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Amethyst Scorpion

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Posts posted by Amethyst Scorpion

  1. 5 minutes ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

    RIP Meerkat... A great writeup though.

    See, I'm inclined to vote Flamingo right out of the gate because that seems like Lurcher protection, and unless there's good reason for it behind the scenes, that making me feel like V!Coinshot with a Spiked team that has protects.


    I th-think He could also b-be a mistborn. Like an impossibly l-lucky m-mistborn.

    f-flamingo are y-you a m-mistborn? It’s a p-perfectly f-friendly q-question and y-you sh-should definitely ignore th-the l-large butcher kn-knife in m-my hand.

  2. I don’t l-like voting f-for Flamingo anymore-more, on r-reflection h-his survival at n-night by its-self is n-not a reason to m-mean he has to h-be spiked. He c-could be e-evil b-but s-surviving is n-not evil b-by itself, as th-there are a variety of r-roles on both a-sides, and it is t-true th-that t-trying to f-force him to c-claim his r-role is b-bad l-logic.

    I w-will v-vote r-for Chameleon. I f-feel he h-has b-been disengaged until h-he came under heat. Originally v-voting f-for dragonfly, b-but chances to l-lion once lion got in the l-lead, c-couching terms to indicate he’s m-more s-suspicious without ack-acknowledging the r-rather obvious f-fact that it also s-serves as self p-preservation.

    S-something f-feels dishonest a-about th-that rationale, and m-my mommy t-told m-me t f-follow m-my instincts.

    Imma g-go p-play w-with th-this old doll I f-found in the t-trash now anyway if anyone n-needs me.

  3. 11 hours ago, Onyx Flamingo said:

    I mean, we can lay out all the scenarios, right? Either I'm a Thug, a Lurcher, or a Mistborn (this is technically a claim, but it's one I'm willing to make). If I'm a Thug, claiming that doesn't help anyone because I'm no longer a Thug. In fact, it means I become a lower priority target since there are other people with roles running around. The greatest strength of a Thug comes from nobody knowing their role. If I'm a Lurcher and I claim then I'm dead. If I'm a Mistborn, again, claiming that puts a big target on my own back (which could be a benefit if I rolled Thug this cycle).  So, it makes sense for me to not claim unless I want to try some Mistborn IKYK stuff, which seems like too much trouble. Or if I did claim, it makes sense for me to lie, in which case nobody would trust the claim to begin with.

    ISOs won't come until tomorrow, and I might not finish them by EOD, but I'll try and get through at least half of the players by then.

    S-so you are a-saying you s-survived because of y-your role, rather than another p-person reaching in t-to protect you, g-good to kn-know. I can get why you s-say Th-the exact n-nature of y-your role is n-not s-something it m-makes sense f-for s-someone to c-claim… whether th-they are a v-villager or o-one of th-those awful s-ssss-sssssss… oh I can’t say it *sob* …. Spiked.

    13 hours ago, Coral Swan said:

    Returning to note that I find this a rather unhelpful attitude, and it is making me lean Elim on you even further. If you’re a powerful role and you are village, we do not want to Exe you. If you are not a powerful role and you are village, we still do not want to Exe you. If we Exe you because you’re being intentionally vague about your survival—a very reasonable point of suspicion—we are hurting the Village even more because we don’t even have to make the Elims waste a kill on you. Your role information is never more important than your actual life (Seekers and Coinshots, take note), and is frequently less important than subsidiary concerns, i.e., whether we should treat you as a suspect for surviving a Coinshot hit. You can help us clear this up and move us to more productive discussion, perhaps even helping you avoid a night kill (the Coinshot has incentive to hit you again tonight to clear the air), and are choosing to maintain obscurity instead for the sole purpose of trying to preserve your own life for a while longer. 

    Have read the Dragonfly arguments and would be fine going there, but I want to maintain my Flamingo vote for now. 

    I d-don’t understand y-your reasoning, maybe because I’m five years old. Wh-what r-role the f-flamingo has d-doesn’t cl-clear him of being spiked or prove good to be good, because either side can have either role, correctamundo? There is a d-difference between role and alignment in this village, and there can be multiple of any particular role. S-so his obstinacy n-not to c-claim makes a little more s-sense to me, even if his role itself doesn’t clear him or any of us by itself.

    Wh-what the f-flamingo had been s-saying isn’t s-sound totally unreasonable. Though that said his role (aka reason to survive) doesn’t c-clear him  of being s-spiked by itself. He could b-be spiked anyway. I dunno, it’s h-hard m-making decisions wh-when you’re five years old. I g-guess I w-will k-keep m-my vote wh-where it is f-for now j-just to k-keep pressure c-cooking, and also just out of sh-shameless bloodlust.

    storms dang it, I need more juice to get through this mystery, can anyone reach the top shelf for me? *holds a whiskey bottle upside down*

  4. S-sorry f-for l-leaving the th-thread s-so dead. I’ve b-been c-curled up in a cold dark a-alley lighting m-matchsticks f-for w-warmth and I-imagining the w-wonderful l-life I c-could have lived if my p-parents h-hadn’t been killed by the s-spiked.

