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Serce Forts

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Posts posted by Serce Forts

  1. @Condensation You summoned me, hmmmm?

    Oh look, The Game. I'm very sorry but I have to say I never consented to pl- *Quiet scratching in the background* What?


    A person cannot refuse to play The Game; it does not require consent to play and one can never stop playing. -Wikipedia

    Well. I never thought I was a rebel until now.

    Enjoy your game of Braizish torture.

    @Vapor *Tips hat* Very nice to see you online.

    *Leaves the room, very dapperly*

  2. When you go to the Orem Barnes and Noble and you pick out Arcanum Unbounded as a not-so-secret Christmas present.

    I was drawn immediately towards a section that was just Sanderson and quickly realized I had most of the books/I'm waiting for some series to finish up before I get them all. We found a tiny version of Edgedancer and I said "Oh no! They don't have Arcanum!" Thankfully someone overheard us and said, "Wait. We have Arcanum." So we followed the mysterious man and he led us to an even bigger Sanderson section. 

    Both workers at the store I ran into said "You should come to the signing tomorrow!"

    I replied, "I'm a sanderfan, I've known there is a signing here for at least a week."

    Sadly I have a family conflict, but it's fine because I went to the original release and I was able to see everything set up for Brandon in the store. They have a really cool Christmas tree made out of Oathbringers and giftcards. So all who can go, go.

  3. @Tesh It will probably turn out awful. I'm 95% sure that it will.

    The good thing is that the movies will come out and we'll all be able to say to our friends, "Read the books! Then moan with us how bad the movies are!"

    If things turn out bad there is nothing we can do to change it, so there's no use worrying over it. Just....breathe. 

  4. Hello @Pammie! You don't have to worry about any rules I can think of, just be kind to others.

    An important thing to know is people will soon start replying, telling you to either eat cookies or not to eat cookies. It's a joke that the cookies are Ruin's cookies, because they are spiked. Don't worry if you're confused, you'll see it soon.

    Welcome and enjoy!

  5. Yes, Brandon refers to a lot of things in Alcatraz. At the end of the first book it's definitely making fun of Harry Potter and in his "Ways Alcatraz Doesn't Want to Die" list it says "being sewed by J.K. Rowling". I wouldn't be the one to ask about Count of Monte Cristo though. Sorry.

  6. Hello! Favorite Cosmere book? Non-cosmere book? I just looked at your cards and may I just say, you are awesome! I have family into Magic, but I've never really wanted to play myself. Hope we can see more of you here!

  7. Quote

    I drive my tutors mad because I cannot draw or sing or do anything that is considered appropriate for young lady and am always sneaking off to spar with my brothers or watch the dueling grounds. I convinced one of my fathers guards to give me fighting lessons in the spear and hand-to-hand combat and everything else I can get him and my brothers to teach me. I can beat most of the village boys in running races and drive my mother to despair because I like to ride our horses bareback and wear pants instead of a dress. At night I sneak out of the window and practice Surgebinding. I also find it Storming inconvenient to have to wear a sleeve over my safehand!!!

    @Sami You're not necessarily rebellious, you just...have more interest in...non-feminine things and you hate wearing...your...safehand sleeve. *Blushes a little*

    You may call me Varaseel.

    Please take no offence,

    Brightness Varaseel Demek

  8. Dear Surgefinders,

    My name is Brightness Varaseel Demek. I'm a minor lighteyes and have been watching the Surgefinders for a while now. Please forgive the length of this letter, I only wish to be accepted. 

