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Status Replies posted by xinoehp512

  1. This past Tuesday (May 30th, 2023), I received my mission call.

    I will be serving as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the Lansing, Michigan Mission for 18 months (which is about a year and a half), beginning August 14th, 2023 :D


    For those who might not know what a missionary is or what a mission entails, it’s basically where the missionary – in this case, me – will basically put everything about my life right now (such as schooling) on hold and devote 18 months to serving God and those in the area I’ve been assigned to.

    I will be doing things such as proselytizing, and also general service like helping people with yard work or other assorted activities if it’s required of me. I will not be active on any of my social media accounts (except maybe my personal Facebook that basically no one on here knows, depending on what my mission president [my boss, basically] says), including the 17th Shard even tho I’m not particularly active on here in the first place lolll.

    I will be trying to keep a emailing list where I will send out emails about what I did the previous week at least once a week. If any of you want to be on that list, feel free to PM me on here (of if y’all have my Discord, do that) since I don’t want y’all to just give your personal emails on a very public website.

    I’m very excited, and I also have very little time to prepare, but I know that it will be worth it.


    Note: I also considered not saying where I was going for my mission, then realized that literally no one besides a very very small handful of people know my actual name; anyone who knows where I live is smaller than that, so it really doesn’t matter.

    But yeah :)) Y’all have me for a limited amount of time before I am gone for 18 months to serve the Lord.

  2. I hath been swallowed by the great Shard of Inactivity.

    I need saving from the other great Shard of Schoolwork (the Vessel of which is named Biology), who has been encouraging Inactivity and preventing Activity from rising victorious once more.


    … what the flip did i just write :ph34r:


  3. I have come up with an idea for an advancement on the concept of Hurt and Heal.

    Who is interested?

  4. I have come up with an idea for an advancement on the concept of Hurt and Heal.

    Who is interested?

    1. xinoehp512


      Each post, you hurt one of the contenders and heal another. If any drop to zero, they are out. Maximum health is ten. Currently, each hurt is for two points while each heal is only for one.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. I have come up with an idea for an advancement on the concept of Hurt and Heal.

    Who is interested?

    1. xinoehp512


      You should post here then. I can't start it while there's an outstanding game, that would just be rude.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. I kind of want to make an RP.

    But it sounds hard.

    1. xinoehp512


      Worldbuilding's a lot easier with someone to bounce ideas off of (if more fraught with potential conflicts).

      There are a lot of ways to deal with balancing. Probably the simplest is just asking "don't be too OP" and working with people to keep within the limits you have in mind.

      As a side note, I've been thinking of trying out a new style where the players have more or less complete control over their characters, but not the world. I don't know if that would fit well with what you have in mind, but it is something I would be invested in.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  7. I kind of want to make an RP.

    But it sounds hard.

    1. xinoehp512


      If you're writing a book, yes.

      In an RP? It can be good to have those kinds of things defined, but you don't have to.

      Important thing to remember is that a person's investment in an RP is usually proportional to the amount of creation they've done for it. So if you don't leave room for player creativity, it will be harder to grab people's attention.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  8. I kind of want to make an RP.

    But it sounds hard.

    1. xinoehp512


      Do you want people making up their own magic, or adhering to a system that you create?

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  9. I kind of want to make an RP.

    But it sounds hard.

  10. I kind of want to make an RP.

    But it sounds hard.

    1. xinoehp512


      An existing team, or a ragtag group of unlikely heroes villains?

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  11. Anyone else ever get too bored to sleep?

  12. We should implement the Boule.

    Fadran, what the heck is that?

    The Athenian Council of 500, of course.

    ...Yes. And that is?


    Oh gods -

    Athens was among the first societies to use a democratic structure for their government. It was early and flawed, of course (i.e. only men could vote/hold power), but a number of their systems still hold up today. For example:

    The Ekklesia: Athens was a city-state, so most of the people were condensed within the walls of the city. To make decisions about war stuff and electing magistrates, any citizen* could just show up to where everyone was meeting a cast a vote.

    That system is literally just an election: we all know how those work. Show up and get a say. We've basically kept and repurposed that system for modern-day things (such as the fact that - gasp - women and black people are human beings too).

    They also had:

    A Jury System: Also pretty simple! When someone did a naughty, the city would randomly select one hundred people to act as the jury. The defendant would state their case (there weren't any attourneys back then) and the jurors would all vote either to condemn or to free.

    Also how our jury system works nowadays, though with several noticeable differences (only twelve people serving as jurors, legal requirement for a lawyer, etc.)

    Nice, nice. Can you explain what this Boule thing is now?

    The Boule consisted of five hundred citizens serving a one-year term, who each had one vote in day-to-day issues and decisions. There were fifty citizens from each of Athens' ten tribes, who would determine the agendas to pass by the Ekklesia in addition to investigating officials and even other council members. Eventually the members were even paid for their service in order to expand the powers to the poorer classes.

    But what makes this system so unique is that every single member was selected at random.

    Dear gosh, that sounds like a terrible idea. And you want to bring it back?

