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Subvisual Haze

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Everything posted by Subvisual Haze

  1. I would guess they're being held captive or under siege inside the Honorspren city/fortress in Shadesmar. We already saw the Fused causing mischief in Shadesmar during Oathbringer, harassing the honorspren in Shadesmar to limit the number of Windrunners makes sense. Preventing this sort of thing from happening was probably one of the important function of Elsecallers.
  2. Two normally emotionally composed characters got annoyed and started calling each other names in their first meeting. I've watched enough romcoms to know what this means.
  3. Teshav has been mentioned a lot in passing and has done a lot of scribe work for Dalinar. She'd make sense as a candidate.
  4. I assumed that was to help us make the connection between this Fused and Willshapers. Willshapers have amethyst gems and also can use the transportation surge.
  5. There does seem to be an intelligence to the wind beyond the Stormfather's direct control. At several pivotal moments in the story, a rush of wind will be mentioned (when Jasnah is about to kill Renarin comes immediately to mind but there are several others). A remnant of Tanavast's personality? Nohadon? One of our current heroes claiming the Honor shard in the future and the spiritual realm sending echoes back in time?
  6. Ash destroying representations of herself may be a way to combat her own madness. I really liked this question from a recent stream:
  7. The revelation that Brandon is basing his portrayal of Shallan on beta readers' self-reported symptoms of DID is...interesting. It certainly does an effective job of shielding from criticism, as now criticizing the character of Shallan is by extension questioning the life experiences of the beta readers she is based on.
  8. He has recurrent depression, which has similar symptoms to burnout, but is quite different in how you manage it. Burnout is a natural and rational response to too much stress in your life for too long. Depressive episodes in contrast often have no specific inciting event, its just your brain being periodically sad for no good reason. A good way of distinguishing between the two is the effect of a nice vacation. A burned out person will feel much better almost instantly if they go somewhere pleasant to de-stress. A depressed person though will likely still be depressed no matter where they go, they may even feel more frustrated and hopeless that they can't make themselves feel happy despite the vacation. Thus, while a burned out person absolutely should relax and take time off work, a depressed person might actually get worse if they don't have work to provide a sense of purpose and "reason to get out of bed". It's tricky, often you just need to fight through it until the cloud inevitably lifts. Don't push yourself too hard, but also don't completely withdraw from your obligations or you might start sinking into a full depressive episode. I think Kaladin knows that this is his depressed mood creeping in even though he never clearly spells it out to the reader. His sleep is off, his attention is drifting more than usual in battle, he's more irritable to others etc. He doesn't want to talk about it with others though because he probably feels an element of shame/guilt and doubts anyone would be able to help him even if he did open up. (As someone with seasonal sadbrains myself, reading Kaladin in these chapters is a quite accurate depiction of how I typically feel around December.)
  9. Windrunners and Edgedancers seem to have good synergy of oaths, they both focus on helping the vulnerable.
  10. Laral is Kaladin's childhood friend. The fact that he hasn't had any vaguely sexual thoughts about her yet pretty strongly indicates he will never regard her as anything more than a sister/friend.
  11. Looking forward to Kal aggressively flirting with Laral over Roshone's still warm corpse.
  12. We never actually see Moash kill the chained prisoners, so I wouldn't be surprised to discover he wasn't responsible for that. Perhaps Malata/Spark, covering their tracks after betraying the mission? As for Moash's reason for surrendering: there might be multiple motivations at play here. He certainly wanted to kill Roshone due to Roshone being responsible for the deaths of his grandparents. At the same time though, Moash doesn't want to hurt to Kaladin. In a perverse way he regards killing Roshone "for" Kaladin as a gift, same as he did Elhokar. He assumes Kal wants to kill Elhokar/Roshone, but Kal's hands were tied by his oaths. I think he sees killing Elhokar/Roshone as a gift, allowing Kaladin to get the vengeance that he deep down desires, while simultaneously keeping his hands clean. Basically Moash is yandere. He might well have an ulterior motive for "surrendering", but mostly I think its his weird perception of friendship for Kal at play.
  13. Hard to imagine what it would be like to have a wildly ignorant extreme narcissist as your nation's supreme executive.
