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Emerald Falcon

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Posts posted by Emerald Falcon

  1. A look into Opal Lion

    Overall, I'm getting a slight elim read.

    In their first post, they try to guess at role distributions. NAI, leaning elim. It's the type of thing that an elim can put honest effort into trying to solve, which makes them look active without having to say anything about suspicions and trusts.

    Their next few posts are RP.

    Then, they cast suspicion on Iguana, but don't vote. As I've said before, I disagree with Lion on Iguana's suspiciousness. Maybe because of that, I find the timing suspicious. A lot of people express suspicion of Iguana, and then Lion adds to the pile, but hedges on a vote.

    In their next post, they keep hedging by saying that they think Iguana might not be so suspicious after all, but they won't vote either way until Toucan says something.

    All in all, this makes up a picture of little content and low commitment. As things are, I'm happy to keep my vote on Lion. @Opal Lion, now that Toucan has spoken, what do you think? How will you vote? Take a firm stance on something and I might remove my vote.



  2. Toucan. Given that they've actually been busy with IRL things, I'd rather hold off on lynching them until they come back.

    Have a temporary vote on Opal Lion for now. I disagree with their reasoning and hedging on Iguana and that's all that I can say for now until I do a more in depth analysis.

    @Scarlet Octopus, in your table, you include number of mentions. I'm kind of curious about that -- what do you think it'll be useful for?

    ”Sein, I’m gonna be completely honest with you...whatever you are,” he said. “I’ve never heard of any of that. And I’ve been to Nalthis, Scadrial, Threnody, and spent a few years studying in Silverlight. What kind of Investiture do you use?”

    "I'm not from your world," Sein said. "If I am, I'm from your far future. I was being chased by enemies and jumped into a portal to escape, that's all. You could say that I'm invested with the power of the Light, but it's such an old way to say it that nobody uses it anymore."

    Sein moved towards one of the exits of the hall. "You're all still looking for your lost axehounds, right? If we're going to compare every bit of terminology we might as well cover some ground while we do so. Tell me how these glowy spheres work."

    @Amethyst Scorpion @Magenta Albatross

  3. Sein scooted away from the man's hand, but not before he felt his shell being tapped.

    "Hey!" he said indignantly. "I'm not your spren, Jesh. I couldn't bond with you even if I wanted to, because you're not dead yet. Only dead people can become Guardians."

    He looked at the two humans, and sighed. Their ignorance about Ghosts was astounding, but in a world where they hadn't even heard of the Traveler, maybe it wasn't so surprising.

    Sein started a recording. He had a feeling that he'd have to repeat this information many, many more times.

    He started. "Here's the short version. A long, long time ago there were these fundamental forces of the universe -- you'd call them gods. The Light and the Darkness. The Light likes cooperation and progress, the Darkness likes survival of the fittest and death. They used to live in harmony, but one day they got into a fight. Somehow -- I don't know the metaphysics very well, you'd have to ask a Warlock -- this created the universe as we know it. This includes paracausality, which basically means the ability to break reality in a way you want. Kinda. Anyways, since then the Light and the Dark have been at war for billions of years, and they've chosen several species to fight on their side."

    Sein projected a photograph of awhite orb hovering above Mars, and three humans stepping out of their spaceship to greet it. 

    "The Light started helping Humanity around 2014 CE. That's when we started calling it the Traveler. Then the Darkness attacked, destroying most of the progress the Traveler gave us and sending Humanity back into the Dark Age. The Traveler protected us, but was very badly hurt. It took little pieces of itself and made Ghosts to defend Humanity."

    Now, Sein projected an image of a human dressed in bulky armor carrying a rifle. Their face was obscured by a mask that covered one eye, but they radiated strength and determination, even through a projection. Next to them floated a Ghost in a dark grey shell, who similarly radiated determination.

    "I'm one of these Ghosts. We travel all around Sol, looking for our other half to raise back to life. It takes a dead person though. Not sure why. They get powers, like being able to fly and throw grenades made of energy. We help maintain their guns, too, so they pack a bigger punch than you expect. Most of these people become Guardians that defend Humanity from everything that wants to kill us." 

