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Everything posted by Ciridae

  1. Allomancy requires a crack in the spiritweb for the investiture to enter to burn a metal. Would an Allomancer who has bonded a spren on Roshar that seals or plugs that crack lose the ability to burn metals because preservation's investuture cannot get through any longer?
  2. @Spoolofwhool Ah, I wasn't sure about the definitions, thank you. So a human is sapient and a squirrel for example is sentient? @Calderis That's is exactly what I assumed to be the case before I saw the WoB in question. I guess it just seemed weird to me that some of these powerful spren whose influence can be felt in large parts of Roshar aren't sapient. So some of the unmade are just doing their thing without any real agenda? They do what they do like a fish swims or a bird flies? That's what the WoB seems to say but it just feels so odd. Someone above made a comparison to the Forsaken, and I guess that's how I always thought of them, but in spren form, instead of some kind of dangerous magical animal.
  3. Is it nine total or nine big ones? The quote above how most aren't sentient but some are different implies to me that there would be more than nine. I would guess that the large spren we see in the purelake vision that made the thunderclast was one of the nonsentient unmade, along with whatever animated the rockgiant in the Oathbringer cover. These guys seem like they are large enough to be considered unmade yet not the big kind that have an area effect. But I would not be surprised if there are only nine of the big name-dropped ones like Moelach, Yelig-nar, Re-Shepir etc.
  4. I still think the way the Diagram's predictions are described is too close to how experiences in the spiritual realm have been described. I firmly support the theory that Mr. T is drawn closer to the CR on his smart days and closer to the SR on his 'stupid' days. On his stupid days he is Connected strongly to those around him and regrets causing harm. I think his incredibly smart day was actually an incredibly 'stupid' day, on which he was drawn so far into the SR that he was able to see future developments as a shard would. M:SH spoiler:
  5. I think she might be referring to the fact that it's not the first time her shadow points in the wrong direction. She thinks to herself "Not again" as it happens. We know that some people believe that Siah are cursed because of the way their shadow acts, and I think after experiencing it once she would have come across those folktales, wanting to know what was going on with her. She specifically says some superstitions are rooted in fact, I take that to mean she doesn't think she is actually cursed like people say the Siah are, but rather that something funky is going on with them, like her, and that this phenomenon is the cause of superstitions.
  6. Nice quiz, I like it. I got the order I most associate with as well.
  7. I thought I'd found all the interluded he has talked about but I completely missed any info about this haha. Do you know if there was a reading or did he just mention what it was about?
  8. I don't know how likely it is to happen, but I would love for Wayne and MeLaan to become worldhoppers and travel around the cosmere. Both seem extremely well suited and since Sazed wants to learn about the greater cosmere I could realistically see him sending another kandra and a helper out to explore.
  9. I'm not sure if stormform is even on the voidbinding chart. If there are ten orders of voidbinders and each is as powerful as stormform, that doesn't seem like a mirror of surgebinding. What we have seen of stormform shows that even regular soldiers, even if they are frightened, are still able to fight against them effectively. The main advantage of stormform is being able to move without difficulty in a storm, which falls away in a non-storm setting. Shooting lightning is scary but the soldiers got used to it quickly and I think Adolin says it's no different than advancing on archers. One stormform facing one radiant is no match at all and I feel like the voidbinding chart is supposed to show that the parshendi will have something similar to surgebinders. I think it's more likely that stormform is the default footsoldier voidbringer and that we'll get voidbinders that are equivalent to radiants in terms of power but with different abilities. I at least expect some form of stormlight healing. I also think the number of these voidbinders will be significantly lower, equal, maybe slightly larger, to the amount of radiants. Long odds for the radiants if they have to fight something their equal in addition to stone monsters etc. but it is the end of the world. Edit: Ninja'd with a better example of what I was trying to say
  10. I don't think honor meddled with the Parshendi in any way, but there are two other WoB that say that Parshendi were not of Odium or Cultivation originally. In addition we know that none of the shards created Parshendi, they existed on Roshar before the shattering.
  11. @KereDerek A la Felurian's clearing and the Cthaeh?
  12. I like this, being connected to Cultivation, I could definitely see her imitating local fauna. And the symbolism of spiders fits too
  13. Woah really? That's really interesting. Does this mean the spren chose the child of the radiant for their next bond after their radiant died, or did a radiant willingly give their bond, with the spren's consent, to their child? Transferred could mean either, but somehow the former seems more likely. If he meant the latter that would be really weird.
