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Everything posted by makromag

  1. Sell, Somehow I just don't see anything good happening to our poor baldy. The fish at the purelake are actually magical.
  2. Sell, I think there will be something important about Danlan. Kaladin will tell Dalinar about his surgebinding willingly.
  3. Buy, I think they won't try to keep it secret forever anyway. It will be a long time until Kaladin gets a love interest, if at all.
  4. Sell, while I do think there is a conflict between her and Hoid, I don't think that she is the founder of the seventeenth shard. WoR spoiler, possible WoK spoiler
  5. The main reason I, personally, believe that Szeth is only bound by honor is the way he contemplates killing Taravangian in the hospital. It seems to be a decision driven more by religion and morality than magic.
  6. Sell, it just feels kind of early for inter-magicsystem-battles. Dawnshards are not weapons (at least not primarily).
  7. Buy, he hates the idea of using the same shards that killed so many people . Multiple members (of not all) of bridge 4 will become radiants.
  8. Buy, it's the only assumption I have read so far that seems plausible. TWoK spoiler
  9. Buy, unless Mr. Sanderson is trolling us. Windrunners have more powes than the three lashes and stormriding.
  10. Since I was surprised, buy. Kaladin will never see his father again, either because he won't come to look for him or, if he does, Lirin died.
  11. Buy, I think he might just tell them. Amaram will die within the first 5 books
  12. I'm not sure how many of you will catch this reference: There is no movie by M. Night within these walls.
  13. - For no reason whatsoever all scientists will start treating Shallan like the smartest person they have ever met after making Shallan a prisoner. - Lamarill didn't die, he switched bodies with Matal. - Noone has any respect for anyone else. - When Shallans opinion doesn't happen to coincide with Jasnahs, Jasnah will believe it's because of a mystical twist of destiny, not just her own conclusions. - The descendants of the Wandersails crew will not believe or respect anything the Rosharans deem important and vice versa. - Moash will start hearing the thoughts of cremlings in his mind and will mope about it for 8 out of 10 books. - Teft knows everything about the Knights Radiant, he just doesn't fell like sharing. - Some woman will show up suddenly, who is known by all other women, yet was never contacted until about the 5th book. She will call anyone "boy", "daughter" or "child" whenever she wants to put them in their place Just as a sidenote, i loved WoT, I just found some parts of it extremely aggravating.
  14. Sell, I don't think Brandon Sanderson is one to throw a lot of important rules out the window We will found out the identities of all Heralds in Words of Radiance.
  15. Chromium Compounder, did you ever see the movie "It"? I heard it helps immensely against fear of clowns. Worked like a charm for me. PS: Dont watch it, I was scared of the dark for a couple nights... And i hate clowns now...
  16. What I like about this theory is, that in my opinion it explains why Odium invested and ankered himself on Roshar, while not doing so on Sel: On Sel the people that become Elantrians are chosen (seemingly) randomly. On Roshar however, the surgebinders are chosen by what they do, so, if this theory has merrit, Honor managed to get that flaw out of his magic system, since once the users stop being honorable or whatever their spren wants from them, I believe the Nahel bond breaks. Because of that Odium cannot use humans to break Honor and has to invest himself instead. Note, that in this post I make several assumptions that might be baseless, so read at your own risk.
  17. Just throwing in my two cents, maybe the force "opposing" Adonalsium is paradox. Adonalsium is the force that drives and creates everything around the Cosmere. Nature, on the small scale as well as the large, always makes sense, even if that sense eludes us. So the opposite to that would be paradox, something that creates inconsistencies, yet is itself part of the natural order of things. It's very existence an impossibility, it throws a wrench into nature's wheel (refference intended) somehow causing the origin of all creation to break
  18. Since I like the post and the whole theory, I negated Senor Feesh mistake
  19. Now that I think about it, spheres coming from cracked gems would make sense. In the chapter where they hunt the chasm-fiend, don't they take out a gemstone the size of a man's head? and while that was one of the extremely big ones, the others would still be somewhere around that size, and completely impractical for daily use as money. This is just an assumption, but I think the gemhearts of other greatshells might be just as big, and the speres are discribed as the size of a thumbnail with a splinter of gem inside.
  20. Okay, I wasn't aware, that they stitched Kronos back together after some time. I assumed Hades to be the one to control Elysium since it is part of the realm of the dead. Also, in your link it says Kronos only became the lord of Elysium only after being released a long time later.
  21. ^Plus, if it is not a rithmatic line anymore it might simply do nothing. Or perhaps it does something completely different so you don't know the right intent to make it work, making it again do nothing.
  22. Something related I have been thinking about is, how the size of chalkling-size affects its power, is it harder to kill, does it have more strength than a small chalkling? Also, what would using different colours to draw a chalkling do? Maybe it makes it more beautiful, if the colouring is done aritsticly, and thus stronder. And by the way, chalklings seem to get smarter when you draw them prettier, too, as seen when Melody gives them orders and uses them to scout. There is just so much we don't know about chalklings that might be relevant.
  23. ^This comes because of the fact that gemstones ,emeralds in particular, are used to soulcast stuff into food. Plus we have this line by Dalinar Though this quote could mean pretty much anything, I always took it as Dalinar worrying about the economy and inflation, because there is suddenly a huge amount of emeralds around. Besides that, Soulcasters are used pretty much everywhere, they "build" buildings with them, use them to clean latrines and I bet there are many other uses we don't know yet. The only other uses for spheres are fabrials, shardplate and illumination
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