    Sein stopped the recording.

    "That's the history of where I'm from. If you want more details, you'll have to ask a Warlock. Any of it sound familiar to you?"

    @Amethyst Scorpion @Magenta Albatross

    A few things.

    First, has there been a game recently where an elim bussed a teammate early on? I'm genuinely unsure where this suspicion of Iguana is from, if not from that. When I last played (which wasn't so long ago) lynching an elim D1 got you a village read.

    Second, @Scarlet Octopus, I stand by my reads on Albatross and Iguana. Albatross's behavior D1 made sense from a villagery standpoint. It also made sense from an elim standpoint, but not overwhelmingly so. I'll admit that I went easy on them -- I keep a mental list of players who I can expect less rational behavior from and/or poorly worded statements from, who all usually end up getting lynched while village in the early part of the cycle. I thought that Albatross might be one of those players and the more they've talked, the stronger the feeling gets, that they're one of the lynch traps that the village always goes after. I might be wrong, but in the interest of promoting fun I thought I'd try not to let them get killed immediately.

    I would actually compare Albatross's behavior to Toucan's. Albatross, whatever their faults, gives an appearance of trying, or at least appearing to try. To me, it's plausible that they're one of those players who haven't yet figured how to communicate things in a way that the rest of us get. By contrast, Toucan does not even pretend to try. They feel like they're stonewalling. I tried PMing them and got the same result, too. Maybe it's just their chosen cosmetic role that's rubbing me the wrong way, but I've seen some elims who post and say effectively nothing for the whole game, similar to what Toucan has done so far. At least Albatross says something.

    I will do analysis on someone outside this Toucan - Iguana mess tomorrow.

  4. 4 hours ago, Magenta Albatross said:

    @Salmon Meerkats

    Jonan's heart stopped for a moment. This kid’s also missing his axehound? Did someone take both of our axehounds?

    He noticed the floating spren again, watching as it shone a strange blue light over some spheres. “Yes, I can see it too.” he said. “Any idea what it is?”

    @Amethyst Scorpion @Emerald Falcon

    "It," Sein said huffily, "can hear you. And has a name and gender."

    He rose to meet the man at eye level, eye narrowing in annoyance.

    Sein spoke as haughily as possible. "I am Sein, a Ghost. Preferred pronouns are he/him and most certainly not it. Currently, I have decided to accompany Mr. Jesh here as he searches for his lost dog, but if he believes me to be a mere figment of his imagination I will gladly leave so as not to trouble him any further."

    He sniffed, but without a nose, the expression was probably lost on these humans.

    @Amethyst Scorpion @Magenta Albatross

    I'm honestly confused by the suspicion on Iguana. I do not believe it is a smart move for the elims to bus one of their own on D1 when they weren't under any suspicion, regardless of role, or even if Zebra seemed inactive. Why? 1. The GMs have already stated that there is a pinchhitter available, and this is the type of thing that most elim teams will ask before offing their own D1. 2. Because games are unpredictable, and it opens themselves up to the exact type of situation we have now, where two of them are down in the first two cycles. I believe that after lynching a Sympathizer, Iguana should be low priority on the list of players to investigate.

    Now, if you believe that Iguana might have been a Sympathizer trying to swing the vote off of their teammate Toucan, then the better lynch to figure that out would be Toucan. Toucan has said less, already been under some suspicion, and if village would be less of a loss than Iguana, who is active and provides analysis.


  5. 4 hours ago, Indigo Weasel said:

    They're people who love to hate others!

    BTW, you seem to be using a strange font. Perhaps you'd like to join my devotary?

    What's Sol, who's Toto and where's Kansas? What're you hiding?

    What's a devotary? What does it have to do with fonts?

    Sol is another name for the collection of planets and moons orbiting a star that is the birthplace of Humanity. It used to just be the fancy name for the star, but language drift happened and since around 2100 CE it's been used to refer to the whole system.

