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Everything posted by Mistbornwithakitty

  1. I thought so too!! I'll come up with a plan or something today and post a little more about it this evening. Maybe we can start reading next week?
  2. Hey you guys! So I noticed that the Rhythm of War is coming out in a few months and I had an idea.... I'm usually super slow at re-reading books (because I know the plot, so it's not as exciting although I still enjoy it), but I wanted to re-read Stormlight books 1-3 before this next one comes out. I think we'd have about a month and a half to read each book (probably more like a month and a week)? I thought it would be extremely fun to find others that might want to do that with me! We could split up the chapters so we could get it done in time, encourage each other, and just generally discuss any interesting Shard-y things we find! Also, new friends! I'm a huge nerd and I also love organizing, so as long as you have the books, I think it's possible. Are you up for it?
  3. This is so so important! I didn't know this month existed!! I'm happy it does. My family has a long history of bad mental health, and some of it has been passed down to me. It wasn't spoken of in my house, as a teenager, I thought words like "depression" and "anxiety" were just excuses for not addressing your problems. So when my life was flipped upside-down as a young adult, and I started having intense anxiety attacks, I simply thought it was me being "weak". I kept it a secret for years, developing some pretty bad habits. Only just last year did I start dealing/talking about it to my mom. Instead of calling what I was feeling "fake" or "hogwash" like I thought she would, she believed me! She confessed that although she'd never felt that way, she saw that I had an issue. Turns out anxiety and depression are strong with my line. lol. Stuff still isn't perfect, especially now, I still have bad days. But I no longer feel like I'm unworthy or there's something wrong with me. Things have improved immensely!! If your struggling mentally, you're not weak! You just have an issue that you need to learn to work around. You're not broken! Your prospective is important! You just have a bit of a different way of doing things, and that's okay. Anyway, this post ended up longer than I wanted, but hey! I'm not gonna stress myself over it. Happy Mental Health Month people!
  4. I really really loved it! The action is well-paced. The story fresh and easy to get into. The characters voices were so compelling! The KISS! The TWISTS! There were only two things I think I could've done without: 1. The lack of Skyward Flight! I loved all my cadet children in the first book and only got a few chapters of them in this new installment. You're telling me I have to wait AT LEAST at year to catch up with them again?? 2. Brade. Did not like her. I never liked her. Wasn't surprised she was who she was. She was just...one of those rare characters I dislike from the beginning. But everything else was super awesome! Glad I finally took the plunge on this particular series from Mr. Sanderson!
  5. I'll be doing Nano this year as well! I'm not sure if I'll get the allotted words, but the goal is to finish a novel I'm already halfway done with. If the word count ends up being lower than 50,000, so be it! I just need to be done with this project so I can move on with my creative life. It's cool to see some of you guys will be diving in too! What sort of genres do y'all write?
  6. Goodness, that's odd! I didn't think of it till now either. How strangely appropriate. And shoes are always a good idea, especially mid-autumn in a city! Correct, I was very weird! I hated shoes and honestly used the costume as an excuse to have bare feet.¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I lived in a really small town too and the streets were spotless, so I wasn't worried.
  7. I totally did this when I was sixteen! Honestly the easiest and most fun costume I ever wore. I kept jumping down the stairs squealing "I'm a MISTBORN! WHOOSH!". Never say I wasn't cool. You're smarter than me though, I didn't wear shoes. I remember my feet being ice cold!
  8. This was a personal sock in the gut. Fantastic wisdom, really. I actually posted this particular paragraph on my Facebook, I loved it so much!
  9. This is seriously awesome. What a cool way to spend your free time!! I wish I had your skills so I could have a Revali!
  10. There are only a few that I really hate.... Cedric Diggorey from Harry Potter-- No particular reason...I guess I just didn't see what was so great? Joffrey from Game of Thrones--Ugh. Tiny Tim from Christmas Carol--I probably sound really mean for saying this, but I don't like how Dickens tries to force me to love him. The book is better, but the movie Tiny Tim?? *pukes* Elayne from Wheel of Time--One of the only girls I didn't like actually... Amen to that!
  11. I get what you're saying. I agree that all of Shallan's "persona's" are a part of her as a whole. I guess I just don't see either boy as a good option for her.....she needs to know who she is right now. I understand Adolin will encourage her to "fade" into him, but you have to admit that going with Kaladin would present dangerous problems too. Plot twist: she elopes with Renarian! Hmmmmm....I don't quite agree. I think at the end of the book when she's getting ready for her wedding, she begins to accept herself a bit. That scene where all her personas were in agreement that "this was a good her" is the first step on an admittedly long and arduous journey....but it's a step in the right direction. I definitely think Shallan and her Prince Charming will have trouble down the road (divorce is very possible), but for right now she's beginning accepting herself. Yes, she's far from perfect at it. Like any human being, she needs to change. But in my opinion, she's headed in the right direction! Funny thing; the more I discuss Shallan's problems with herself/her boys, the more I realize how many of these problems I share with her. Oi.
