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Mistborn Surgebinder

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Everything posted by Mistborn Surgebinder

  1. So I'm just gunna spitball here. We know that Cusicesh, the giant spren from an interlude in Way of Kings, appears every morning at the same time, faces the same direction, and flashed the faces of people. We don't know if it's the same people every morning, so I'm going to speculate that it is not. There's also the theory (that I learned on Shardcast from @Argent) that something is wrong with the afterlife on Roshar, which is why Dalinar and others hear screams. So here's my theory. What if there IS something wrong with the afterlife on Roshar, and rather than going to the beyond, the souls of the dead are being absorbed or sent somewhere or stored or something by Cusicesh, and the faces that flash every morning are the faces of everyone who died the day before. I don't know if something is wrong with the afterlife because of Cusicesh, or if Cusicesh is somehow interfering in reaction to something being wrong, or what, but what if Cusicesh is somehow connected to something being wrong with the afterlife on Roshar? And the reason that people feel drained is that they are feeling their souls being pulled due to close proximity.
  2. @The Technovore Don't know if your question is for everyone or just Phlipz, but my answer is Fereuchemy. For a modern earth environment, it seems the most practical.
  3. Somebody has to start. Somebody has to step forward and do right, because it is right. If nobody starts, then nobody can follow. -Lirin, before he became the cosmere's biggest douche.
  4. Hear me out. Moash is a peasant who experienced the deaths of loved ones due directly to the actions of Elhokar. He joined a crew to murder and overthrow said bad king, and didn't know what we know - that Elhokar was improving as a person. Moash then joined the former slave population to overthrow the oppressors. Sounds an AWFUL lot like Kelsier to me. Kel never felt guilt about wanton murder of the ruling class. Moash also refuses to feel guilt. And we know, because Brandon said it, that Kelsier would be the villain in any other story. Ergo, I stand by my assertion, that Moash and Kel are almost the same person. Moash = Kelsier The Diagram = Kelsiers crew The Parshendi = Skaa Lighteyes = Nobility Kaladin now = Elend (kinda, in a way. He's now basically a lighteyes, and he's serving the oppressing class)
  5. There's a difference between hurting and attacking though. Hoid isn't allowed to attack people, but he's apparently allowed to attack cognitive shadows. It's up to the CSs perception of itself on whether or not it gets hurt. Whether or not, as of Mistborn era 4, Kel thinks he can be hurt or not, what I'm saying is that it would be possible for there to be another fight between Kel and Hoid. They would be able to attack each other, each of them having multiple magics to draw from (if Kel is the hema-hoid). Whether or not either one would be capable of being hurt, I understand, is a different story, and it may actually make it far more fascinating if they're not. Either way, my original point that a 2nd confrontation between K and H in era 4 where they both have multiple magic systems would be both possible, and cool, and would be narratively cohesive of several different levels.
  6. Everyone loves to hate on Moash. Not enough people love to hate on Lirin. Moash is the Kelsier of Stormlight Archive.
  7. Ah, but he hasn't confirmed that they're Scadrians following our favorite cognitive shadow. Unless I'm missing something.
  8. There's a reason he was able to attack Kelsier. Between what we know of that situation and what brandosando has said in wobs, Hoid could attack kel because he's dead. I'd be willing to concede that Hoid wouldn't be able to hurt kel or anyone else in the physical realm, but I'd put large amounts of money on the idea that if Hoid were in the cognitive realm and the dead person were in the cognitive realm, Hoid can hurt them. Like, if Hoid was in shadesmar, and a herald was in shadesmar, and Hoid had reason to do so, he could absolutely hurt the herald.
  9. Chronologically, as it stands right now, mistborn takes place before SA. He may not have known he can hurt the dead then, but he does now. He may not have tried to hurt any returned or heralds, though. He may not have reason, or he may just know how powerful they are. I'd be willing to bet that he can hurt returned and heralds but just hasn't tried. He's playing the long game.
  10. Do we know that he can't hurt returned and heralds?
  11. But if it's a body acquired by hemalurgy, there's a good chance hoid could still hurt him, I would guess. I feel like it's the fact that Kelsier is and will always be technically "dead" that gives hoid the ability to hurt him.
  12. I think we need to see a Kell v hoid fight 2.0 where they both have multiple magics they can both use. Even if the stakes aren't big.
  13. Ok, so I'm 6 months late to the topic, but my running theory (which will probably be espoused by wobs I don't have the time to go search) is that the ones above are a group that follow Kelsier. I don't have spectacular reasons for this, and we won't know for probably 20 years, but for the next 20 years, this is my theory and I'm sticking to it.
  14. Holy sh... I wouldn't have thought of that. Thinking back to Secret History, Kel v Hoid would be a looooong foreshadowed setup. I really, really like this theory. Who says Kel isn't sinister? He wantonly kills in Mistborn, and BrandoSando says he'd be the villain in any other story. I can absolutely see Kelsier ending up becoming a force for evil who still thinks he's doing good. He slaughters noblemen, he gets into a viscous fight with Hoid and threatens to murder him, he wants to punch every god he comes across, he refuses to let go, he's running what could potentially be a sinister organization (I know we don't know for sure, but it kinda feels that way and has from the beginning)... Heck, his followers in Hero of Ages who most closely followed his precepts were murderous. He was most touched by Ruin. Honestly, I can see, in era 4, a group of Scadrians who consider themselves followers of Kel cruising around the cosmere causing trouble and needing to be stopped. The more I think about this, the more I like it.
  15. Ok, so I don't know how to do that cool thing where people quote wobs (maybe it's just highlight, copy and paste? Idk.), but apparently, BrandoSando says that by the end of W&W4, we'll know who Trell is, and we'll know what Trellium is, and that's exciting to me. I'll take that. I'm excited for more Kelsier in Mistborn era 3, where he'll apparently be making a bigger appearance. I'm of the firm belief that Trell is Autonomy.
  16. Ooh ooh ooh! Pick me! Callsign: ShippyMcShipface I was gunna say "coren," because that was my screen name for YEARS and comes from a little known fantasy series, but it wouldn't work in-universe.
  17. In my humble opinion, ALL triathlons should be to the death... But I guess I did forget the specific terms, because I read RoW when it came out and haven't been able to finish it a 2nd time.
  18. Ah, but nobody has established what the contest of champions is going to be. Maybe it's a triathlon.
  19. Wasn't complaining, just observing! I felt I needed context for my post. Yall do yall.
  20. I didn't say you were wrong. I challenged you to a duel at dawn in Weehawken. There's a difference.
  21. I am now incredibly interested in this person, and am completely satisfied with how incredibly wrong my original idea was. Thank you.
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