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Status Updates posted by Eluvianii

  1. Today I was on the bus when I saw a thing flying which turned out to be a rock, which flew through the window and hit a man on the shoulder, it sounded like it hit hard too.

    Who does that? You see a bus passing with a lot of windows open and you go "Hey, I should throw a rock the size of a fist at it".

    The man was okay thankfully, though he didn't stop rubbing his arm after that. Thankfully it was his arm and not his head.

  2. I've been thinking about something. You hear in media all the time about how when a person is gone, it's the small things you miss the most, like just having a meal with them, watching tv and whatnot. That is absolutely true but there is something else.

    There's the small plans. How sometimes you hear a song or see a movie and think "I think that person would like this, I should show it to them" or how you randomly come up with a question you want to ask them. Then next time you see them, you don't, because you didn't find the perfect chance to do so. Then next day they're gone, you're left with a mountain of topics you wanted to talk to them about, and you wonder why you didn't simply create your own chance to do it, even if it felt a little forced.

    I think now that it's probably better to squeeze whatever's on your mind into the conversation while you are with them. It might be a bit awkward, but it'll probably lead to less regrets if something unfortunate happens. Especially if the person is already old or fighting an illness.

    1. AltonicKeys


      That's... interesting. I'm just thinking about how to make a sandwich.
      How does one achieve complex thought

  3. Happy new year! This was a great year with a horrible ending but that's life. Gotta balance out.

    I hope you have a great night and work hard on those resolutions, just think how pleased you'll be about it a year from now.

    Looking forward to another year of sharding with all of you.

  4. Today the time was supposed to change (because daylight savings and stuff). Except a law was just approved so that we don't do that anymore. Except the official site my phone gets the time from apparently wasn't informed, so it changed itself anyway. 

    To fix this I had to change my timezone to the one we're supposed to be synchronized with. But since my phone detects that my location and timezone are different, now two different times appear on my lock screen. 

    It's been a confusing day. 

    1. Szeth's Facepalm

      Szeth's Facepalm

      Wait we don't do daylight savings anymore???

    2. Eluvianii


      In Mexico at least. It was pretty impopular ever since I can remember and it was apparently proven that we were barely saving anything at all. It was little more than a way to mess up people's sleep schedule twice a year so it was chopped. 

  5. The world is so surreal. My school just canceled classes because some idiot uploaded a picture, in the style of an invitation to a party, inviting you to "their first school shooting".

    It feels and looks like a joke and yet you can never be too sure. And it's at times like these you realize that the school has no security whatsoever. Any person can enter, sit at a classroom, and pretend they're enrolled, so canceling classes is literally the only way to make sure people are safe. 

    Weird times, seriously. 

  6. I went out today with a friend, and we're not exactly known to empty our pockets on a meal or anything, but I still took some money with me. The plan was not to spend much, if any, but just in case if emergency or something. 

    So anyway, here's my new copy of Les Misérables. 


    1. Shining Silhouette

      Shining Silhouette

      That's beautiful!

      I always love increasing my book collection. Good for you!

    2. Robin Sedai
    3. Eluvianii


      It is! I feel like publishers might be trying to get people to read more classics. They usually have much more drab covers, with like just a picture of the author in sepia tones and such. These new covers I'm seeing recently are so colorful and pretty. 

  7. This probably applies only to México but, happy Student Day! I know a lot of Sharders are in school, myself included. Use this post as an excuse to give yourself a treat. I personally love using the silliest tiniest stuff as an excuse to do something different or special and I know you all deserve it.

  8. Why is the sun so popular? I get it, in my head it looks bright, colorful, and happy too. But once I actually see it I just feel hot and unmotivated and tired.

    Right now it's cloudy and windy outside my window, could start raining any minute. Now I feel motivated to do homework, perhaps write a bit. Take a walk, why not.

    I just don't know what about being sweaty and sticky seems to bring so much joy to everyone.

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Agreed. I hate hot weather.

    2. Slowswift


      I could not agree more.

  9. First day back in college, after two years of online classes. Is my school the last one to come back? Sure feels like it. Now the hard part will be to resist spending too much time here, considering most of my classes allow/require the use of a computer, and I can always have an extra tab with the Shard open. Totally not doing exactly hat right now.

  10. I can count with the fingers of one hand the number of times I've slept alone in a house. And that's being generous, my memory is fuzzy, today might actually be the first time. My family had a party and I decided not to go because poor social skills and fear of leaving the cats alone are a powerful combination. 

    So hi, it's 12:43 am and I'm afraid to turn off the lights. You'd think at 23 sleeping alone would be whatever but apparently it takes some getting used to. Felt like writing about it to pretend it makes me feel less alone. 

    At least I have two cats and a dog to protect me from any stray ghosts wandering about. 

  11. Update on a previous update. Our two cats, well, they don't get along that's still a distant dream. But they can take naps on the same bed now


    And for now I'm honestly happy with that. 

  12. So I'm kinda scared and excited at the moment.

    We have 2 cats at our house. The oldest one has been here for over a year and the youngest for a couple months or so. So far they've been separated from each other because the big one is really antisocial and aggressive, and we were waiting for the small one to be big enough to stand his ground a bit because we knew scratches would be dealt. 

    So today is the day we let them loose together. The big one (she's called Celine, getting tired of typing all that) is tolerating Patito (Ducky, the small one), but doesn't let him get close to her. She keeps him at bay, and if he gets close she tries to scratch him and chases him. But Patito doesn't stop trying. 

    So here I am, mortally scared that Celine takes things too far but excited and hopeful that they can get along. Crossing fingers. 

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Hope they get along alright!

  13. I like how these status updates have been pretty much a way to measure everyone's time zones along the day. So yeah, Happy new year, guys!

    1. Robin Sedai

      Robin Sedai

      Happy new year, Eluvianii!

  14. I just built and programed a game controller.

    I played Hollow Knight with it for a bit. 

    That's all. I'm just too excited not to talk about it somewhere. 

    1. AonEne


      Can't leave it at that, what does it look like? How did you build it? :D

    2. Eluvianii


      Oh, right. It looks like this. 


      The thing in the middle is basically used to make prototypes and you can do almost whatever you want if you know how to. 

      It was a college project where the teacher just told us "Buy one of these, here's the manual. You have until the end of the semester to build a thing". 

      Probably the most freedom I've had with a school project. 

    3. AonEne
  15. I've seen people do this so. 1,000 posts! Or, 1,001 I guess. Yay. It only took three years and a half. I also seem to have the cursed number of rep so this is a nice coincidence.

    And, uhhh, that's it I think. I didn't really think this through. Thanks for reading, sorry about the notif. You can go back to your crazy life on the Shard now. 

    1. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Woo-hoo, 1000 posts!! Here’s to a thousand more!

  16. It's here! First time I post one of these (I think) but it seemed appropriate. I joined the Shard a few months before Oathbringer came out (at the time I remember people were calling November "Oathvember"). I was afraid of every subforum because spoilers, my only book by then was Elantris so even though there was still some time before the book came out and the preview chapters were just starting, I'm not the fast reader everyone here is so I didn't get to be part of the hype and didn't read Oathbringer until much later. 

    But now? Now I'm up to date, I followed the preview chapters (for a time anyway. Then stuff happened), I've read Dawnshard, my reread was a disaster but no matter, the book is here now and I can't wait to dig in. So in short, I'm really excited about my first book release. 

    See you guys in a month when I start roaming the spoiler threads.


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