    Toto and Kansas are references. There's no way you'd understand it.


    A look at the Toucan lynch last turn

    Tuatara, very early in the turn


    Going to put a poke vote on Sunburst Toucan in hopes they get on and post. A question for Toucan (although anyone feel free to answer), which do you think is the most interesting radiant power?

    It's an early poke vote. Nothing alignment indicative.

    Penguin, 14 hours before rollover (later retracted)


    Well, Toucan, I’m curious as to your response to Tuatara’s vote on you. Any thoughts? 

    Doubling the pressure after Toucan posts but does not say anything substantial. Penguin later moved their vote. Based off of earlier analysis, I think they're village.

    Albatross, 9 hours before rollover


    Toucan has been avoiding Tuatara’s question for awhile now. Are they hiding information Gren, maybe? Or are they secretly an Odium sympathizer? Either way, I don’t like the way their posts have been phrased. 

    I don't think this vote is as damning as it seems.

    First off, it was made 8 or 9 hours before rollover, which is a few hours before Penguin put a second vote on Zebra. There's no need for a Sympathizer to swing the lynch off of their teammate if their teammate isn't under pressure yet. Second, the vote is partially valid. While avoiding answering what role you think is the most interesting isn't necessarily the act of an Sympathizer, making two posts but saying nothing useful in them is definitely worth a vote.

    Here is the entirety of Toucan's posts on D1:


    It taketh but one minute to become a voice inside my head, yet you spurn that route and call me a supposed 'inactive'?


    There's no response to a vote that issues no challenge, as I'm sure you can agree, Penguin.

    Toucan let us know that they were following along with the game, and then said nothing useful. That's suspicious. I agree with Albatross that Toucan is acting weirdly. 

    @Sunburst Toucan, I know it's late, but would you like to state your thoughts on the game now? What do you think of Albatross's vote on you?

    "You're kind of funny, you know. I don't know half of what you're saying. But you're the first talking spren I've met. What kinda things can you do?" Jesh said.

    "I am not a spren!" Sein said. "I'm a Ghost, which is a little tiny piece of the Traveler. My job here is to find a good, worthy person and give them some of the Traveler's light so they can use their powers to defend Humanity from evil. Totally different! I don't know what a spren is but I bet they aren't like me!"

    He added a little more to the map he was projecting.

    "I can do all sorts of things to aid my Guardian in combat, when I find them. You see this radar circle that I'm projecting? If a part turns red, that means there's an enemy. The direction of the part shows where the enemy is." He paused. "Well, I haven't calibrated it to this world, so right now everything except us will be marked as an enemy. I'm assuming Trisk is alive, so they'll show up on here too."

    They moved into a longer stone hall that had multiple openings in it. This one was lit by a series of spheres with bright spots of colors inside. The spheres were placed evenly along the floor in makeshift pedestals that kept them in place. Sein stopped look at one, fascinated. The light outside it stayed consistent, but the light inside flurried throughout, like dry ice being blown around inside a container. He scanned it.

    Outside container of solid glass, inside fragment of sapphire, no circuitry. And it was...infused with paracausal power? Sein's eye widened.

    "What is this?" he asked.

    At that moment, Sein's radar flashed red, and someone -- or something -- rounded the corner.

    @Amethyst Scorpion

    A false alarm? Another person showing up? Trisk the axehound? Up to you and anyone else who wants to join!


  6. 3 hours ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

    "Traveler? Gardener? I mean, I know those words. Traveler, like someone who goes lots of places. Gardeners are like farmers, but little. Everyone says this place is Urithiru." Jesh shifted a little as the strange spren spun and whirred in front of him. "Someone bigger might know what you're talking about. Maybe we can go find my parents."

    Except, Trisk was still missing and his parents were busy. This move had them all sorts of distracted. They couldn't even help his search.

    "Well, maybe we can talk to my parents later. I need help finding my axehound first. Her name's Trisk. Problem is, I keep getting turned around in here. It's so confusing."