    I grew up as the 2nd oldest of four siblings to Dasha and Larakel Demek. I started my education very young and fell in love with learning. I was never very rebellious or a "tomboy" like many of the other people in this group. I learned how to be a "lady" and enjoyed it. One day, my oldest brother got ill. I wasn't allowed to see him, by order of my parents, until he became better. He didn't become better. He died soon and the sickness spread around. I suddenly realized how bad it was. It wasn't just a cold or fever turned bad. It was an outright plague. People called it the "Shivers" and it rapidly took my family and the people around us. Some people went insane, but those cases were rare.* I watched as my brothers, sister, and parents suffered through this, slowly tortured until their final breaths, where they whispered death rattles in tortured voices. I tried to help, but I had no idea what to do and I barely ever found anyone able or willing to help. I searched books and everywhere I could, but in the end I did nothing. Everyone around me died. I've seen only two survivors from the plague. I wasn't one of them. I never got sick. I blame myself for this still. Did I help spread it? Why did everyone else get sick? Why? Why? These have been burned into me.*

    A cryptic started following me and I bonded quickly. I named him Fluxation* (yes, not Fluctuation) and he helped me fix some of my life. I traveled to the Shattered Plains and have been living in Sebarial's warcamp, doing odd jobs. At one point I even ended up being a scribe for Navani.

    I know you are a very accepting group, but it felt wrong not to have to "apply" in some form or another. I am barely above mediocre in history, writing, and the other main subjects, but I'm deplorable at science. Mathematics has always been my strong point and I love it. My fine arts are average, my worst being painting, but I'm an amazing musician. I'm quite capable in harp and flute and dabble in oboe and clarinet (or Rosharan instruments like that). I don't want to be vain, but I've been praised greatly and there were many times people would come to hear me play from miles away. 

    I use illusions like other Lightweavers, but unlike them I manipulate sound more (yes, everyone, I have researched it, lightweavers manipulate "waves" including sound waves). Because of my talent in music I lean towards it naturally.

    I wish to be a part of your group and would enjoy it immensely. Thank you for your time.


    Brightness Varaseel Demek

    Things to know about my character: quiet, intelligent, perfectionist, HATES, ABSOLUTELY HATES making mistakes, feels guilty, doesn't like talking about her past, loves math and music A LOT, acts "properly", etc.

    The * means that there is stuff behind that, that once we become closer, she might reveal.

  9. Lately I've been bugging @Lightning about his favorite theories and questions to ask. I finally got something out of him. One of the best theories ever (all credit to Lightning):

    When Hoid and Nightblood meet they will merge into one, becoming...


    Hoidblood will ask eagerly "Would you like to destroy some sticks today?"

    What d'ya think?

  10. These last two pages are too amazing! I recently did a very nerdy thing with my friends and only one of them knows what the Cosmere is. The entire time we made the worst puns and once in a while he asked me questions I couldn't answer. We showed the rest of our friends 17th Shard and when my Brandon Sanderson memory failed and we were about to google something I thought "Coppermind Wiki!" and my friends pretty much slapped their faces. "There's a Coppermind Wiki thing too?" Then a family member joined in expressing his love of Mistborn to our friends and he said "Don't read it until you're sick of other books. All of the other ones are ruined because none of them are as good." (Ruined, I winked.)

    I have to join the circle and confess. "I have this problem. Someone says 'ruined' and I can't stop myself. I-I read and think Brandon. I go onto 17th Shard daily and stalk @Calderis. When Oathbringer comes out I-I plan to go to my first official release party with my very own mistcloak. I'll be unstoppable." *Starts sobbing*

    1 hour ago, Calderis said:

    You've got to understand that.. This isn't something that just goes away. You can learn to cope with it. Deal with it more effectively, but this will always be a part of you now. That's why we're all here. 

    We accept you. You can handle this. 

    I can? I can. I can! Thanks guys.

    *Happily sobs along with @Roadwalker*

  11. 11 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

    Ugh, I wanted to upvote most of the posts above me because @Calderis and @Extesian are pretty awesome, but I'm out of upvotes. You're both too hard on yourselves, you guys are awesome. I haven't seen Pagerunner, Spool, Argent, or the others in all their glory yet (though I know how good they are), but you guys are just amazing. Like, I'm starting to get into the theory scene, and you guys are like the perfect role models for what I want to be as a theorizer. Oh, @The One Who Connects is another amazing example of a modern theorizer that's awesome. Basically everything has already been said about you guys, but I just wanted to say it all again.

    You guys give such good responses!!!! I'm always so jealous of you. 

