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Everything posted by Snipexe

  1. Grey rolled his eye at Sierra’s rejection of the inevitable. The choice has already been made, the fates having been decided when the radio first whispered to life. All that this had truly determined, besides the initial connection, was the nature of her boon, and agony of her bane. He noted Vivica's approach and question. "Good timing, we were just about to begin the fun bit." He removed the vision acuity tester from Sierra’s head, careful not to catch her hair in the device. It did tend to be a pain to remove, it was the number one complaint about the procedure. From those who were sane anyway. The insane tended to complain about the chair. He fixed his gaze on Sierra and let out a silent sigh. "Look alight, I'm sorry about what's going to happen next, that said, it is going to be pretty funny to watch, so if I leave in the middle to go get popcorn, I do hope you'll forgive me." The snap of blue latex gloves punctuated his remarks. He felt around in his pockets for a mild tranq, there had to be one somewhere around there. People often tried to escape when they realized the waiver they had signed before entering the study had been rather vague about what kind of mild inconveniences they might experience. "Looks like there's not any tranqs for you, so you'll be fully conscious for the lovely lightshow that's soon to come. Any last words before you get metaphysically ripped to pieces?" @Shard of Thought
  2. “It’s nearly calibrated now. 1. Or 2.” As Grey spoke, the image on the wall changed, fuzzing for a moment, then changed again. He took it in stride. Cleary the previous test had been unnecessary. ”1. Or 2.” @Ookla The Narrator
  3. Just want to say that a number of Lum’s posts last cycle had what seemed to me a weird tone. This is the one that stands out the most: Especially now that Striker has been shown to be an elim, and was pushing for a group claim (ironic that that ended up happening), this post seems even more weird/suspicious. It’s not enough to change my vote however.
  4. I think the your target language is just to simplify the sending of 14ish pms with specific targets. It could also be to obfuscate the redirects/incorrect scans. From a GM perspective though, I would think the former is more correct.
  5. It may just be backwards. Literally. We need more lynches to prove it, but that fact that Striker was scanned as village, then flipped elim, and many people got elim scans seems to say that there are more of whatever scans as elim than what scans as village.
  6. I think you two aught to coordinate then. Both scan the lynch target maybe? Then using that coordinate if Lum’s scan tells the truth. edit: It’s also possible the Striker could have had some ability to avoid scans? I don’t really know how that fits into the actual Tineye theme, maybe he burns his tin such that he can detect when he’s being scanned and therefore hide it?
  7. No wonder there are “types”. Types are just roles, and when the last Tineye dies, that’s the end of the game, so of course all roles will be revealed (assuming the elims are not Tineyes)
  8. More evidence: The Lord Mistborn began as a Tineye, makes sense his school would be such. Additionally, thugs are given a whole new meaning! It could mean allomantic thugs aren’t welcome, rather than just “thugs”
  9. Alright, so no (apparent) vote manipulation. Devotary doesn't look great right now. The last minute vote is just straight up suspicious, especially when it was to tie Striker with Lemon. Elkanah is looking pretty good in my books right now, seeing as they were the deciding vote for an elim Lynch. Pretty sure their village. Interesting to note that Striker was pushing hard for claims, makes sense now, for target acquisition reasons. Striker's final post leaves a few interesting tidbits: I would guess that there is at least one elim in the above, just to throw suspicion off their back.
  10. Oof, the poke vote without an actual tag. So anyway, here’s some baseless role spec: It’s early Era 2, so the likelihood of having metals like Cadmium and Bendalloy is unknown. The fact that there are multiple variants of every role means that there is at least 16 roles (original 8 x2), and it most 32? 48 (all 16 x3)seems like a lot for a QF, especially one where people can only have one of a role (unless we have a mistborn). These are of course the only possible options for the roles. If we assume the elims don’t have powers, and than there will be little overlap, and therefore little will be known about the roles.
  11. So question, are people not associated with the "big thing" still allowed to post to the rp thread?
  12. Grey accepted the gingersnap, giving it to his tentacles as he adjusted the Vision Acuity Tester. “Try FM 13797.98,” He said, tuning to the same radio station. It had approximately the same sounds. “Now, then, back to you.” He turned to face Sierra. Behind him a light dimmed, and the sound of breaking glass could be heard from within it’s casement. “ 1.” *click* “2.”
  13. The radio went to a low thrum, with occasional high pitched cracks. "1. or 2. " Grey turned to Viv. "It's beginning to get interesting."
  14. The radio increased in pitch. Grey's voice grew colder. One of the fluorescent lights flickered in the ceiling. "1. or 2. "
  15. The radio's crackle grew louder, words almost seemingly to be made out in the static. The voices seemed to be screaming. "1. or. 2. "
  16. "Alright," As Grey spoke, a hiss of static emanated from the radio behind the chair. The static rose for a brief moment, then cut back to a low whine. "Tell me, 1. or 2. " @Shard of Thought
  17. Grey chuckled, then shifted the device onto Sierra's face. He adjusted it carefully, before snapping his fingers. An image appeared on the wall as he did so. "Alright, let me know which of the following is clearer, 1. or 2. " @Shard of Thought @ZincAboutIt
  18. "Wonderful! Your compliance in the matter will make things so much easier to sort out with HR. So, on to business. I'm going to put this device on your face, " Grey said gesturing to the visual acuity tester. "On the wall will be displayed some text, and you'll look through the lenses on this thing and tell me which of the two lenses I click through makes the image more clear. Understand? Oh, and please be honest. The machine knows if you're lying, and it will only make the test more frustrating for all parties involved if you do so." @Shard of Thought @ZincAboutIt
  19. "We are simply going to open your eyes. Think of yourself as being blind, and this is the eye exam that is going to give you your prescription." @Shard of Thought @ZincAboutIt
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