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Everything posted by Wander89

  1. My own personal reading order is: White Sand Vol. 1 - > White Sand Vol. 2 -> White Sand Vol. 3 -> Elantris -> Arcanum Unbounded The Emperor’s Soul -> Arcanum Unbounded Hope of Elantris -> Arcanum Unbounded The Eleventh Metal -> Mistborn The Final Empire -> Mistborn The Well of Ascension -> Mistborn The Hero of Ages -> Warbreaker -> Arcanum Unbounded Shadows for Silence in the Forest of Hell -> Stormlight Archive The Way of Kings -> Stormlight Archive Words of Radiance -> Arcanum Unbounded Edgedancer -> Stormlight Archive Oathbringer -> Arcanum Unbounded Allomancer Jak and the Pits of Eltania -> Mistborn The Alloy of Law -> Mistborn Shadows of Self -> Mistborn The Bands of Mourning -> Arcanum Unbounded Secret History -> Arcanum Unbounded Sixth of the Dusk. The great thing is, you can really read them in any way. SA first or Mistborn or Elantris and so on.... That's the beauty of the Cosmere. The stories are self-contained yet also overarching.
  2. I know, I'm kidding haha. I've been watching a lot of anime right now but we should probably talk via private message otherwise this thread will just get clogged! I'll message you now!
  3. I knew it!! And thanks for making me feel much older than I really do feel Shinkai is good, too. Your Name is such a moving piece and I'm looking forward to Weathering With You. 5 Centimetres is also pretty good but the format didn't really work for me. I do love Ghibli (played Ni No Kuni just for the visuals!) and I'll definitely look at those suggestions!!
  4. Whilst I don't necessarily agree that such dark topics need to have comic relief or another plot point to make it light; I can appreciate why you would think that. I usually watch specific genres to feel something for that specific mood but I genuinely get your opinion. A Silent Voice is not for everyone, I get that too, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to Weathering With You also. Those films you mentioned are definitely ones I might look into!
  5. I did, I just happened to put a shoe on my head and yodel quietly!
  6. I'm not that fast a reader, wish I could read them in less than an hour but going from Stormlight chunks to White Sand is definitely a noticeable difference but I applaud Sanderson and the team for trying other mediums.
  7. I'm going to message you otherwise we will just clog this thread
  8. I did enjoy volume 3, I think it's going a great new direction but I also counted it as new Cosmere (because really, it is) and i'll take it!
  9. Hoid having internet would be comedy gold!
  10. Welcome @FridgedCrisis! I thought you meant Rubix Cubes and got so confused, you're best to be safe from them! I do love a good yodel, hope to see you yodel your way through the rest of the forum!
  11. Wow, most laid back introduction. Welcome to the Shard @Bridgeman#26! Try and not be as laid back throughout the rest of the forum, hope to discuss things with you!
  12. Welcome @Anxietyspren! That was a good joke, I was actually scared you'd posted in the wrong forum but good introduction! Definitely join the Pun thread that Lunamor posted, I feel you'd enjoy it but hope to see you around the forums!
  13. I picked up the illustrated version and I adore the artwork. I know it's children's fantasy but it was the first fantasy I ever read and will always hold a place to me. There are better works, Kingkiller or Mistborn is the next for me to put forward when anyone asks but I agree with the take on the later books. It was almost as if she did try to make it a new series with different characters but then wanted it over and done with.
  14. Haha yeah, definitely no spoilers as to why I like Season 3!! Well, who isn't a fan of Studio Ghibli! Spirited Away is one of my favourite ever movies Haven't seen any from Satoshi Kon except from Paprika. Get that investigation started!
  15. My little sister looked exactly like the original baby in Poltergeist and it's the only movie to really scare me since.
  16. I recommend Kingkiller also. It's also so beautifully written but I agree the wait for book 3 is numbing.
  17. Great idea, I've amended the thread title now
  18. I cannot recommend Ursula Le Guin's Earthsea enough. It packs as much punch as Sandersons yet is 10x as short. The magic system is fantastic but the way the world is build is truly a strong point in Le Guins writing. I recommend the illustrated edition, such beautiful art work.
  19. YNYASFW You look out and its misty and you get all sorts of ideas!
  20. Welcome @RossMurdock! Age does not matter here, only our discussions with fellow members (although some of us are not as young as they appear). I assume you've read Jordan then which has been your introduction to Sanderson. What's been your favourite sci-fi book so far since I see that's how you got your roots!
  21. Exactly! Good to see someone else around with the same interests (that aren't just Sanderson). Hmmmm I'd have to say Season 3, without spoiling anything for anyone. What about you??
  22. I guess I'd better finish The Great Hunt soon then so I can see for myself!
  23. If there's hair on your toenails then you gotta get that figured out. I've grown up with 3 younger sisters, my own girlfriend for the past 8 years and her little sister has just started. I'm fine with a little menstruationspren talk
  24. I guess it's still a good book, I'd imagine.
  25. Looking forward to Dragon Reborn but I heard it is without Rand?
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