    You know you're a sanderfan when you're obsessed with Pattern, so you're siblings can recognize him anywhere, even though they haven't read the books.

    "What're you doing? Oh, you're drawing Pattern."

    I have trained my silbings so well. ^_^

  12. I like a lot of these theories and I've never thought about if you could make a shardplate as well as a shardblade *smacks face at my own non-theoryness*. I HATE the idea of Dalinar murdering Shshshsh! He may not have the best past, but...no. I also like the idea of Kaladin not being in the last fight or at least not as the main fighter of that battle. He gets too much screen time. Watch as Jasnah saves the city! I want to see so much more out of Renarin. We don't know enough about him. What was his childhood like? What part of things happening is his power and which is from something else interfering?

    I'm so bad at theorizing, but I always love your guys' stuff. Can't wait for Oathbringer! I've already told two people to come with me to the release party! November is SOOO close and SOOO far away. Errrrr!

  13. My talent would be being able to get stuff everywhere. Let me explain...

    I eat ice cream and get it on my forehead. I dip something in ketchup, it gets on my socks. I do the dishes and get water everywhere. 

    I could touch a book in a library and then all of the sudden, multiple books would be all over, driving the librarians crazy.

  14. 11 hours ago, Sami said:

    Welcome to the Shard!

    I haven't read Firstborn yet. Is it good?

    I like Firstborn, but it is short and not as fulfilling as his other books (Firstborn is small). I like the book because it has a Brandon Sanderson twist, and I liked the ending. You definitely should read it. Just so you know, it is more sci-fi. That's a good way to describe it, right? Those of you who have read it need to help me out.

    4 hours ago, BrightnessRadiant said:

    Welcome @Serce Forts !!! Ah it looks like my old friend pattern is here lol :P (cuz I'm shallan lolz)

    Ah, shame you don't like cookies ;)

    SA is my favorite series! But I started on The Rithmatist :D

    Also Hoid and Kaladin are my favorite characters so far in any series lol


    Thanks! Everyone loves Hoid! 

    To everyone else that has welcomed me, thank you too!

  15. I know, I know. This theory has been proposed before...but I just want to gather all the facts we know of...and one that no one has seemed to mention yet.

    1. Raoden uses a long stick at the end to


      Save Elantris!


    2. He has been confirmed as a member of B.A.R.K. and B.I.T.E. (Worldhopping Organizations?)

    3. Leky Stick, Leky Stick. (Okay. Okay. It’s not evidence. It’s just really cool.)

    4. It’s Stick!

    5. In WoR it says that Mraize had a weird series of items including “The branch of a tree with writing she [Shallan] couldn’t read.” Stick’s family or beginning?

    Anything to add or stick on? Criticism? Love?

  16. Thanks! Mmmm chocolate and something hmm...a hint of Investiture? My favorite Brandon Sanderson book is...probably Hero of Ages, though it goes between that and Stormlight Archive's newest book.

    Also, just so you know, I love almost all of the characters in the Cosmere, but I LOVE Pattern. I've read almost all of the Cosmere works, but also Alcatraz, Rithmatist, Reckoners, and Firstborn. 


  17. I am finally on 17th Shard. Yessssssss! I have been in the shadows, watching, waiting until I would get an account. My friends got on and I realized I should step into action. My Brandon conversion story is that I read Alcatraz and fell in love. I then started this and that, until I was the ultimate Brand Sand fan!!!! Mwah ha ha!

    I feel like I’ve always been here, reading the funniest posts, looking at the most stunning art, and the most amazing theories. I love so many people here and can’t wait to finally add my thoughts to “You Know You’re a Sanderfan When”, give upvotes, and show how much I appreciate your bad puns. (Hemalurgy Ruins your appearance. Ha, it never gets old.)

    I plan on posting my “Stick is a Worldhopper” theory, with even more proof than before!

    I’m so glad I can be a 17th Sharder! Can’t wait to be a nerd with all of you!

    I’m sorry, but I have to refuse Ruin’s evil the Dark Alley’s cookies and Rock’s pie. If there were some brownies though...

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