    Jesh got an idea, remembering that strange image the spren had shown. A map? "Hey! Can you make a map of here? Like, the halls and stuff?"

    @Emerald Falcon

    Sein's eye dimmed. He sank towards the floor, ignoring most of the kid's chatter. "No Sol. No Traveler," he muttered. "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

    Maybe this was just the Dark Ages. Maybe Sein had found an exceptionally ignorant kid. But the fact remained that they were talking in a language that he had never heard of before, that someone -- or something -- had sneakily installed in Sein's system. Whatever was going on here, he had to figure it out. If only to warn all the other Ghosts when they retrieved the information from his corpse.

    First, he'd start by mapping this Urithiru place.

    Sein projected a blank grey space and marked their position with a green arrowhead. He filled in lines to mark all the walls he could sense, and next to it added in a circle divided into sectors arranged around a middle circle. The topmost sector flashed red.

    He started floating to the next room, in the direction of the red flash.

    "If we're going to do this, we should introduce ourselves. I'm Sein. What's your name? I'm going to teach you how to read radar."

    @Amethyst Scorpion

  7. Votes on Zebra (Arauna)

    Chameleon, 7 hours before rollover


    Dustmotherr!  That harrlot will get what's coming to herr!  He's mine!  MINE!

    Aurrana!  Come!  Show yourr face!

    Penguin, 6 hours before rollover


    That’s a poor reason to be lynched. I’ll take the odds! 

    Iguana, right before rollover


    Anyway, I'd just like to note that I have made notes of everyone that checked the thread without actually responding in these last minutes, just in case Albatross flips elim later. 

    "Wait, Purl, you don't think she's some kind of voidbringer that bewitched Adolin, right? I think I read about something like that in one of the Archives. Auranna/Zebra, just how did you meet Adolin in the first place?"

    (albatros, for now)

    Chameleon's vote could have been an elim poke vote on an ally. I would not count it as alignment indicative either way, as it's an RP vote and was placed early enough in the cycle that it could've been retracted had Zebra (Arauna) responded.

    I trust Penguin's and Iguana's votes for sure. Out of any number of lynch trains with one vote on them, they chose Zebra's. It doesn't make sense for a Sympathizer to save themselves by lynching a teammate, especially if that teammate is a Worldhopper. Iguana's vote happened very close to rollover and ensured Zebra's lynch. It would be an extremely risky move for the Sympathizers to lynch an inactive Worldhopper teammate when there's a pinchhitter available.

    @Saffron Iguana, regarding your earlier question, I thought that Axolotl's post count list will be useful later in the game if they keep it up, but as it was then, was only a summary of three pages, so there wasn't much to say.

    This is a bit of an embarrassing question, but...what's an Odium Sympathizer? You say it like it's a bad thing but don't understand how you can have a hateful sympathizer. Isn't that an oxymoron?

  8. 2 hours ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

    Jesh jumped back from the strange spren, but kept himself from running.

    "Voidbringer," he whispered, eyes fixed on the floating image.

    Then again, all the adults were whispering about old powers and spren. Maybe this was one of them. The things it described seemed like those powers.

    "I, uh, I don't know. What are those?"

    Jesh hesitantly reached up a hand to touch the picture, but his hand went right through it.

    "Am I going to be a Radiant now? Would that help me find my axehound?"

    As Sein looked at the kid in front of him, he began to get a bad feeling.

    "This is a map of Sol. The solar system? Home of Humanity?" Sein said, with a note of confusion. The map was the standard NASA version, which everyone used nowadays. Even if the planets and moons within weren't recognizable by the graphics, the map was labeled in English, Chinese, and Portuguese. It should be universally understandable.

    Except, now that Sein paid attention to the map, it wasn't labeled English, Chinese, and Portuguese. It was labeled in a single line of Alethi women's script. He didn't know that language -- but he did. Sein checked his logs, which stated that the Alethi language had been added to his system earlier today, when he had come out of the portal. So had the Veden, Herdazian, Thaylen, Iriali, and Reshi languages, which corresponded to no group that Sein knew of.

