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Everything posted by Snorkel

  1. That's weird. It reads like it's based on Polynesian language family. If so it should be as Calderis typed it.
  2. I saw one on a science-based tv show once...I know it's accurate because apparenlty even apes know how to build faraday suits
  3. I randomly found a cool Cymatics video and thought people here would appreciate it too
  4. Maybe it's a bat crossed with a yeek. Yeek being the noise you make when you're not sure whether to say Yikes or Eek.
  5. ...there are many spiky things in this atrium?
  6. Spoiler tags might be in order, in case some other newbies wander in here?
  7. Also the short story Edgedancer, if you haven't yet! (available standalone or in "Arcanum Unbounded")
  8. Welcome! Have you also checked out www.brandonsanderson.com? It has some cool stuff like a blog (the annual "State of the Sanderson" posts are particularly great), some short stories, deleted scenes and annotations (like...soo many you'll be sick of them), and you can sign up for his email newsletter!
  9. Welcome! I'd recommend diving into the Cosmere while you wait for a Rithmatist sequel! The Mistborn trilogy is complete, so no waiting for the next book Well, there's now a second Mistborn series in progress, which is also very good, but there will be a short wait for that to be complete. Also, don't eat the cookies or give away your breath. It's probably spoilers for me to explain what that's about though :/
  10. Those quiz questions EEK I can vaguely remember one person's shadow going the wrong way, but I can't even remember which book it was *facepalm* Welcome Brassweaver! A warning, you should hold on to your breath, and treat all offered cookies with suspicion!
  11. I also think that's an excellent interpretation of cryptics! These are just brilliant.
  12. Patrick Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicles is another extremely awesome fantasy series. It's a trilogy, but it seems that book 3 is going to take a while. The first two are just superb.
  13. FYI You can put spoiler content in tags Select the text you want to hide, and then click the icon that looks like an eye.
  14. I believe this crab is actually a couple of legs short of a decapod.
  15. *peers at penguin* *looks confused* *walks away*
  16. I read Way of Kings first! I'd heard of it through a youtube channel I watch (Skallagrim, he talks about weapons, and he had a video about shardblades being the ultimate fantasy weapon). And I thought it sounded cool, but nah I'm not going to get into another tremendously long unfinished series... And then someone called me an Airsick Lowlander, so I googled what that was about...and decided I hadn't read anything great for a while, so it was worth the risk. And then I read everything else he's published except Wheel of Time (and now White Sand 2, I'm sure my library will get it eventually...)
  17. Where is the comic from? That's really cool? Is it related to the Graphic Audio thing? I thought those were just dramatised audiobooks? Edit, I'm bad, I can't read LDS without thinking of
  18. Welcome! Obligatory warning: Don't eat the cookies or give away your breath! What kinds of things do you write?
  19. Dunno about Archer, but I'm not in any guilds, clubs or groups. I was tempted by the Knights Awkward, but I think I'm too awkward for them
  20. Welcome! A couple of warnings: Don't eat the cookies Don't give away your breath Especially not to Elephant Earwax Definitely don't eat the cookies! Who's your favourite character?
  21. Just where DO you get all the...er...special ingredients for these cookies. ....Is that what happens to all the spammers? :-O
  22. Don't be depressed! That just means there is so much for you to discover still!
  23. It's a thing from Warbreaker. You should read that next, there are a few crossover elements in the Stormlight books! Giving away your breath is not generally recommended Edit: PS Warbreaker is free https://brandonsanderson.com/books/warbreaker/warbreaker/warbreaker-rights-and-downloads/ (but you can also pay for it from the normal stores if you prefer)
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