most of the time.

    So... I won't be on very much, if at all. However, I still read everything in mail, which is mostly shard, so I'll be keeping up on everything.

    My temporary solution is to text bit what I want to say and have him copy/paste into all of the roleplays. It's not a perfect system, but it'll have to do.

    So that's why I'm going to be inactive. See ya all! Hopefully all goes back to normal soon...

    1. Show previous comments  39 more
    2. AonEne


      Oh wow, you went digging, huh 

    3. Just_a_Fan


      what part of "archeologist" doth thou not understand? /j

    4. AonEne


      didn't know you were one /lh

  16. Oh no. Why bit why... nobody likes APHG

  17. So, uh, just random question for those of you who draw and stuff, or i guess anybody.

    I’ve started drawing things just as a new hobby, and I was wondering if you guys had tips. I’ve found that more animal-like things are easier to draw than people (human faces and hands... ugh...) so pokemon have been inspiration, but do any of you guys have pointers/tips/guidelines/etc. that might help me improve? I know practice is the most important, but just little things.

    1. Snipexe


      Focus more on drawing the shape itself, not what you think the shape is.

      be forgiving to yourself, don’t expect to be able to draw it perfectly the first time

  18. Check my post again. I edited it. Don’t want to waste posts

  19. So Kidpen wanted this, it’s 

    20 QUESTIONS FOR INK’S 1000th POST!!!


    1: game ends on 20 questions, answer, or by noon tomorrow MST. (For reference this is posted about 7pm ish)

    2: i reserve the right to RAFO.

    3: Y/N question format.

    and... uhh... that’s it.

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Sherlock Holmes

      Sherlock Holmes

      Will your post be a meme?

    3. Ink


      Depends on your definition of a meme

    4. Ink


      Most likely not

  20. I’m reaching my 1000th post pretty quickly, and I want to do it on my shardiversary, so I’m going to only be posting in certain threads. I’m still going to be reading longest thread, last post wins etc, but I’m just going to be posting in Game of Guilds, Bad Day, and other threads. So that’s why I’m going to be less active on the forum part.

    just a heads up for everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ink


      Thanks to you, i’ve lost. I wont be posting there.

    3. Doomstick


      Post it here instead!

    4. Ink


      No guess for codenames.

  21. Hey ap? Where did you go? The wedding is almost ready. You okay?

  22. 90 posts left, 65 days. man I gotta slow down posting. If I say less on the forums that's why.

    Man I'm excited for my 1000th post. I've got an idea I think is great.

    1. Borio Singaldi

      Borio Singaldi

      I don't know what to do for my upcoming 500th post.

    2. BitBitio


      Firerust, I have an idea. PM me.

    3. Ink


      I need to chill...

  23. NOBODY PANIC!!! This profile picture is just a change for halloween only. My costume you could say. Little squiddo will be back tomorrow.

    Until next time, don’t get cooked, stay off the hook!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. BitBitio


      Firerust, get back to normal.

    3. Borio Singaldi
    4. Ink


      The delta rune all around Undertale? Yeah I knew about it. Not going to the website yet, but what is it?

  24. So apparently you guys like this picture better, huh? Alright. I’ll keep it at minimum until ookla season, though I may change the color at some point.

    If I did change color, what would you want? Orange, yellow, tennis ball yellow/green, green, cyan, blue like it is now, purple, or pink? Note it is a maybe.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Rebecca


      I just looked up pictures of them, and I like the orange and cyan ones best.

    3. PrinceDusty


      gotta go with those Splatoon 2 Halloween event neon colors


    4. Ink


      Those colors would be cool too.

  25. Hey guys! I'm looking for an artist that would be willing to draw something for me. PM me and I can give details. It isn't sanderson-related at all, I just suck at drawing, and yeah, I have something I want drawn. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ink


      I'm fine if it takes a while. Or I could ask our friend who sits next to us in math. Not going to say his name.

    3. Apollyon


      I would totally do it, but if it isn't cartoony, I suck at it. No realism from me.

    4. Ink


      It is cartoony.

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