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The Night Watcher

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Everything posted by The Night Watcher

  1. The Night watcher wishes to know where this High School cheerleader teams rivalry came from. And why it's more pressing than the twelve foot SNAKE-dinosaur.
  2. YES. It's been found. Headcannon complete. Life complete.
  3. Kelsier screamed and dropped his martini (he and Jasnah were on their honeymoon, see) because if he had a fear greater than Ruin and the deaths of his friends and the world exploding, it was snakes — so great a fear, in fact, his terror-stricken brain labeled a 12 foot lizard monster SNAKE.
  4. Unfortunately, Terrence only meowed before he hacked a hairball — of various machine parts, that is.
  5. Granted. In 3 days. I want to play Dragon Age. I wish I still had the motivation to wait the 4 minutes it takes to boot my spaceship-esque P.C.
  6. I found the scene with the drawing in the chest but not where Jasnah assesses Shallan's eligibility. Could you perhaps, pretty please [OR ELSE] tell me the location [EXACT PAGE NUMBER] of said scene?
  7. Granted, but something has to fill the empty hetero- hole. (That's not innuendo.) So now people care if you can grow a beard or not. First, it's in the media, then it's bullying in schools. Suddenly, beard bars start popping up all over the world, and the beardless are denied access. Bolstered by women and men forever trapped in pubescence, protests and rallies form, but, alas, the bearded regime crushes them, and with the enforced breeding — ahem bearding ahem — programs, beardless numbers begin to dwindle. I wish I had better things to do with my life than write stupid beard puns in a forum of well-mannered, educated people.
  8. Granted, but one Saturday you drink 3 cases of beer and you never wake to see the following Saturday morning. I wish my professor didn't have an accent. Then maybe I could take notes. Or even understand what he's saying when he scolds me for not taking notes.
  9. Back in Way of Kings, chapter 19, Dalinar is having one of his visions. It's the scene where he acts as Heb, husband to Taffa, and protects his family alongside two Radiants. At the end of the chapter, the female Radiant says, “Every pasture needs three things. Flocks to grow, herdsmen to tend, and watchers at the rim. We of Alethela are those watchers—the warriors who protect and fight. We maintain the terrible arts of killing, then pass them on to others when the Desolation comes.” When I reread Oathbringer, Kaladin says to his father in chapter 7, "You're a surgeon, Father, but I'm something else. A watcher at the rim." Kaladin never experienced the visions, thus never heard the Radiant's words. Was this poetic overlap on Brandon's part? Or just something the Radiants intrinsically feel about themselves?
  10. Granted. You win $10 off a scratchcard. I wish I could get a spoon out of the cabinet before my cereal gets soggy.
  11. HA. Now, I'm excited about that. I read WoT years ago, so I only just now remembered the epic o-O face I made when I finished it. It'll be fun to have that experience again in 20 years. To this: I didn't think much about the spoiler piece of it. Probably because I didn't know Jasnah was cued in for the end. (Best for last sucks, by the way.) Also, I'm a bit confused about your last bit. First you said the scene with Renarin would not be powerful if people [readers, I assume] weren't expecting her to kill Renarin. But then you said what was surprising to the characters wasn't to us. Are you talking about two different things here? Or is this just my brain on 4 hours of sleep?
  12. OMG no way. How did I miss that? I'm going to have to go back to WoR and reread the entire thing to find that. You've made my day! Reputation for you!
  13. Granted, but unfortunately Rock burned his hand while cooking and Lopen took over for him. Needless to say, Herdazian tastes are suited to a select few, and most of the poor fools who ate his stew were condemned to a series of sleepless nights and stomach cramps. I wish to live in an eternal Spring morning. (Sunny and temperate, please.)
  14. Just a wild idea that came to me when I was reading a Brandon forum. There were 10 Heralds for the Oathpact, right? And supposedly 10 books will be published for the SA series, each book with a focal character. What if those 10 focal characters will be responsible for taking the place of the previous Heralds? It would be a suitably melancholy end to the series — I would be satisfied with it, anyway. Additionally, Brandon noted that the series will be split into two sets of 5. I think it'd make sense if the first half of the story was focused on the Radiants rise to power, and the last half was focused on their end. With their end would come the end of the Desolations, as well, which would make for a distinct close indeed.