    Sein and the kid had both been speaking in Alethi the entire time, and he hadn't even realized. His bad feeling got worse.

    "I'm going to be honest. I came here through a portal and have no idea where it spat me out or in what time period. I don't know what Roshar is or what half the words you're saying mean," he said. He projected an image of a white orb in the void of space, its bottom marred with grey damage marks. His last attempt at something universal. "Does this mean anything to you? The Traveler, the Great Machine, the Gardener? Anything?" 

    @Amethyst Scorpion

    I don't like either of the main lynches right now. The votes on Penguin (Taladir) are RP and unretracted poke votes, and it's the exact same thing for Zebra (Arauna). That's not worth killing someone over. @Turquoise Gorilla, you got your RP response and Penguin's retracted their vote on you. Will you do the same? @Pearl Chameleon, what about you? I know that Arauna's dating your ex, but that hardly seems worth killing her over.

    While we're at it, would you two like to provide more thoughts on the game than RP? What do you think of Axolotl's list?

  9. Attempting to guess the distribution of roles in an Anniversary Game is unhelpful. Traditionally, the distributions are trollish and unexpected, and players who try to derive alignment from them always come to the wrong conclusion. If we want to discuss roles on D1, it would be better to discuss what each role ought to do.

    Many of these roles can be harmful to Odium's Sympathizers, so they might prioritize killing them. In order to avoid this, don't tell other people your role unless you trust them, even if you're a recruit.

    My suggestions:

    Windrunner: Protect players who seem likely to be killed. Usually these are people who do good analysis or have important roles. If you have no idea who to protect, you can always protect yourself.

    Dustbringer: High risk, high reward. Avoid killing players on a light suspicion. If we're near the end of the game, and the number of villagers is low, be even more careful. On the other hand, if a Sympathizer has been evading death for a while, it's better for you to kill them instead of letting the village waste a discussion cycle on lynching them. Also consider players who lurk but post just enough to escape the inactivity filter. 

    Edgedancer: PMs are fun! Please try to stay alive. It's also worth it making your early village have a clue to who you are so you can prove you're an Edgedancer later.

    Elsecaller: If the Sympathizers come after you, you won't die to their first attack! Be brave with your discussion!

    Bondsmith: Get ready to keep vote tallies and send orders in as close as you can to rollover. If you live in America or Canada and don't enjoy staying up until 4 AM... good luck. Please try to be responsible with your vote cancel.

    Willshaper: Same as the Bondsmith.

    Skybreaker: My suggestion is to confide your results to someone who you've scanned as clear. Take advantage of open PMs to talk with them. You will be a priority target for the Sympathizers, so don't tell your role to uncleared people unless you're ready to die.

    Lightweaver: If you're village, please don't disguise people who are big targets of discussion and thus are likely to be scanned by a Skybreaker.

    Worldhopper: See above.

    New Recruit: Discuss! The vote is your most powerful tool.

    "You're on Roshar, I think. Though I'm not sure really. Not like we travelled here normal like. What are you? What's a Voidwalker?"

    Sein's back half spun. "I'm a Ghost. I do reconnaissance and look for someone to choose to be a Guardian. A Voidwalker is a type of Guardian who can throw black holes like bombs! They're really cool. I'd be happy with a Voidwalker as my Guardian."

    He projected a color map of Sol, with the sun, all the planets from Mercury to Uranus, and the major moons, like Luna, Nessus, and Io.

    "I don't know where Roshar is. Which of these places are we on?"

    @Amethyst Scorpion

  10. Sein bolted past a wall of metal, screaming as loudly as his speakers would allow.

    He was a small drone, in the shape of an eight-pointed star. His bright blue eye blinked in his center display, sweeping from left to right. All his sensors were on alert. He strafed left and right through the air, floating above the ground in a zigzag path.