    Although I am a b-bit paranoid of wh-what Penguin is up to lately I d-do believe I w-will vote f-for Flamingo. I w-would like a n-non-sinister ex-explanation f-for his s-survival last night. Though I feel like at th-this p-point all ex-explanations feel s-sinister.

  5. I-is anyone g-gracious enough to p-publish a v-vote c-count? I’m eight years o-old and I d-don’t know how t-to count.

    For r-record I d-didn’t vote f-for heron b-because of any h-hesitance in h-his vote, I v-voted f-for him because w-with everyone b-being s-so quiet I s-suspected th-that there w-were s-spiked watching us f-from the sh-shadows. (Referring to t-tuatara’s post). Th-the fact th-that he p-posted like j-just as I w-was voting for h-him f-for watching and n-not posting ended u-up j-just making me m-more suspicious, like m-maybe the s-spiked w-were telling h-him to come s-say something? Or maybe I’m j-just drinking too much of the s-special fruit juice I f-found in mommy’s drawer?

    edit: oh look at all those votes for falcon suddenly p-popping up as I-I’m talking. I t-talk too slow apparently. How c-curious.

  6. *stumbles in, smelling of alcohol, dragging a teddy bear by the tail* M-man wh-what a g-great New Year’s Eve party I j-just had w-with my f-fellow third graders.

    I th-think rhino comes off m-more as a ch-chaotic doofus who p-plays by his own r-rules than a sch-scheming s-spiked. B-but what do I kn-know, I’m only eight years old.

    I vote that Mint Heron c-come out to p-play, I d-do b-believe I s-saw him ch-checking the th-thread b-but n-not saying n-nearly as much as he w-was y-yesterday. Is that s-suspicious? I dunno maybe. The threat of b-being m-murdered often h-helps people th-think of something to s-say.

    now excuse me I need to go sleep off this h-hangover. I don’t k-know what w-was in this f-fruity drink I had last night. I suspect it w-was …. spiked. Ba dum tish

  7. Scop the orphan crawls out from under a bush where he has been curled up in the fetal position for several days.

    ”I-I have s-some th-things I w-want to s-say. F-first I a-am am o-orphan and n-not v-very s-smart. I d-don’t think M-my w-way of p-playing is l-like h-how you g-grownups p-play. I d-don’t r-really s-see the p-point of m-me d-doing giant e-essays of reads b-because i kn-know I’m n-not smart to f-figure everything out th-this early, f-for example.

    “however, It m-makes m-me n-nervous s-seeing y-you grownups f-fighting (Dingo and Weasel and meerkat) and I-it m-makes me n-nervous like wh-what if s-someone k-kills m-me b-because I p-play in a d-different w-way f-from th-them? Like wh-what if I d-do s-something s-silly and g-get y-yelled at?

    “So th-that in addition to some out of game misfortunes h-has been d-dampening m-my enthusiasm to p-participate.

    “B-but I th-thought a-about wh-what m-my mommy would s-say and sh-she’d tell me n-not to give up amd t-to p-put on my b-big boy p-pants and h-have fun. And t-to be transparent about the f-factors wh-which have n-been causing me to f-feel constricted in th-this environment.

    ”So: who wants to play????????”

  8. My t-take on this, n-not that anyone has to c-care about the opinion of a p-poor little orphan b-boy, is I d-don’t th-think the weasel fellow meant harm and the kerfuffle is a bit m-much. I m-mean y-yes it is s-silly to try to murder someone for looking funny and tipping to the right like that, but in the b-beginning we’re all j-just voting kinda randomly until something happens. I d-don’t think the weasel’s vote needs to be m-mean, I voted to murder a guy so that I could make a dumb joke about penguins. I w-would be upset if s-someone was t-tried to ruin things for me b-because of how I p-play but I d-don’t think th-that was the weasel’s intention. B-but maybe he should b-back off on talking about how a-annoying the p-post style is? Like that making it sound more serious than it should be? 

    B-but to be fair I’m j-just a child so I don’t know if anyone should listen to me.

  9. G-games? Wh-why are all th-the g-grownups t-talking a-about this like th-this is a g-game? I d-don’t l-like all the ar-arguing ab-about th-this s-situation like it’s a g-game. It r-reminds me of hiding u-under the b-bed while my p-parents were arguing w-with each other late at night, (w-well, before th-they w-were brutally m-m-murdered by s-spiked l-leaving me an o-orphan.)

    B-but you kn-know, even th-though th-this is serious b-business, r-remember I th-think the m-most important th-thing is that w-we love each other. F-for what is S-Sanderson El-Elimination without love? J-just a b-bunch of an-angry adults b-bickering at each other.

    *pops thumb in mouth*

  10. *cough cough* Wh-why, who is it but the little orphan boy S-s-Scop. M-my p-parents w-were k-killed in th-this very t-town on th-this day some m-moons ago b-before my v-very eyes, t-traumatizing me p-p-p-permanently, orphaning me p-prematurely and g-giving me a h-h-horrible st-stutter.

