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Everything posted by Wander89

  1. I'm not really sure that we want to continue the conversation of hairspren on different parts of the body.....
  2. I wish I could go back and watch it for the first time!
  3. I can't really comment since I haven't finished it but I think I'm liking more of how the story is unfolding in TGH. Probably because it's all been set up by TEotW though.
  4. Wander89

    what if

    Whilst it's great to speculation what if. This all went down the way it was supposed to. Sazed was always supposed to be the Hero of Ages and reading through the 1st book I kicked myself at not noticing that in the first place!
  5. Well this is all I'm going to think about now:
  6. Welcome to the Shard @Raphaborn! What books have you read in the Cosmere? Always great to have someone.
  7. Yeah? Will it still be White Sand? Anywhere I can see this info?
  8. it's not a bad thing. Definitely got a Shardblade theme song now!
  9. Phew! It's such an easy read. Can't wait for Starsight now!
  10. Love the Expanse!! You and I are going to get on really well
  11. Your Name is one of my favourite films of all time. A Silent Voice is a close one to compare it to! I'm excited for Weathering With You!
  12. Exactly! Amazon Prime have produced some fantastic shows recently so I'm holding hope for them
  13. There's a lot more we need to know about the Ghostbloods before we can determine who they are. Leading the Ghostbloods from Scadrian could be a possiblity but we need to know their endgame first.
  14. Also still reading TGH, I'm not into it as much as EOTW but it's enough to keep me interested in the story. I'll have to put it down shortly when Starsight comes out.
  15. Watching Season 4 of My Hero Academia! It's just a recap episode but it's great to have it back. Plus Ultra!
  16. Welcome the the Shard! I'd suggest introducing yourself in the Introduce Yourself thread! In regards to Joker: I did see it. I thought it was a great movie that really opened up about mental health. It had its flaws and controversies but I applaud the bravery for releasing it. That being said, it's a great movie but I don't think it's a great Joker movie. If this was released without the Joker involved and another character then I don't think it would be doing as well.
  17. I have finally started the Wheel of Time series. I know it's not necessarily Good News but I've been meaning to read this but been put off due to sheer length. Currently on The Great Hunt and this one isn't holding me as much as I wanted it but I think it's just fatigue. HOWEVER, I'm finally being immersed into this and feeling comfortable enough to do so. This time last year I would only read standalone or comic books (and the Cosmere). The good news part is that books have been my getaway now and reading these have now made me more confident in real life. I've been feeling more like myself and this has been well translated to relationships and work.
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