  15. (3 posts in one day. I'm on a roll. Reading OB for 3 hours this morning makes me curious.) Anyway, I seem to remember Jasnah being competent with a Shardblade. That could just be my love-struck brain embellishing that time when she threatened someone with her Blade (can't, for the life of me, remember who), but even if it is, it's slightly odd that she can hold back a legion of Fused with no martial training. Alone. Unless I'm missing something about the fantastical abilities provided by Elsecalling, which, don't get me wrong, I totally want but am skeptical of.
  16. The ensuing silence. The room's temperature rising by Shallan's blush alone. Just think about it.
  17. I was rereading chapter 32 of OB and guys... Does it seem to anyone else like Jasnah's rejoining of the story felt kinda...skipped over? I think this whole arc would have been a very good window into Jasnah's character and her relationships with her family; i.e. it'd be real easy for Brandon to show she's not an emotionless slab of granite (cue Dalinar's mention of Momvani's and Jasnah's reunion), as so many readers seem to think. For such a sudden plot twist, Brandon really let it fall flat, which, as far as I've seen, is not like him. The only explanation is that this must be purposeful. Any thoughts?
  18. I mean...she had enough stress in her life before she decided to take the most wearisome occupation in Alethkar. (But really, I saw softness in Oathbringer when she saves Renarin, shows Dalinar respect and honesty to Shallan. I imagine queenship will harden her. How will being Radiant affect her position politically? And isn't the whole of Roshar pissing their pants the second she enters the room? I mean, I don't see the Alethi taking it well that a heretic will rule them.)
  19. So there's someone called Shashara, who is his...wife? Someone else's wife? Denth's sister? And then he kills her because why? And Vasher and she made Nightblood somehow, and then Vasher is also a Returned? How does he change his shape? None of the other Returned can do that.
  20. Ah, that makes a lot of sense. So they're kind of floating around in preparation of something happening.
  21. As far as I'm concerned, there's absolutely no support for this in the books, but I just get a feeling that Azure's and Kaladin's relationship might evolve in the future to something romantic. They're both passionate about what they care for (the men in their care, Kaladin for obvious reasons, and Azure with proper treatment and loyalty even in pressing situations), have seen the rough sides of the world, and seem the share traits such as: persistence, pragmatism, and obvious leadership skills. I am one of the people that does not want Shallan and Kaladin to end up together. 1. I think Kaladin's shift from "lighteyes are awful!" to "I like Shallan!" was a bit too quick. At least in the beginning. Once I got used to it, it made sense, but even rereading those chapters, I'm grimacing a bit. 2. I don't think Kaladin should be in a relationship with a lighteyes. Yeah, he's come a long way from the distrusting wretch he was, but even with changed people, there's always the ingrained bias. (It's very tough to change a racist person into a picture-perfect egalitarian, no matter what therapy and experience may tell them otherwise.) 3. Brandon Sanderson is too smart to make a love triangle. So, with Shallan out of the way (at least, in my opinion), I do think that Kaladin is going to end up in a relationship with someone. Unless, of course, he goes through more character growth and accepts himself as himself. That, however, is not the current case, as Kal seems to be the kind of person who needs — craves — reassurance from other people. Syl, Dalinar, or Bridge Four. Kaladin is always talked through his depression, with much oppositional thought and relapse. I think he'd really benefit from a relationship, where he's given love and affection with no strings attached, and he'd really soften up. (Dear Lord, someone give that boy a hug.) Syl, I believe, knows that, too, and that's why she's always pressing him to make a move. With all that in mind, I think Azure would be a good fit for him, at least for a short time. My guess is that they'd never have a long-term relationship, just because their goals are so different and would drive them to part ways. But I think for the little while that it did last it would do him good, and the end of the relationship would be with mutual respect in both directions.
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