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danex last won the day on September 20 2022

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About danex

  • Birthday 04/19/2004

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  • Member Title
    your friendly neighborhood puffball
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    Your Wildest Dreams
  • Interests
    programming, photo editing, game dev, philosophy, writing

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  1. hi

    do any of you think that the pokemon would beat the lions

    because i will fight you and i want an excuse to smash that argument into the ground again

    one billion lions is a lot of lions

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    2. The Storming Stormfather

      The Storming Stormfather


      that would just be a separate battle then

      not a continuation of the one fight

      Yes, that is what you are saying. By your own logic, your PP argument doesn't work.


      pokémon definitely need water where are you getting that from. and who’s to say groudon is even awake when the fight starts. if we say the fight occurs on the most average day in the pokémon world, it’s statistically likely he’s asleep somewhere. AND it’s not like all the water would immediately disappear, droughts are gradual.

      I wrote like 4 paragraphs about this and then @Frustration posted first with all of my points simplified lol


      If the fight takes place with in-game mechanics, nobody needs water. Water isn’t a mechanic in the games.

      You just restated what he said, however Desolate Land evaporates all Water Type moves. Based off this thing you said,


      pokémon definitely need water where are you getting that from

      You sound like the one who is confusing canons and with this 


      I said you can’t use certain absurd things the pokédex claims to help your argument, because those things aren’t ever seen to actually be true in any media.

      You are literally are saying that some things in Pokemon canon don't count just because you don't want them to. This isn't even an argument anymore if you really think that.


      if we say the fight occurs on the most average day in the pokémon world, it’s statistically likely he’s asleep somewhere. 

      If Groudon is sleeping, the lions can't win, since it sleeps in an active volcano. Same thing with other Legendaries like Kyorge, Rayquaza and Giratina. The lions can't reach them, thus they can't kill them.

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      Magargo can in fact be as hot as the sun and not destroy everything.

      Lightning can be five times as hot as the sun and not destroy everything. 

    4. Frustration


      Also Jirachi can just wish the lions away

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