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Borio Singaldi

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Everything posted by Borio Singaldi

  1. I'm so glad this is a topic now! It's my new favorite non-Brandon book series. I was hooked from the start of book one. That series is like a Brandon Avalanche happening every single chapter, it never slows down and it picks you up and yanks you further into the story as the twists and worldbuilding just keep getting deeper and deeper until you realize you really understood nothing at the start. And even after ALL THAT HAPPENS in all its crazy plot twistery and after all the gallons of reveals and information, it STILL seems like we don't even know half of what's going on yet by the end of book two. And it's a TRILOGY! The magic system is great, the characterization is pretty good, the writing has a very distinct style unique to the author James Islington, the plot twists and worldbuilding are unbelievably terrific as mentioned before, the nature of the conflict is deep and convoluted and leaves you genuinely wondering who the real villains are and which "god" is the god on the right side, and the whole thing just seems far too big for three books. Plus, the twist ending of book one was so mindblowing to me, the last time I was blown away so much by a book ending was reading Hero of Ages. I love that series and eagerly await the third book, even though it might be years before I read it because of missionary stuff. Highly recommended to all!
  2. Why do feet smell and noses run? Why do we drive in parkways and park in driveways? Why do cars carry shipments and ships carry cargo?
  3. Especially since his parents had died in a freak circus accident involving coconuts (which are similar to pineapples) when he was just a kid, leading him to serve a part time job as Robin.
  4. It's still in the works, but I have a thread for it on the Shard. But that's beside the point. I hope Black Piper sticks to Stormlight Archive music. I haven't done any serious Stormlight stuff cause I've just been like "Nah, they got it. I'll let them do their thing and I'll do mine." But it's comforting to know that we will be getting the Kaladin album back later this year. I was worried it would be gone forever.
  5. Feel free, it's not like I've structured copyright claims or monetization for it. So you're good. Go ahead. And I corrected your post. Oh yeah, I got a couple more for you! Plus, I figured out a way to filter the sound of my fingers hitting keys, at the cost of a couple tiny recording setbacks that hopefully aren't noticeable. First is the current iteration of the theme I made for the mist spirit. Mist Spirit.m4a Next is the song for the end of book one, in which the Lord Ruler is dying and warns Vin of the world's fate, and then she stabs him and kills him. Hooray for climaxes! He Is Hope.m4a More are to come!
  6. I really hope one of their projects is not a Mistborn soundtrack. Or else a great life work of mine will be rendered redundant.
  7. Yelig-nar Edit: Wait, no pronouns. Yellow
  8. Well, it looks like I'm back. From the dead.
  9. I don't think the statues would really be able to move around, though. Stone isn't exactly malleable. The only reason Kalad's Phantoms worked is because they were bone on the inside. They had movable structures. A statue purely made of stone shouldn't be able to move any limbs or anything. Sure, they could be Awakened, but they couldn't budge or do anything.
  10. When that didn't work, Butt used the power of Fartomancy to bring Uncle Brandy back to life.
  11. Ooh, putting them in order! I will gladly do so! Keep in mind that this is only the songs I've made so far, not a full list. This will eventually need to be updated as I make more. I'll even leave a few names of songs I made that I haven't recorded yet just to hype you up! Also keep in mind this is only the chronological order. Final Empire: 1. Mistborn Suite (Maybe just 'cause it's an overall main theme and the like) Edit: 1.5: First Waltz (it's from HoA, but it's the second one I ever made and is the root song for Vin and Elend's theme, so it would work to listen to it early on.) 2. Sazed 3. Noble Life 4. Vin and Elend Meet 5. Sneaking In And Breaking Out (yet to be released on here) 6. Cornered 7. Saved by Sazed 8. Confrontation in the Square 9. The Lord Ruler Arrives 10. Lament for Kelsier 11. Shattered Glass (yet to be released on here) 12. Lord Ruler's Fall (yet to be released on here) 13. You Read Too Much 13.5: Mistborn Suite (it could also be placed here on the list to serve as end credits music of sorts) Well of Ascension 14. Meet Zane 15. Mist Spirit (yet to be released on here) 16. Trust 17. Koloss Breach 18. Frozen in the Ash and Snow Hero of Ages 19. First Waltz (my personal favorite) 20. They Shall Fear Us (full song not yet released) 21. Ruin's Downfall; Vin's Sacrifice 22. Catacendre (yet to be released on here) 23. Epilogue (yet to be released on here) Alloy of Law 24. Alloy Suite (unfinished, yet to be released on here) 25. Wayne Shadows of Self NOTHING YET Bands of Mourning 26. Wax/Steris Wedding (needs a better name) 27. The Last Breath (both versions)
  12. My gosh, Higgins IS Wit!!! How did I not realize it before?! Yum. I should ask for a cake like that. When you start thinking you want to have a Mistborn-themed birthday. When you get Legion for Christmas and your brother gets Skyward for Christmas because of the influence you've had on him. When the most common question for your brother becomes "What part of the book're you on?" (He just started Lift's interlude in Words of Radiance.) When the only reason you're up till 4AM (a couple weeks ago) is because you can't put down Skyward until you're all the way done with it. When most of the memes you make after getting the Mematic app are Sanderson memes.
  13. Did you think I was being serious? Nah, all bad humor.
  14. Let's get this thread banned so an admin or moderator will win. Or the last person to get busted wins if the mod says nothing.
  15. @AonEne, I fully approve of all of these and particularly laughed out loud at that last one.
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