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Everything posted by Sparkrunner

  1. Hmm... Interesting that ALV forgot to count my vote against him in his vote tally.
  2. If Alvron were anyone else, I would vote on them. But, Alvron is Alvron. And Alvron likes lots of crazy votes, so Alvron.
  3. I got Legion for Christmas! What am I to respond to?
  4. I just kinda slapped that in there, I dont know why but I was thinking about how we could discover elims by their trying to use the correct wording from the gm pm. Not going to go anywhere with that.
  5. Silver Feather rocked the RP, 'cause the entire planet (half of it) is one big desert. Don't care 'bout D1 lynches. Role-less good guy here. Why do you say that?
  6. "And I will see this planet burn to get what I need." ~~ Hoid. Hoid destroys roshar so that roshar cannot be used to destroy other planets. Well OK not really.
  7. Writing out a game set in Ashyn! (Probably no spoilers-- We don't know much.) Basically, it is all set around getting sick. I want it to be *somewhat* of a blackout game (not really) @Alvron who can I talk to about it?
  8. Silver stood, surveying the dusty town. He checked the canteen at his hip. Enough in there to draw more water. He checked the knife on the other hip. Enough knife to draw blood. He started walking, head down, hands tucked into his robe. He had almost made it to the city boundary when a voice halted him. "Excuse me sir,..." ~~ Anyone?
  9. What do you all think? I have heard all of these perspectives and want to know how a majority of sharders think.
  10. Finally, some analysis. I need to do more of this. Shqueeves: @Ookla that Watches Overall read: Leaning elim. - Lemonelon: @Lemonelon Overall read: Very Very slightly elim, but that is probably because we have nothing to work with. @Lemonelon would you consider being more active? We need you to be. - Rebecca: @Rebecca Overall read: Points in favor of being both an elim and a villager, so a common balance of 0.
  11. It says in the rules "History" or "Past" or something like that. My personal theory is that they could function as either some kind of detective, investigating the scene of the crime, or look at what would happen to them if they had been killed, ie. Seeing if there were coin wounds or knife wounds.
  12. Alv never said anything in our house doc, even though I had claimed and anyone else with a role had posted anonymously that there was that role available. He never said nothin'.
  13. Just this last halloween I was thinking of putting a spanreed fabrial underneath a sheet and using it as a ghost... Spanreeds have all kinds of practical applications, in theory.
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