  12. Oh boy, there's so many things to respond to!! Let's see if I can fit it all into one post! I agree in part. Shallan and Adolin do feel forced. I’m not converted to the “ship” that is Shadolin in any way really. To me, it just makes sense that Shallan would go with him at this time in her life, not that he’s her soulmate. Adolin is the guy that makes her feel like the best version of herself; even if she’s relying on him way too strongly right now (that “without you, I fade” line made my lunch come back up a little). I’m sure she’ll have to face that sometime though. I’ll be very disappointed if she doesn’t. Although it is possible that the chasm scene might have caused a genuine connection, the two of them still did nothing about it. It was a truly ground-breaking moment, but it was never followed up with anything else of substantial value. These are really interesting theories. I would absolutely love to see a twist where Kaladin and Shallan actually end up together. I just don't think it was for the best right at the moment. Both of them seemed to emotionally raw/walled to ever truly make a good, earnest go at a relationship. But maybe in a book or two.......? I agree that if you hate yourself, you can't have any real relationship, but I think Shallan is well on her way to thinking better of herself. Adolin also helps her with that (not that it's healthy, it isn't). I don't think she's insane at all though! Her different personalities help her deal with the stress of her crazy, crazy life. It's a form of escapism, extreme though it may be. I can personally attest to it being semi-normal. I used to create different characters in a notebook and talk to myself hours on end growing up. I would pretend I was them, until my mom dragged me out of my room for dinner. I did this especially during my first years of highschool when stress was high. I don't do this anymore (actually, I just call it "attempting to become an author" now), but I can assure you it caused me no mental harm! I think Shallan needs to have someone who drags her back into herself until she can learn to do it on her own. Right now she's being unhealthy with her escapism, but she'll learn to deal with the stress eventually. But the line "without you I fade" grossed me out too. I hate ooey-gooey stuff like that. Thank you! Your name is really cool as well. Hmmmm...it is true that they chose to be around each other afterwards....that I see. It's so understated though, I honestly forgot about it. lol. I already need to re-read OB. Yet they still didn't sit down and communicate anything of real value this book. Hanging out as friends is great for both of them I believe. But I don't think it fostered anything to build a steadfast relationship on in this book. I'm starting to think that maybe in a few books.....? Oooohhhh...I'll be sure to look up that thread! Looks right up my alley! Thanks for shuffling it my way. Wow. That was a mouthful. Hope you're alive after reading this!
  13. As a longtime fan of Shalladin, I was honestly shocked that I didn’t completely rebel when Adolin and Shallan actually got married. I started this book dead-set on seeing bridgeboy and the-unlikely-scholar together at the end. Their sparkling wit! Their mutual struggles! Not to mention they would’ve been the coolest power couple! Yet this is why they should not realistically end up together. Even though these may have already been expressed (I don’t have time to read the previous 68 pages, oi), here are my meager observations: 1. It can be safely said, that Shallan and Kaladin didn’t have many moments together in the first place. The closest they came to really bonding was in the chasms in WoR. Even then, it was just two desperate people confiding in each other. I can tell you from experience that it’s easier to tell a stranger your secrets than someone you know; less risky for the heart. Did they really hang out after that? Follow up on talking about that experience? No. They both kind of kicked it under the rug. So, no real personal bonding ever happened (unless it happened off screen, which I doubt). Yes, they were witty when shoved into the same room, but they were hardly ever serious with each other. 2. Kaladin and Shallan also have the same difficulties with their past and themselves. Both have a hard time believing they’re worth anything. They have the same struggles when facing/accepting the past. Kaladin shatters at the thought that he may not be able to save everyone due to the past. Shallan just refuses to face her past, period (although she did make some progress in this book). When two people are struggling with basically the same issues, it’s nearly impossible to say that they’d make each other “better people”. 3. Shallan is probably better with someone ordinary like Adolin (or as ordinary as it gets on Roshar, ha). He’s more dependable, more stable. That’s what Shallan needs. She needs someone that’s going to help her be a stable person herself. Of course, I’m not completely pleased with it, but on further thought, I can see why she chose Adolin. As for Shallan and Kaladin getting together later on...I doubt it. But that's another big, long, rambling post. Mr. Sanderson seems to constantly put strong stripes of realism into his characters. That being said, it’s perfectly realistic to say Shallan (the girl who’s unsure of almost everything, most of all herself) and Adolin (the sensitive guy who is down-to-earth) would be the endgame. Anyhow, hope I made sense!
  14. *waves furiously* You found me! I should give you some sort of code to make sure you're not a bot. I mean, you're human mannerisms are very convincing, but still...I don't trust someone who doesn't like London.
  15. I actually have watched some of his writing classes (been awhile though, should watch them again tbh)! But I'll be perusing that page. Thanks for it!
  16. I have returned! I have to say although the line was long and the temps cold, it was well worth it. Also met my real-life Sharder (shout-out if you see this), proves y'all aren't myths. Here's my question (going off of my vague memory--I was in shock a bit): This advice meant a lot to me as a writer. It's something I've been struggling with. I'm so thankful for the chance to meet him!
  17. Then I stand corrected! Well, I'll be prepared for the line then. Thanks for the info.
  18. Probably 45-an hour before. I'm traveling with a friend, therefor I don't want to be there for an exhaustive amount of time. But although Brandon has many readers, I don't think there are so many in London that it would take more than an hour. Idk, maybe I'm wrong. but I don't think there's any reason to worry.
  19. I am too!!! I'll be the girl in the large crimson sweater, crazy colored hair, and looking rather nervous in the manga section. Ready to finally meet some fellow Sharders! @chx--Lol, I'm coming from Germany to go to this signing. High-five fellow hardcore fan!
  20. @Gavin-son-son-Odegard--Sounds like it to me. I've never personally been to a Forbidden Planet signing, but I have been to the store and asked about them. They say to just come and get in line.
  21. Oh good! Thank you for all the info. It's eased some of the uncertainty I had! Some of these things I didn't even think about.
  22. @Lemonelon, I feel the same!! Mr. Sanderson has been a huge inspiration where writing is concerned. I'm over the moon that I'm going to get to meet him!
  23. I am so excited for this. It's going to be my first trip on my own and for such an awesome reason!! It's not ticketed right?
  24. I feel you. My relationship with my dad has never been brilliant either. You two will work it out though, I'm sure.
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