    Just think about it for a second! I know I'm probably not supposed to talk much about politics here, but I think I speak for all of us when I say our current government is a complete mess on both and all sides. The design to allow people to change their circumstances by work and perseverance has ultimately backfired, giving power only to people who can afford to spend millions on campaigns or take charge of massive megacorporations. We've very efficiently engineered a society where a whole bunch of old, white men make decisions for what is supposed to be the most diverse nation in the world.

    Most people are good people. Most folks just keep to themselves and don't stick their noses into other peoples' business. Most of the people you know and love are just normal, with a normal perspective of the world and a normal set of opinions. So to make a normal society for normal people, it makes sense that what you need are normal decisions made by normal human beings. I guarantee you that five hundred average joes can make better decisions than ten exorbitantly rich politicians with corporate backing and skeletons in the closet.

    Yeah, okay, but won't that still mostly just give power to white people?

    That's the thing though. The Boule selected fifty members each from the ten tribes, so why don't we do the same? Select a set amount of people from various demographics (white, black, mexican, asian-american, etc.) to represent each equally?

    That sounds like you're giving minorities more of a - - - okay, nevermind, yeah, that makes sense.

    Glad I convinced you, totally real person typing in italics.

    'Til next time, this has been 

    Fadran With a Lot of Opinions




    (And, uhh... apologies to the non-americans here, hehe).

    1. xinoehp512


      I wasn't talking about Athens. What decides which demographic groups get representatives and which don't?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. We should implement the Boule.

    Fadran, what the heck is that?

    The Athenian Council of 500, of course.

    ...Yes. And that is?


    Oh gods -

    Athens was among the first societies to use a democratic structure for their government. It was early and flawed, of course (i.e. only men could vote/hold power), but a number of their systems still hold up today. For example:

    The Ekklesia: Athens was a city-state, so most of the people were condensed within the walls of the city. To make decisions about war stuff and electing magistrates, any citizen* could just show up to where everyone was meeting a cast a vote.

    That system is literally just an election: we all know how those work. Show up and get a say. We've basically kept and repurposed that system for modern-day things (such as the fact that - gasp - women and black people are human beings too).

    They also had:

    A Jury System: Also pretty simple! When someone did a naughty, the city would randomly select one hundred people to act as the jury. The defendant would state their case (there weren't any attourneys back then) and the jurors would all vote either to condemn or to free.

    Also how our jury system works nowadays, though with several noticeable differences (only twelve people serving as jurors, legal requirement for a lawyer, etc.)

    Nice, nice. Can you explain what this Boule thing is now?

    The Boule consisted of five hundred citizens serving a one-year term, who each had one vote in day-to-day issues and decisions. There were fifty citizens from each of Athens' ten tribes, who would determine the agendas to pass by the Ekklesia in addition to investigating officials and even other council members. Eventually the members were even paid for their service in order to expand the powers to the poorer classes.

    But what makes this system so unique is that every single member was selected at random.

    Dear gosh, that sounds like a terrible idea. And you want to bring it back?

    Just think about it for a second! I know I'm probably not supposed to talk much about politics here, but I think I speak for all of us when I say our current government is a complete mess on both and all sides. The design to allow people to change their circumstances by work and perseverance has ultimately backfired, giving power only to people who can afford to spend millions on campaigns or take charge of massive megacorporations. We've very efficiently engineered a society where a whole bunch of old, white men make decisions for what is supposed to be the most diverse nation in the world.

    Most people are good people. Most folks just keep to themselves and don't stick their noses into other peoples' business. Most of the people you know and love are just normal, with a normal perspective of the world and a normal set of opinions. So to make a normal society for normal people, it makes sense that what you need are normal decisions made by normal human beings. I guarantee you that five hundred average joes can make better decisions than ten exorbitantly rich politicians with corporate backing and skeletons in the closet.

    Yeah, okay, but won't that still mostly just give power to white people?

    That's the thing though. The Boule selected fifty members each from the ten tribes, so why don't we do the same? Select a set amount of people from various demographics (white, black, mexican, asian-american, etc.) to represent each equally?

    That sounds like you're giving minorities more of a - - - okay, nevermind, yeah, that makes sense.

    Glad I convinced you, totally real person typing in italics.

    'Til next time, this has been 

    Fadran With a Lot of Opinions




    (And, uhh... apologies to the non-americans here, hehe).

    1. xinoehp512


      Big question is, what decides what counts as a "tribe"?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. hi i am back for like five minutes ill probably disappear again soon

    i have over 200 notifications

    what did i miss

    1. xinoehp512


      Dunno if you caught it, but I've been back.

  15. Heyyyy~ Happy one week past my Shardiversary to me!


    Really doesn’t feel like it’s been two years, but it is what it is. Time flies when you’re having fun, and being depressed because of school which I’m out of, thank goodness; Heaven knows I need the break for a good 50 years.

    .. wait. People tend to be grateful on their Shardiversary. So, I just wanna say that I’m NOT grateful for all the love y’all give me. I’m NOT grateful for the people I’ve met on here. I TOTALLY knew that my writing and drawing skills would grow on here, because I was just FULL of self-confidence when I first joined. I TOTALLY knew that I was going to be loved and respected as an artist on here, ‘cause I’m just tHAt good.

