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Everything posted by Sparkrunner

  1. I am creating an Oathbringer trailer for a competition, and I need some stormlight art. I may be contacting individuals who posted in the gallery, but if anyone has any right off the top, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
  2. Who here thinks the "Society of reserved warriors in the mountains, kept away from modern society, whose martial skill surpass those of any other race," in Kingkiller is a rip-off of the Aiel?
  3. Firefox Quantum, Samsung Tabpro, Windows 10, and I use Ublock Origin. I turned it off and reloaded the page, still nothing.
  4. Tree of Avalon is good, as are all the Merlin books. Janitors (YA)
  5. On laptop, the banner for it shows, but no twitter.
  6. *Ahem* Redwall for YA, and the Rirya Revelations.
  7. FAR SIDE CARTOONS! YES! And those are FANTASTIC! I only have one upvote --
  8. Riyria Chronicles and Riyria Revelations. Probably a few thousand pages between both series. He wrote them all before releasing them. The main characters are a half-breed elf, a trained knight, and a witch. Lots of fun adventures. The first series is just *mediocre* but his writing improves VASTLY throughout the first series, and I really enjoyed the last three books of the first and the second series. The first series (Revelations) is six books, published in three volumes. Definitely recommended. Would buy again.
  9. Climbing Kredik Shaw to steal TLR's armbands... ... And returning them the next day...
  10. I saw @RiyriaMistborn's nametag and couldn't help but think how Riyria would have so much fun in mistborn era 1...
  11. I feel like I am missing something here. Would someone who doesn't have a worldhopper account please send me a screenshot of what they see?
  12. Can't view them? What do you mean?
  13. Well... This post from the Sanderson Memes thread: Contains a lot of cursing and explicit stuff. I reported it, but nothing happened. I would enjoy the use of a downvote button in this scenario.
  14. ... ... Hmmph. Ugh. This always happens. Ah... No way to defend myself here. If you guys are really committed to lynching me, and I get a bunch more votes, I will kill myself so that you have a lynch to spend on the last elim?s.
  15. So. Alv has a secret role that he needs to lynch a random player in order to win. Eh?
  16. I would like to suggest that a mayoring setup might be effective... With devotary scanning people in an order that he keeps to himself. His guards should PM him, so he knows who they are. And @Steeldancer I get it. Totally.
  17. Hey! @Steeldancer Inspection time! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  18. Hmmm.... Take a look at these two posts from @livinglegend and @Megasif: and then: Alright. From out of nowhere, near the end of the cycle, two votes on Joe, who was a Kor thief. Weird. -- In a later cycle, livinglegend says it would be a shame to lynch randuir, as he is an active poster and encouraging discussion. Then votes on Walin. (Walin = Villager) This is NAI because legend retracts the vote later. Overall read on livinglegend: NAI, leaning slightly elim.
  19. How much time is there left in the cycle? I might try to get some analysis up...
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