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Everything posted by xinoehp512

  1. Rekaerb tapped his foot impatiently and sighed. Again. Then a thought came to him. "Hey, didn't one of you suggest sneaking a spider in?"
  2. Rekaerb sighed. Again. "Does anyone have a leecher orb?"
  3. The man scrambled to his feet, still staring at the approaching ship. Farther back, he could see other shapes in the fog, presumably more Vikings.
  4. Wow, this was a fun game. Probably the best game I've ever played. Being Ash was fun. I was even involved in a little intrigue, which was even more fun. But I died of inactivity. But then I came back! Then I became an elim. Which was unfortunate. Having my teammates die was also unfortunate. But at least I completed the win conditions that weren't causing the desolation. I only killed two Kholins though, and one was in self defense.
  5. I like the idea of having the other side of the world have more non-human races. Maybe have two supercontinents seperated by ocean. In addition, I came up with a sea at the North pole (called, rather uncreatively, the North Sea). It's full of Alleycanes and islands that are alive. I'll write up the rest later.
  6. Nogard popped out of the cognitive realm onto the top of a mountain. He sighed, and started heading back.
  7. While it is true that the alleyplanet doesn't act much like a planet, I do feel like there should be something on the other side of the world. I had an idea about islands brought to life by the alleystorm, but I'd like to hear the ideas of other people. So, what do you think is on the Other Side of the World?
  8. Nogard paced back and forth inside the Fiend, chewing on a snack from one of the machines.
  9. The man accepted a sausage, then turned and looked back into the fog. A ship of some kind seemed to be approaching.
  10. The man looked up. Something was approaching through the fog, although he couldn't see what it was yet.
  11. The man let out a long sigh and dangled his foot in the water.
  12. A man strode down the end of the harbor and sat on the end of the pier.
  13. There doesn't seem to be many (well, any) inland bodies of water. Maybe we can have a whole bunch seemingly unconnected to each other but still somehow managing to support a trade system.
  14. Welcome! Would you rather be a gold compounder or an atium compounder?
  15. I actually had a legitimate read! Guess my time as elim was sufficiently informative. Pity about getting lynched, though... curse that broken countdown timer!
  16. A hurricane forms inside the alleystorm. The point would be to bring the alleystorm all over the planet.
  17. @Ark1002's post in the chat thread is good for the path of the Alleystorm, but it leaves out some of the globe. I propose "Alleycanes" that are like an Alleystorm but in hurricane form.
  18. Rekaerb sighed. "Getting to the spiritual realm shouldn't be too hard. Perpendicularities join all three realms together, so we can use that for an entry point. I'm more concerned about surviving passage through the Spiritual."
  19. Rekaerb frowned. "I wasn't talking about time travel. Inside the barrier would still be connected to the Spiritual Realm. If we go to the Spiritual Realm, we would gain access."
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