    I ain’t grateful. Idk what y’all talking about.


    But seriously, I really am grateful for y’all sticking with me when I was depressed, loving me for who I am, loving my art even if it can be iffy some days, understanding when I said that I needed some space from the Shard, and really just being so kind.

    Words cannot fully express how grateful I am.

    I know that I will not be able to do this next year, since I’m planning to be serving a mission for my church, but you guys really are special.

    Stay amazing, y’all!~ <33


    .. I also guess we can do lil messages


    This is just gonna be in alphabetical order


    @Channelknight Fadran


    My dude, your writing inspires me each time I read it. You are def going to go places with that writing. I look forward to reading any published material you come out with ;)) Maybe we should do something about Zvso lolll, like make it into an anime or something when I’m back from my mission.

    But really, stay cool. Continue to play with words and the imagination of others.. also with tickling them ivories on the piano lolll.




    Connie Connie Connie: You were one of, if not the first person to welcome me on the Shard. I still am grateful for that to this day.

    I know that senior year can be rough at times, but it is literally the best year you can have. Continue to stay strong. I may not be able to get on the Shard or Discord for long, but just know that I’m here cheering you on.




    You are a queen, Queen.

    Continue to be a queen. Continue to share your smile with the world. Continue to be a light. Just.. yeah. Be the queen that you are. Slay <33 Slay your enemies -w-




    @Ed Venture


    You are so cool, bro.

    I feel like I can talk to ya about anything, even if we don’t necessarily talk a whole lot loll. I just love listening to your views on things; helps me understand other people better than before. Well, I believe in ya, and stay cool.


    @Knight of Iron


    You got this. I dunno what’s going on in your life, but I hope that the mission things are turning out for you. I hope that you’re doing alright.

    Continue to stay the cool person that you are.


    @Ookla the Theoretical


    Your comments on my art always gives me a smile :))

    I really dunno what else to say except just to keep moving forward and stay strong.


    @Robin Sedai


    Bro, you’re so cool.

    I’m fairly sure that we’re not in the same or similar time zones, so I barely have the chance to actually talk to you, but you’re still so cool. When I do talk to you, it’s always a joy :))


    @Shallan's Ward


    Stay cool, bro.

    Cya when you come for Christmas :))




    Dude, I love talking to you!

    I like how we have similar, if not the same beliefs and how easy it is to talk to you. It’s honestly sometimes hard to believe that not a lot of people comment on your SU’s when you’re literally one of the most chill people on the Shard.

    Continue to be amazing and chill :))


    @The Ward's Guard


    Stay cool, bro.

    I hope that you’re having a fantastic mission and that you’re enjoying serving those in [mission name]. I love talking to you, I love you in general /p, and yeah.

    I’ll talk to ya later and on Monday :))




    I have no clue if you get on the Shard anymore, but you are still so cool.

    I still love and am fascinated by the ideas you have. I love the worldbuilding that you do, because it’s SO FRICKN GOOD, like teach me your ways. Continue to worldbuild, cos I can see the love and care put into that you put into it.


    Know that I do appreciate each and every single one of you; if I forget to mention you, I’m extremely sorry, but feel free to talk to me over DMs or something. You are all appreciated and loved by me, but I only have so much time to write these things out lolll.

  16. Ookla season starts in four days


    come on guys

    1. xinoehp512



      TBH I just did it cause I saw other people doing it :P I forgot what the actual date was.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  17. *Realizes you're not on my Shardbuddies list*

    Wanna be on my Shardbuddies list?

    1. xinoehp512


      I would be honored.


    Who wants a vibe check? I'm in the vibe for vibe checking people.


    Who wants a vibe check? I'm in the vibe for vibe checking people.


    Who wants a vibe check? I'm in the vibe for vibe checking people.

    1. xinoehp512


      It's a pretty great view from the edge of the world

      Kinda easy to fall off though

    2. (See 44 other replies to this status update)

  21. I had a great trip with Guard. The best time ever. I love his family, I love him. I’ve never felt quite so happy in my life. But now that he’s on his mission…

    TW: Suicide, religion, minor swearing


     I don't think I have ever wanted to kill myself more. I don't even know why I carry on anymore. Is happiness even worth it, when every moment is coated in either dread or misery? I am so done with going through depression and trauma and anxiety. 

    And now I find the person I'm fated to be with the rest of my life, the one I love more than anything and God takes him away from me. What is the damn point. What "loving" God? I see no love here.

    I have had pain and more pain by being in the church. To hell with being "stronger" for what I've been through. I don’t want to keep going. 

    I… I can’t do this anymore. But I can’t kill myself because of who it’ll hurt. I hate that. I hate being kept alive by those I love. My head knows I’ll be okay, but my heart can’t be convinced and I just….. I’m terrified and I’m in pain. I don’t know what to do. I haven’t felt this dark since before I met Guard…


    1. xinoehp512


      Distraction helps usually for me. What can you do to occupy your time?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. Okay, y'know what? I am going to be present. That is my new goal. I am going to be here at *least* once a week. 

    Hello! I've returned! 

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