    Glowing red beams whizzed past him. One of them passed just by him, so close that he felt the air heating around his shell. A moment later, a ball of purple light flew in front of him. Sein dashed backwards, just as it exploded in front of him. A hunk of metal caught in the blast radius vaporized. He screamed louder.

    He had three Vex goblins and one minotaur on his tail, firing at him. That was a problem. In retrospect, Sein probably shouldn't have tried to get a closer look at the triangular portal they were guarding, even if it was marked as partially under Guardian control.

    Another barrage of shots. Sein yelped. They were getting closer. He assessed his internal map. No nearby Guardians to save him. Only this stupid portal structure that he'd been running around for minutes, broadcasting cries for help. He couldn't keep dodging the Vex. Eventually they would kill him. Or, worse, infect him.

    Whatever was in the portal couldn't be worse than being converted by these Vex. Sein veered left, towards the blue portal in the middle. A red beam passed just under him, so close that he felt the heat emanating off of it. And so he sank into the portal, screaming.

    Sein tumbled out of the portal into a chamber of brown stone. A moment later, the portal closed with a wet-sounding ploop. Hopefully the Vex wouldn't follow.

    "Whew! That was close!" Sein closed his eye in relief.

    Now, all he had to do was figure out when and where he was. He assessed the networks around him and...No radio broadcasts. No internet. Not even a single GPS satellite. Sein floated on to the next room, hoping that he'd get a better signal there.

    Still nothing. 

    And so he floated on to the next room.

    This one still had no signal, but it had a lot of people. Sein rose up to eye level with one of them and said, "Excuse me, could you tell me what planet or moon this is? And the date?"

    Anyone want to help a poor, lost Ghost who got himself lost in the wrong universe?

  11. Well, There's 30 minutes left. I'll be back to check in about 15 minutes, but can't guarantee I'll be on after that. This means my vote may most likely stay on Azure.

    Edit: I reread this and it said 4 minutes when it was supposed to show 40. Now it's down to 30.

    I also didn't notice the second page.

    If I'm not mistaken, it's 3 for Azure right now, and one for albatross? Is that right?

  12. 23 hours ago, Melon Dingo said:

    @Emerald Falcon, So are you saying that you thought that Mauve had an ability that allowed them to only remove their own vote, and that was somehow a role an elim would likely have? Because I'm still failing at following your reasoning here.

    Essentially yes. I figured it would be more likely that an Elim would have a role that allows their own vote to be removed or secretly redirected than it would be for a villager to have such a role. It appeared as if Mauve had such a role.

    43 minutes ago, Cream Tuatara said:

    @Indigo Weasel Cycle 2, you said this:

    What did you mean "for selfish reasons"?

    I'm going to continue going through the game to see if I can refine my suspicion list further...

    Edit: I'm still pretty unhappy with the lack of engagement and contribution from Magenta Albatross. Could very easily be an eliminator just sitting around remaining active enough to mostly be seen as active without actually contributing to the game.

     I think because at the time, we had a PM open, and I don't believe they had any additional PMs.


    Alright everyone, at this point, we have 7 players down, and 3 votes. They're all for azure mouse. We've only heard from some of the players this cycle, so it's entirely possible that some of the players we've heard from are eliminators. If that's the case, and Azure is village, then we've let the Elims have a clean Elim Sweep.

    If Azure is Elim, then we are still at lylo, so I don't really think that the Elims are that worried.

    @Cream Tuatara You expressed a hesitance to keep your vote on Azure, Who else would you be willing to vote for? @Azure Mouse If you are village, who would you vote for? Just based on chance, there's a 4/7 chance you're village. But since you're one of the characters that everyone who has spoken up has been willing to lynch, I think there's a better than even chance you're eliminator, as so far, no one has had sufficient reason to give you a personal clear.

  13. Because it had happened twice on a person Mauve had voted on, I thought it was more likely that Mauve was cancelling his vote in some way or another. It could have been a simple remove, or he may have been able to place a hidden vote. Knowing that we had failed to lynch an Elim so far, I thought that it was a decent possibility that there was vote manipulation on the elim team, and this seemed to be a likely candidate.


