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Emerald Falcon

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Posts posted by Emerald Falcon

  1. Ialai watched him leave and, frowning, bent over to pick the rock back up. “Wit, please be careful with who you insult. Should you continue to insult the Alethi elite...” She let the insult trail off, knowing full well that she could not touch him on this night of reverie. With disdain, she placed the moss-covered stone on a nearby table.


    Getting very into character, I see. Well done, Wit. Very well done.

  2. Ialai watched Wit scurry away, slinking back into the crowd. It was if he was trying to avoid the fallout of his remarks.

    It wouldn’t work. Eventually, the Wit would meet his end on somebody’s blade. Probably not hers, and probably not tonight, but eventually. Storms, she’d do it herself if she could, and do everyone a favour.

    She turned back to Klade. “In any case, we are glad you have signed the treaty, if only so we can learn more about the world the Almighty has created. You are an interesting species. I hope relations continue to go well between us.”

  3. Quote

    “Our people do not require anything other than what we have. This treaty is simply to protect us, though once we know more about your people's resources, that may change."

    “Indeed. You seem like you have everything you need.” Except proper culture, religion, and civilisation. “What I do not understand, however, is why our King decided on this treaty. You seem aware that we are a warlike people, and many expected Gavilar to invade rather than make peace, as he has done before. So I am left wondering: what sort of things can your people offer us? What can the Parshendi give in exchange for the items we will invariably provide?”

  4. 4 hours ago, SE_Klade said:

    "The humans are powerful, and to resist power is to perish." Klade smiled inwardly. This woman was trying to learn about him subtlely, so Klade would have to be careful.

    Ialai smiled. There was certainly an intelligence to this species. They were not mindless brutes as some had claimed.

    “Of course,” she continued, “but you certainly are hoping for something more through this arrangement. Trade? Weaponry? Connections? Undoubtably there are things your people require that we can provide.” She had once heard that you could judge much about a person by learning what they valued. She would find out now.

    A clatter from the edge of the Hall distracted her, and she watched Dalinar enter, obviously drunk. Ialai couldn’t hold back a smile.

  5. Ialai was especially surprised when the Parshendi woman accepted Adolin’s offer of dance, although she originally seemed surprised, even shocked. Their emotions were very different to the Alethi, and their strange humming did unsettle her slightly. But she needed to speak with them, understand them, and it was obvious her husband did not want to.

    Unfortunately, the closest one seemed to be talking to Wit. If she were to converse with the parshman, she would be unable to avoid him.

    It was a risk she would have to take. “I am going to speak with the Parshendi,” she said to Torol. “Find out more about them.” With that, she began to walk towards @SE_Klade.

  6. Ialai avoided eye contact with the two. “Wit, as usual, is creating trouble. I’ve seen others making plans, moving about, but nothing public so far. The first hour was surprisingly uneventful, actually. No doubt people will soon begin to make their moves.” She took another mouthful of wine, and then put the cup aside. Yes, that was definitely more intoxicating than usual. No doubt Wit had spiked it with something, somehow, thus contributing to the drunken furore that was currently occurring.

  7. "I am indeed, my husband. The night has been eventful so far. The parshmen are a very... interesting people." Drum music pounded throughout the hall. Ialai didn't like it, personally, but between the wine and the stress of ruining a burgeoning treaty, no one had wanted to tell them that they were darkeyed instruments.

    "What do you think of these Parshendi, Torol? I haven't been able to talk to any of them, as of yet, but they seem to have their own goals in mind." She paced a piece of food in her mouth, enjoying the taste.

  8. Ialai stood among the tables, watching the scene. She smiled slightly as Adolin tried to dance with one of the Parshendi. A real charmer, that one. Within a few years, she had no doubt there would be a crowd of eligible partners going after him. 

    Speaking of which. Ialai made her way carefully over to where Torol was sitting, eating a meal. He seemed to not want to be disturbed, so she instead grabbed a passing platter of fruit and began to pick at it, waiting for him to respond.

  9. "There are a surprising number of foreigners here." Ialai's gaze wandered over to the man with the crescent scar, the several Parshendi, and several other delegates mingling throughout the room. "This event has managed to attract a large number of people. I wonder why they are all here? Perhaps they are all clamoring to see a thinking, talking parshman, or to celebrate this momentous occasion."

    "In any case," she said, "it was a pleasure to meet you on this evening. Thank you, Aesudan." With that, she began to move away.

  10. 5 hours ago, SE_Aesudan_Kholin said:

    She didn't want to embarass herself by addressing a simple parshman as if it were a person, nor did she want to make the opposite mistake, so she elected to ignore it until somebody else spoke.

    Ialai noted her expression towards the parshman and smiled. "They are somewhat of a paradox, are they not? I am not sure what to make of them, and I have yet to speak with one. Others tell me that they are surprisingly civilised, if ignorant of Vorinism. I am sure many throughout the palace would be addressing them incorrectly by mistake."

  11. 2 hours ago, SE_Wit said:

    I surreptitiously glanced at Ialai's outfit. 

    Ialai caught his glance and frowned. These clothes are in style, insufferable man. But it was the nature of this Wit to make all sorts of comments, even those that were clearly incorrect.

    She stilled herself, preventing a comment. She had been too antagonistic, placing distrust in the wrong people. And perhaps even Wit could be a valuable ally.

  12. Ialai smiled. “Perhaps it is indicative of those who blaspheme to also predict the future, which we all know is a trait of the Voidbringers. I should hope, Brightness, that you steer well clear of such actions, no matter how heretical you become.”


    I don’t really want to get in a complex religious argument on here, even if it’s correct to the text. Let’s stick to basic Vorinism for now, and maybe agree to disagree.


  13. Ialai walked closely behind her husband for a time, doing her best to ignore Wit while observing the room. Already the vultures of politics had descended. Squawking and squabbling. She supposed that she couldn’t complain too much - after all, wasn’t she one of the vultures herself? The only difference between them was their careful alliance with the King.

    But these vultures were armed with weapons, and although the cries of dissent against Gavilar had been silenced temporarily, Ialai had no doubt what would happen if the worst came to worst. Already, she could picture her network of spies, whispering about a rebellion. All these vultures would tear Alethkar apart, fighting for a single scrap of its legacy, if given the chance.

    The only possible exception was Wit, but that was mainly because she was sure someone would have had him killed by then. 

  14. silence is fun! It just builds the lynch even against me even greater! Plus not answering anyone’s questions just adds to the chaos!

    I’m bored. Time to speculate. (We all know how that went last time)

    The Elim team is probably 3 people. A scanner, a Kandra, and an assasin. The scanner to find informants, the assasin to kill them, and finally the Kandra to replace them. Since no one on that team is dead, that leaves us with 8 other people excluding me. Assuming we have some kind of neutral faction, with most likely 2 people, that leaves us with 6 people. 2 are likely those informants, assuming as before that they’re a spectate village faction, and 4 are just vanilla refugees.

    This is probably my last post of the game, just wanted to say this has been way fun.


  15. 3 minutes ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

    Emerald Falcon.

    Afraid I find the risk to great that we could be leaving someone detrimental to the village alive if we leave you. You say you're not neutral, and that either the elims or we would want to kill you. You also say you are not a refugee. tbh, I'd kill you anyways if I were an elim. I will think on it more however, and there's still a chance I'll change my vote before the end of the cycle.

    What I would do in your place

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