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Posts posted by Kingsdaughter613

  1. It can't be Spook as he was elsewhere. It's definitely Kell at this point; Brandon has said too many other things - like Kelsier having an important role in the next two trilogies- for it too really be anyone else. He's also confirmed it by not contradicting or adding caveats to the assumption as opposed, say, to Taln (who Brandon refers to as 'the man who calls himself Taln.') We also do have prior examples, just not using Hemalurgy. The Returned and the Heralds and, to an extent, Tanavast.

    So what we are left with is how Kell has done what he's done. Is he using his old body? Is he possessing someone? Did he find another way entirely? And so on.

  2. I think the difference is the time between death and return. Wax is only dead briefly - less than four minutes. If his body was intact enough an AED might have brought him back too... Basically, I saw what happened as magical resuscitation, not resurrection. The heart stopping may mean someone is dead, but given the right skills or technologies they can be brought back even in RL.

    bordering on AU spoilers so,


    Based on his appearance there I think Szeth suffered brain damage before he was healing. In RL he would probably have ended up severely impaired, if not a vegetable.

    The Returned are dead for several hours before being resurrected, however their bodies seem to remain for the most part. 

    Kell was dead for years and his body a skeleton. So a rather different situation than the others.

    heralds we don't know enough about.

  3. Not necessarily; unless otherwise specified promoted units just don't get abilities.  That could be a viable alternative.

    As a player I'd prefer that to only being able to gain one particular piece. (I happen to be rather weak with my rooks. I usually promote to a bishop or knight.) My family usually plays that you can only promote a new queen if you've lost the original. If I can't promote to a piece I find useful than I won't bother to put in the effort.

  4. 21 hours ago, Saikyk said:

    I believe it depends on what caused the defect. For instance, If it was genetics it would be a problem. I don't believe that defects caused by genetics can be affected by bloodmaker compounding, after all, it just basically speeds up the process fast enough that attacks that would be deadly to a normal person won't affect a bloodmaker purely because he heals it too fast for the attack to affect his body systems. So, if the defect was caused by a mishap during birth, or outer problems, then bloodmaking can fix it

    Actually, the healing is spiritual in nature, filtered through your self perception. So if someone had CF but perceived themselves as having properly functioning lungs they probably could heal the genetic defect. It would just take a ton of gold stores or a compounder.

  5. Spoiler

    They were happy to go beyond and did not wish to be resurrected, so I doubt it's much of an assumption to say that they are happy where they are.


    On 1/6/2017 at 4:36 PM, Rob Lucci said:

    I don't think it's a sad world if you believe that. But that's also why I don't think the Beyond ought to be something that is permanently off-limits, can never know what happens there. If it's true, that something is there in the place where Elend and Vin stretched out towards, then it ought to be accessible in some sense. If it isn't, then it's something supernatural - aka something that is not a part of the Cosmere. It might as well not exist.

    I actually think that is exactly what the Beyond is; Beyond the cosmere. Whether anything exists there or not is up to the individual's belief system.

    On 1/6/2017 at 2:31 PM, bdoble97 said:


    Both excellent points. I was about to read the secret histories or should I read the next trilogy before I read the secret histories. I really want to read the secret histories so please say I can do that first with out spoling anything  hahha 

    There isn't really much of a spoiler. It just makes someone's identity more obvious and, personally, I thought it was fairly obvious and was surprised at how many people didn't realize. (I started suspecting right away; I just didn't quite expect it to happen this early.)

    So if you REALLY don't want any hints read BoM first. If not, read SH. You're not going to be spoiling any major plot points just, potentially, a surprise. Honestly, if you didn't know about a potential spoiler you wouldn't be spoiled at all... (But now you know to look for it... :()

  6. On 1/4/2017 at 2:35 PM, Tarion said:

    That seems like a fantastic misleading response.

    Connecting your physical and cognitive selves isn't anything special. Literally everyone else on Scadrial has them connected, after all. Keeping you alive isn't anything special, because again - Literally everyone else you meet is already alive. It can be absolutely crucial to Kelsier's unique circumstances without being "special", because for normal people "not being dead" is a pre-existing condition. That aspect of his resurrection (Ignoring the Hemalurgic superpowers) is about getting him back to normal. 



    The question specified give. My initial thought was that it was asking about abilities. So the spike could do anything that doesn't involve a special ability.

    Im of the opinion that Kell was spiked in the Cognitive Realm. We know he can be affected there if he thinks he is. 

    I always took option three on that conversation between Kell and Saze. Saze just doesn't want Kell to interfere and cause trouble. Which he would totally do.

    or 4) Saze got a glimpse of something in the future that told him Kelsier would have to do this himself.

    Kell's old body still exists; it would just take a bit more work to fix it... I think Saze could have done that if he wanted.

  7. It may be that the Shard's intent prevents it from influencing its vessel...

    Now I want to know what the Sliverests and the various Southern tribes believe...

    I'm also wondering if their are any religions that follow Judaism's view. Basically, male/male is forbidden but female/female isn't (though strongly disapproved of.) Since most religions I know of (real and fictional) say either yes or no to both, it would be interesting to see a fictional faith with the same dichotomy.

  8. A hazekiller would probably be immune to soothing/rioting and have a defense against some other forms of allomancy.

    Marsh can sense allomantic use. So... Maybe when Marsh uses bronze the opponent is prevented from using allomancy on the next turn? (Since forewarned is forarmed so you would be able to 'dodge'?) I can't really think of anything else. If Marsh is used as a pawn, he promotes to an Inquisitor, as a possible variant. As an attack piece he can gain this status by taking one down.

    Really not sure about Dox. He's basically a quarter master... Infiltrate, where he cannot be attacked for a turn as he is infiltrating the opponent?

  9. I always interpreted the WoB as being misleading. The spike may not give anything special, but it may do something else. Giving abilities is only one thing a spike can be used for. So I took it to mean that the spike has nothing to do with his feruchemy as that would be special.

    My belief is that the spike was used to rewrite Kelsier's soul so it 'thinks' there is a connection to the physical realm allowing Kell to transition through the pool. That isn't really giving something, but it is doing something.

  10. Yes, on Scadrial we can have waffles with ice cream and CHOCOLATE syrup. (Chocolate being the most important food group of course. Anyone else want the rank of Scadrial Chocolatier?)

  11. I think that was deliberately misleading; powers is only one thing Hemalurgy can give. Since it is really stapling SDNA to the individual it could be doing a lot of other things. For one, the spike has altered the shape of his brain. Also, granting any of the human attributes might not be notable as a 'power' but could have very significant effects.

    its also misleading in another way; Kell is already Mistborn. Any allomantic power the spike grants would just give him a boost to that power; it's not noticeable with a Mistborn. For someone who didn't already have the power granted it would be very notable. So I read this as saying that the spike does not grant Kelsier any ability he did not already have. To put it another way, the spike has nothing to do with his Feruchemy...

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