  14. 8 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

    I think I will go voting on Coral Swan. With no indication yet that there's any value to art beyond the fact a role that creates it exists, it feels like a role that could easily fit on a 3 player Elim team.

    I am not a Rememberer!  I am a Bloodsealer in the Heritage faction.  I am able to make a skeletal each turn.  I can sacrifice a skeletal to roleblock a player.

    I can confirm that the items that I picked up are just for flavor. They have no use to anyone. Elandera was only trying to help a sad, roleless player enjoy themselves. Ok, so at this point, we are likely 4-3. That means that there are likely three people who are willing to vote together, as long as one of the remaining four does not vote on an elim. Also, all of the remaining 4 must vote together to stop an elim hammer.

    I'm willing to believe Swan's claim, and I have put Tuatara as village as well. If those two trust each other. That leaves me with the options of Mouse, Weasel, Albatross, and Dingo. If I'm right about Tuatara and Swan, then three of those four are Elim.

    If we can get one person as an elim that most of us agree on, that would be the person to vote for. Until I can perform further analysis, I would be willing to vote for any of those four.  


  15. 9 minutes ago, Azure Mouse said:

    Next, Crocodile has consistently voted on Falcon, and last cycle vote manipulation kept the lynch from threatening Falcon. What does this tell us? The Elims likely want Falcon dead (more so than the rest of us), but aren't willing to use their kill on them. Falcon was almost lynched last cycle, but vote manipulation intervened. Perhaps a village Soother role?

    I'm sorry. I know you're defending me here, which I appreciate. I just don't follow the logic. I don't know why the elims would want me dead, except for the fact that I've publicly claimed that I might have items. Up to this point, I'm pretty sure everyone I voted for has ended up village.

     If that were the case, I imagine the elims would want to kill me in order to collect those items. (I don't even know if the items have any use, I'll remind you.)

    I also don't know any village soother, so I don't know why one would choose to protect me, unless they for some reason trust me.


  16. I'm afraid that this game is on it's way to fizzling out, before any major secrets get revealed. We're what? Halfway through this cycle.

    So I'll continue the math from mouse, but with 15 players. We'll assume 3 elims, ignoring the possibility for a neutral or independent third party. My math will be based of the results at the end of the day Worst Case Scenario. Italics already happened.

    D1 10-3 (Kill, Mislynch)
    D2 8-3 (K, M)
    D3 6-3 (K, M)

    D4 4-3 (l, M)(LyLo)
    D5 3-2 (K, L) (LyLo

    At worst, we have one cycle before we are in dire Lylo situations

    But if we assume we hit an elim this cycle, then miss

    D4 5-2 (K, L)
    D5 3-2 (K,M) (LyLo)

    Either way, with a single mislynch, and a single accurate lynch, we are at lylo by D5 at this point.

    At this point, we have 9 players left, so we can assume 1/3 are elim. There isn't much to look into as we don't have anything except village lynches so far, but I'll look at voting history.


     Azure Mouse-1 vote against him cycle one. Voted on Magenta albatross C1, No vote C2, No Vote C3 Slight Elim read

    Coral Swan- No final vote against them, Voted C1, and C2. No vote C3. The weekend snuck up on me, so it could have snuck up on them as well, to be the reason for a missed vote. I see someone who is contributing even when they don't need to as slight village.

    Cream Tuatara- No final vote against them, but voted all three cycles. This could also be slight Village for same reasons as above

    Emerald Falcon- I know I look elim to quite a some people, because I made a mistake regarding looking closely at what happened D2 before my D3 vote. But the elims know I'm not elim, so they would be trying to use this.

     Indigo Weasel- This isn't exactly vote analysis, but I've had a PM with them and told them that I have an Item, and nothing has happened. So if they are an elim, then they do not seem to want to be collecting works of art.

    Ivory Dragonfly- I don't see any votes against them or any final votes that stuck from them. Upon further review, It doesn't look like they've voted at all, despite having close to average (But slightly below) activity. This seems rather suspicious to me.