  14. I'd say it's very likely we are going to get a look at the Nightwatcher in a flashback in Oathbringer telling us exactly what she looks like pretty soon. But she's been mentioned so many times throughout the books that I'm sure everybody has their own idea of what she looks like. I can't say why, but I've always imagined her as an enormous black and purple, slightly translucent serpent, speaking in a female voice in the heads of folks. Seeing as the Stormfather seems to draw people partially into the CR (think Kaladin in the middle of a highstorm without wind or rain) I could see her doing something similar. So how does everyone else imagine her to look like?
  15. True, it says that they were both sent to the Beyond. Didn't notice that on my first read. That makes me even more curious who or what the voice was that was talking to Raoden in the shardpool. I assumed it was Aona's Cognitive Shadow, but what else could it have been? Self aware splinter?
  16. That's an interesting interpretation, I always thought the blades were constantly screaming, constantly in pain, being stuck in the PR, and only once the Radiant touches the blade are able to hear them. But the Radiant causing the screaming could be true just as well. I always thought Relis heard screams because his blade connected him to Kaladin, which connected him to Syl, which allowed him to hear the constant screaming he couldn't hear before. But it might just be that he was only connected to Kaladin though the blade and him being a Radiant caused the screaming. Also, I think Relis says something like "No, I didnt kill you" (paraphrased from memory), which is the first time we have any indication thay a dead sprenblade can communicate other than screaming. The implication here is that the blade seems to react to something specific, I find it hard to believe that the blade is constantly yelling "you killed me". Or maybe he/she is and its something like Tiny Elantris spoiler Yeah I think I'm convinced now that the Radiant at least causes an additional reaction haha
  17. I think it would be amazing if one of our other radiants would get their hands on it. Not necessarily Dalinar, because Adhesion overlaps, but imagine Jasnah with Transportation and Gravitation. If I understand Transportation correctly, she should be able to mix Gravitation with Transportation like she did while range-soulcasting the thugs in the alley. Just imagine what she could do, lashing thing together from afar, creating reverse lashing bubbles without having to touch the object. Or better, imagine her with a Dustbringer blade: ranged division and abrasion. Not even mentioning the kinds of pranks she could play, she would be terrifying. But until we see if transportation actually works that way (fingers crossed for Willshapers being extra cool), thats only speculation.
  18. Dalinar has a regular Shardblade. If you compare the description of Taln's blade at the end of WoK and Dalinar's in WoR, they don't match up. Dalinar also hears screams after bonding the Stormfather, which tells us that he has a dead sprenblade.
  19. I would think that people in positions of great power would be prime targets for Odium's influences. I don't think they are more vulnerable than anyone else, but their position and influence makes them more likely to be targeted.
  20. I could see one of the heralds making sure his Honorblade doesn't fall into the wrong hands. I think there was a WoB that said that events in the books would have let the heralds guess that Taln had returned. We know that the man presumed to be Kalak in the WoR prologue who was talking to Nalan was pretty upset about Szeth having Jezrien's Blade at the time. I'm sure the heralds wouldn't be too happy if yet another blade was lost to them. I could see a herald hearing of a crazy man showing up in Kholinar with an unidentified Blade, matching the description of Taln and decide to investigate. They would probably figure out fast that Taln is not sane and in no way able to take care of his own blade. So instead of letting the blade be delivered to who knows where, they swapped it with their own. We know that at least Ash has been thinking about acquiring a regular Shardblade, and I've read speculation that Chana is actually Liss (which I think would be amazing). I think it's not unreasonable to assume a Herald could have gotten their hands on a Shardblade.
  21. If I remember correctly Jasnah had a deal with Liss to contact her if anyone ever asked her to assassinate one of the Kholins and she would match the offer for the name of the would be employer. I assume she had this kind of deal with other assassins, it's the logical thing to do. But I still wouldn't put it past her to have other people watched and on a potential hit list if she felt that they were or could become a threat to her house.
  22. I've been thinking about this too, for some time now. I have no idea what it could mean, but there is this WoB:
  23. I agree, I think it's pretty likely. I really enjoyed his interlude, he's one of the most unique characters so far. I suspect a lot of what we could learn from his point of view about spren would be important in later books, like the two ardents measuring spren.
  24. It's probably between Cultivation and Autonomy for me. Both seem to have some big things going on behind the scenes. I think that Cultivation fits so well with the unique ecology on Roshar, which is a big part of why I love the books. One of my favorite theories is that Cultivation is using her foresight and the Nightwatcher's boons and curses to empower key players to do specific things later on (like Mr. T and Lift), not unlike Endowment with the Returned. As others have said Autonomy is really fascinating as well, I just wish we knew a bit more about her. But the way she's been set up so far makes me hope that she will have a major role to play on a cosmere-wide scale.
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