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Everything posted by xinoehp512

  1. Nogard rolled the feather between the finger. It was dark black, though not from being burned. It had been burned, but it had been black before that. He shuddered. "Would they have really..." he started. Yes, said the island grimly. "And that would have..." Yes, said the island even more grimly. Be glad it did not happen. Nogard shuddered again. "And the poor storm... they used it as bait." It, like the ones in my homeland, is not sapient. "Does that make up for it?" I feel like I have to say yes, given my reliance on it. "But you don't eat its soul!" Some would argue that we, in fact, do. "It isn't the same." The island made what accounted to a laugh. You are right, of course.
  2. Rekaerb spoke to Alum. "I think you might want to back away. I can handle it from here; it won't affect me as much if I get killed or injured."
  3. The man caught the potato strip. Then he ate it. "I stand corrected."
  4. Haven't had time this cycle to look over things yet. Probably not putting in a vote today.
  5. The man called back 'We don't have any Vikings!'
  6. More information on the North sea. My take on the mountain is that the sharders that dwell there are the avatars that appear on the site. They are controlled by the IRL people who are posting stuff here.
  7. Far, far away, Rekaerb felt the fourth wall shatter. He smiled.This is what I was made for. Tribes of mime-form Parshendi descended on the fourth wall, miming it closed.
  8. I imagined there being 6 poles of the planet. North, South, East, West, Front and Back. The worldspike would be at the Front pole. The Mountain is on the back pole. The floating islands are at the North pole. I like the idea that the worldspike pokes out the back, though. I always wondered about that. (As a side note, the fact that the sharders exist in the fourth realm correlates nicely to the fact that it lies beyond the fourth wall.) If there is a gateway, it would have to be in the Physical or Cognitive. Unless, maybe, it was like Dalinar's visions, which are the Spiritual projected into the Cognitive.
  9. After all, our 4th wall crews are entirely human. We don't want to discriminate. I agree with this. They would probably live on underwater mountains, where they could still get natural light from above.
  10. Nogard suddenly noticed something flying towards him from the north. He squinted to see better. Was that an island? Yes, it was. He waved his arms at the island and starting hollering. Unfortunately, the island ignored him. It passed straight over him without even slowing down. He growled. and Soulcast the ground underneath him into smoke. It expanded, firing him like a bullet from a gun. He flew through the air and rolled to a stop on the island. Finally, he thought, and collapsed, fast asleep.
  11. That would be where the 17th shard touches the alleyverse. One of my characters is going to go there, but he doesn't know that yet. I imagined some of the islands would have sentient species, but not necessarily human. Koloss or kandra would be really interesting, what with having spikes and all.
  12. There's a lot of area. We can have a lot of things. Here's one of my suggestions.
  13. I can't say I like the vote on Cadcom for his post on mixing up his playstyle, as this just doesn't seem like something an elim would do, or at least, admit to. However, it doesn't seem like a villager sentiment, either, and his posts do feel suspicious to me. So I will vote Cadcom/Fifth Scholar for this cycle.
  14. Rekaerb yelped, then followed after Alum.
  15. Far, far away, Nogard finished climbing one of the mountains. He slowed his pace as he looked out. Far in the distance, the alleystorm moved, on its way to the unexplored lands on the other side of the globe. It wouldn't reach this mountain, unfortunately, and even if it had, it wouldn't return for a couple of weeks. He checked his pack. He might have enough food/stormlight to get him back to the alleycity, but he doubted it. He closed his pack and let out a long, drawn out sigh.
  16. In addition, it explains how the Alleycontinent could be so big and still not get dehydrated on the insides.
  17. Hello, checking in. I will look over the thread so far and hopefully get a vote in before the end of the cycle.
  18. One of the bystanders picked up some of the candy and stuck it in their pocket.
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