    Magenta Albatross- 1 vote D1, which appears to have been a poke vote. They have one vote d2, and no posts after asking a question to the person they voted on. I'm gonna give it slight village.

    Mauve Crocodile- two of the three times they've voted, it's been silently removed. One was against Mint Heron, who we know was village, and killed the same cycle as the vote. The other was against me. This seems rather elimey to me.

    Melon Dingo-Asked what happened on a tie. No vote D1, a vote D2 and D3. Most suspicious to me is the question asking what happens in a tie. But that would only be if they had to worry about saving their teammate. The only remaining people from D1 that could be is Azure or Magenta. Both of them I've read as village for now.


    Anyways In other news, I have two Items that I randomly picked up. (Which I just tried to do because I had no role) Then, last cycle I forgot to submit an action. They both have no use to me, so that make them similar to the piece of art someone had D1.

    If anyone wants them, please reach out to me through PM.

    And please, dissect my analysis, so I can answer your questions. There's hopefully plenty of info right now if we work together.

    Anyway, my vote is for Mauve Crocodile now.

  17. 8 hours ago, Melon Dingo said:

    I'm not certain who to vote for right now, but I'm considering lynching someone that voted on scorpion. I feel like the Scorpion lynch last cycle didn't make too much sense. I can get that having an inactive person can be annoying, but they aren't really doing anything one way or another, so they aren't really a threat either. Am I missing something here?

    I kindof agree with this. I wanna lynch someone who voted on scorpion, as I feel like it was an attempt by the elims to make it look like they were saving me to make me look like an elim. 

    But I'm not an elim, so that didnt work. Either that or they were trying to save chartreuse penguin. 

  18. 7 minutes ago, Azure Mouse said:

    Interesting. Emerald Falcon, you mentioned have Forgery. Is it possible to soulstamp art? Does it mean anything to you

    I attempted to forge myself into a new person. It didn't work, because I didn't have a soulstamp. It could be possible to soulstamp art, but as far as I know, it has no use. There is also supposedly no way for me to obtain soulsamps.

     I've got something that might be art, that I'd be willing to pass to someone to try to soul stamp if you have a soulstamp. PM me to discuss the matter.

  19. Hmm. It seems we are on our way toward Lylo, or worse, a perfect elim game.

    If the rememberer can create art, then we know that there must be some use to the art. It has no use, meaning it has no abilities. But perhaps if a person or group collects enough, then they win?

    This brings up the question if there are more rememberers, or if there's other ways to pick up the art, or if there's a way to activate their uses.

    I'll try to have time to at least perform a rudimentary analysis at some point in this cycle, but no promises.

  20. 3 hours ago, Cream Tuatara said:

    @Elandera I enjoyed the writeup and now I'm looking forward to see what else you write!

    Well we certainly learnt a thing or two. Definitely seems like we've got more of a standard elimination thing going on, and there are at least roles in the game.

    So with the vote manipulation, we know that Vulture was able to move a vote. Do we reckon they did? I'd probably lean towards no. Assuming they were aware that Charcoal Hyena's vote meant that there was a chance they could be lynched if everyone had a single vote on them, I would have either moved Charcoal's vote elsewhere (which didn't happen), or move someone else's vote to someone else. Given that the only player who got a vote moved to them was Azure Mouse, who was not at any point voted for by anyone so wasn't going to put a lead on anyone else, it seems more likely to be that Vulture just didn't use their ability.

    If so, then we've still got one or two vote manipulators alive, depending on the type of vote manipulation. But I guess Ostrich already mentioned that.

    We might want to be more definite on lynches if we want to avoid leaving things to the whims of the vote manipulators.

    @Emerald Falcon - had you mentioned soulstamps when talking to the GM, or was the GM the first to bring up soulstamps?

    I've got more thoughts I'm mulling over but I've got up leave for a bit. I'll probably put down a vote when I get back.

    The GM is the first to have brought up soulstamps I believe. I will check in just a moment.

    Edit. Confirmed

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