  14. I would guess we're finally going to get Taln returning to lucidity as our pillar scene. As I understand Taln was the/a main character in the original Stormlight Archive version, yet he's been very sidelined so far in the first 3 books. Perhaps Hoid tells a story to remind Taln of who he is and why he fights, and we finally get Taln back as a POV character. My long-shot guess is that we'll find out Hoid played a part in hatching the plan to send only Taln to Braize after the last desolation, suspecting that it was the only way to deny Odium imminent victory with all the other Heralds being broken.
  15. I would guess Kaladin is just slipping into a periodic depressed mood. Not "full" depressed, but what was previously referred to as dysthymic, at risk of becoming full depressed if he doesn't self-care, which Dalinar is trying to help him do. The fact he is sleeping late through a highstorm makes me think so. Previously we've seen Kaladin is an early riser who starts the day with physical exercise, at least when his mood is good. If he was haunted by some recent trauma I'd expect more restless insomnia (like he was during their trip through Shadesmar) and Syl being more acutely worried about his mental state. I could certainly be wrong, but one of the things that makes persistent depressive disorder such a burden is that it is often triggered by absolutely no inciting event. You feel bad for no reason, and then you feel guilty about feeling bad for reason.
  16. Rock struck me as a classic Edgedancer, looking after the well-being of group members who might otherwise be forgotten (Rlain and Renarin especially).
  17. I think Singers is what the Parshendi as a whole have traditionally called themselves. The Listeners were a distinct breakaway group that abandoned most of the rhythms/songs in an attempt to avoid influence from Odium. Both names make reference to hearing and expressing the natural rhythms of Roshar. Parsh and Parshendi (thinking Parsh) were human terms to refer to them. Singer : Listener :: Human : American
  18. Moash at least places the image in a very narrow timeframe with his lack of shoulder patch. Specifically it would be in his first POV chapter in Oathbringer - after he removed his Bridge 4 shoulder patch but before he was forced to give away his shardblade. (Although this may be more abstract than literal in displaying particular times)
  19. Starting at Kal on the bottom and working clockwise I think we have 1) Teft - older and grizzled 2) Drehy? - receding hairline 3) Lopen - smug smile, 2nd arm is hidden from view 4) Rock - no weapon, facial hair 5) Renarin? - has a sword, a bit distant from the rest (also there's one fewer person in the bottom image relative to the top) 6) Leyten? 7) Sizgil - darker skin 8) Moash - shardblade, no tattoo on forehead, shoulderpatch is also missing (interesting that he's still shown with the group after that point) 9) Skar? - hair greying a bit?
  20. Maybe the Midnight Mother gummed up that door as a petty act of vandalism during her long centuries of being imprisoned alone in Urithiru?
  21. I wonder if the Siah Aimians got a species wide blessing/curse from the Nightwatcher. Their blessings are bodies that are extremely physically changeable at will (and extremely long lifespans as a result) but balanced with a curse of awful luck.
  22. Everyone's first impulse is to attribute the 3 moons to the 3 shards. I think the much more likely connection is to the 3 "godspren" which eventually became the 3 Bondsmith spren. Nomon=Stormfather, Mishim=Nightwatcher, Salas=sibling.
  23. It might be a subtle reference to Taravangian's Day of Brilliance, and making a commentary on the strange similarities between days of extreme brilliance and insanity (especially as it symbolically relates to psychotic mania episodes in people with type 1 bipolar depression). Taravangian also wrote and drew things all over the walls and objects in his room (some even in his own made up hieroglyphic language or other strange ciphers) very similarly to how a psychotic patient might. His stream of consciousness writing just happened to be grounded in true prophecy though (and not written in bodily fluids as far as we know). But it's not like a psychotic person doing a similar behavior wouldn't also think their crazy ramblings were divinely inspired either.
  24. ^I think we should be incredibly cautious about interpreting seemingly straightforward words of Brandon related to this topic. He loves to split hairs sometimes, and this is a perfect topic for him to do so because "Roshar" could refer to just the planet Roshar, but could also refer to the Roshar Solar System (which includes Ashyn and Braize). I also agree with your theory and have been wondering similar thoughts to myself. Ashyn is such an interesting topic to theorize about.
  25. Also black is the absence of visible spectrum light, yet black materials make an extremely effective fuel for Awakening.
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