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Everything posted by MountainKing

  1. That's because allomancy is used up in an instant, and then works it's way back to it's respective shard(we do know that a very small portion of the investiture sticks to your spiritweb and maybe your over aspects)and the piece of Ruin used to create atium was only a small piece. Dalinar tapped into Honor's investiture in the spiritual realm.
  2. Hoid The Lord Ruler-Keliser(They're on the same level, because they are both Fullborn) Radiants Elantrians Awakeners Full Feruchemists(I'm putting them in front of Mistborn because, due to the question details they would have infinite health and fortune(future sight) ) Mistborns(remember there is no metal around except what they bring with them, what there opponent has and some metal in the ground beneath them also Atium doesn't count because it is technically apart of Ruin, and no shards allowed) Twinborns Mistings Squires Ferrings Note: For Mistings, Ferrings, Squires, and Twinborns I don't feel like ranking there different types right now, I might do it later. Note: Is it possible for squires to ascend into Radiants during the match, because of so their place until goes above Mistings?
  3. Because the Stornfather is obviously storm, and the Sibling is of spren because he seems to be the spren that allow Urithiru to function, and thus have to be able to replicate the ability of other spren as there are many types of fabrial on Roshar, and the Nightwatcher goes to because it's the last one left and she lives in a forest a vegetation, her form resembles plant life, and on Roshar plant life lives in the earth because of lack of soil.
  4. I actually think that storm-Stormfather land-Nightuwater, and spren-The Sibling, because The Sibling is the spren that allows Urithiru to function, and for the fabrial to grow things, work as elevators, keep the city warm, and a plumbing system you would need many different spren. So if the Sibling could handle all of those different functions it would make sense that they are the spren of spren.
  5. I wished a world focused on electrical investiture would of happened. We get so few shardworlds where the investiture is energy based.
  6. @TheEdgedancer Brandon has confirmed the description of Stonewards' spren I believe, we just don't have a name for them, their name also hasn't been canonized. @Agent34 If true spren are sentient spren, like I am told, then mistspren are true spren.
  7. Wait are true spren sentient spren, non voidish spren or just spren in general.
  8. Be my sword and as such an extension of myself. I think this command could stop the sword from developing a soul, because the sword becomes a part of you.
  9. What if the heraldic cities are the dawnshards.
  10. So can Dalinar with his Spiritual Adhesion.
  11. Yes, but remember the body dissipates when someone takes up a shard, so first a shard you have to capture and resemble the body, and then kill the shardholder while they are at full power
  12. I think you splinter a shard by killing its original body.
  13. When the Heralds have their honorblades they can draw stormlight from gems.
  14. You could probably use a spren with a complex idea attached to it or a sentient spren to cause the whole item to be affected by the fabrial.
  15. I saying that Truthwatchers ability to see things from a distance(not a confirmed power) and ability to see objects in the spiritual realm, they can use that information to predict the future with extreme accuracy.
  16. Actually the fabrial affects the effect of the fabrial. Depending on different types of cuts, different gems, and what someone did to the gem before it alters the affect of the fabrial. So spren and the gem help shape the affect.
  17. The Heralds also have some unknown abilities that Brandon hasn't told us yet.
  18. I think you could make a fabrial appear like it was awakened and maybe with the right spren, you could imprint stormlight with the command, and the fabrial would process it for you. But I think the biggest problem is that the investiture we have seen isn't raw investitiure, It's investiture that has been processed or transformed to create certain effects.
  19. So I was trying to say that Truthwatchers' ability to see what is allows them to predict the future with extreme accuracy
  20. So we know that truthwatchers did not write down what they did, and they could see what is. So what if the reason why they didn't write down their workings because they used their sight to make extremely accurate predictions, and others would see them as seeing the future like voidbringers. Note: It's four in the morning and I'm on my phone, but I wanted to post this idea.
  21. I wonder if one of the atium alloys can make more real temporal shadows
  22. I know this is about Feruchemy, but is it possible to spike a gold shadow through the A-Gold user, since spiritually the spiritweb of the gold shadow exists in the spiritual realm. Can I store the strength that burning pewter gives me in s pewter metal mind?
  23. But some era 1 kandra made their bodies from fragile crystals.
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