    B-but I es-escaped the orphanage and I w-will make my own f-fortune and m-make Mummy and Daddy p-p-proud of little S-Scop!

    W-will somebody p-p-play wi-with me please? I am s-so l-lonely ever since my m-mommy and d-d-daddy were k-killed by S-s-s- *shudder, sobs* Spiked. N-n-nobody h-had time to p-play with me in the orphanage.

    Ch-Chartreuse Penguin, come and p-play w-with me? M-my mommy read m-me a b-book about p-penguins once and they were so cuddly. The b-baby p-penguin c-curled up in the l-lap of the m-mommy p-penguin and d-daddy p-p-penguin who k-k-kept them s-safe and s-snug-- *SOB SOB SOB*

    *Scop runs sobbing off into the night, plagued by traumatic memories*

    I'm laying claim to the Stuttering cosmetic role, which I just invented just now

  11. Just now, Mauve Crocodile said:

    me think ivory probably mishtaycken townie. thas my gut - speshly cuz sammon and scavenger birb jumped on the openingz ivry made.

    if so then it's just hyena, but you have the best perspective there i suppose as a not mechanically clear person. Not really, I think you're practically clear, potentially. If there's 3 Elims though, they wouldn't need to do vote manip there with three not on him. if there are three then they could have hammered normally.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Mauve Crocodile said:

    iffn you townie, which i trulies knot suree aboot, this kinda comment is eggsactamentaly wut is needed to save limmy lims. is only "2 ez" till sum1 say it too easy and then it not too ez cuz now their be contestements to the "easy" stabs. by flippin floppin ur stabs this way ('sooomin o' course u not lim uself), it oppennnz up the door for limmy lims to do this:

    Note that soon after that, ivory flips to Hyena. I think that /if/ Ivory is the rioter we are looking for they would have been content to sit on amber, not switch last minute to amber after trying to start a new wagon. Amber not joining them on hyena implies that either ivory/amber is teamed and there is no 3rd, or that Amber/Hyena is teamed. if there is no third, then Salmon's comment doesn't make sense, yeah, because it feels like lvl 1 open wolfing.

    And anyone who played AG7 would recognize your tineye messages. Which is basically why you're clear (to me) right now.

    But yeah, If ivory is an Elim rioter then the vote would be-


    If Ivory were an elim rioter, then no matter what train they were on the vote would be 2-2 with salmon off both trains.


    Ivory isn't as clear as I'd like, the fact that they were on at EoD probably

    probably means they're more likely to be an Elim simply because Amber was up.

    Also saying it again, I was scanned as village last night by beagle.

  13. lol yeah

    someone put me out of my misery.

    Beagle claimed to me that they scanned Amber on N2, and they were village then. they missed the deadline N3, and scanned me as village on N4. if someone wants to counterclaim or tell me I'm lying about it go ahead, it's not like you really need to because if that vote manip was from the Elims then that will explain why there was no hop, as well as why we simply can't win.

    I also think that Amber is Fuschia, not Emerald. the whole "conversation" that supposedly happened between them I don't believe happened

    either way


    there's one of [mauve, ivory, hyena], for a riot, to which i think it's Hyena, and then amber. If there are more than two then /shrug but yeah. Emerald is Hyena and Fuschia is Amber.

    Salmon could be a third, idk. Not a prio.

    but also, again, unless the soother is a Mistaken Meerkat, we've lost anyways.

    Obviously there's no coinshot.


    So game is over, but for postgame cred it's Hyena/Amber with a potential side of Meerkat? idk. Hyena, if the rioter, means that it was decided before.

    Ivory makes some more sense to be the rioter over hyena, idk. Hyena's vote on amber wasn't good, and ivory was obviously trying to try and start another train. Amber ended up starting it though, using the beagle claim, which is strange that meerkat never questioned it.

    but Ivory going off of beagle and onto hyena is probably a good interaction there. and then coming back.



    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Day 6

    Emerald Falcon

    Kandra 1


    Fuschia Ostrich

    Kandra 2

    Kandra 2


    Magenta Albatross


    Coral Swan


    Indigo Weasel


    Kandra 1

    Kandra 1


    Chartreuse Penguin


    Azure Mouse


    Oxblood Beagle


    Amethyst Scorpion


    Mauve Crocodile


    Amber Vulture


    Kandra 2

    Kandra 2

    Kandra 2

    Kandra 2

    Salmon Meerkat


    Melon Dingo


    Charcoal Hyena


    Kandra 1

    Kandra 1

    Kandra 1

    Ivory Dragonfly


    anyways I'm the most clear now, ivory tentative second but coming back onto vulture just means that they are potentially a rioter candidate.

    anyways, game's lost, gn.

  14. 34 minutes ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:

    i would assume saffron iguana

    im just confused bc saffron iguana isnt one of the anon accounts playing in this game


    also am i the only one who the vulture train feels weird to

    like it makes sense i def get it but my gut says this doesnt feel like the kind of vote that happens before a red flip

    Where was this concern during the other cycles

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