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Mistborn Surgebinder

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Everything posted by Mistborn Surgebinder

  1. I take nothing back. I've been convinced since oathbringer that kaladin is going out. I love our boy, especially after RoW, but... I don't think he survives.
  2. K: Knight/s, King, Killer, Ketek, Kholin, Keeper Of W: Ways, Woe, Wrath, Winds, Words A few of my faves: Knight of Winds (in-world book about kaladin after he dies). King of Woe/King of Wrath. Keeper of Ways/Woe.
  3. Also, and this is my one nit pick. One thing I loved and adored about SA was the alien feel of everything, and the world building. In this book, everything and everyone felt so... Human. The spren. The singers. The fused. The Sibling. Even the unmade. It made me sad.
  4. Let me be the first and only to say: I don't hate moash. Give me more moash and less Lift and less Lirin. That's how I feel.
  5. So I've now finished the book. I don't hate Lirin. He did apologize, though it took his son literally saving his life to do so. I don't hate him. But I do think he's a bad person. Also, maybe new odiums champion. Definitely something I could see.
  6. I'm not going to go into a bunch of detail. I'll just say, that while this book had some of my favorite moments, and the most breath-taking twist (like, for realsies, 100% well done BranSan), it was far from my favorite. I actually had a hard time getting through it, especially part 3. It actually feels far more like set-up for book 5 than anything else. More so than any of the first 3. I'm not complaining. Just noticing. I don't hold it against him. I expect this book to be better in retrospect after we have book 5.
  7. Don't know if this has been covered yet, but as someone who's mother has told him "you're the reason I drink," and "you're just like your father," when Lirin told kaladin at the end of pt 2 that he is a monster, I lost all respect. If he doesn't apologize for that at some point (I'm not done with the book yet), he tops moash as my worst character. There are just things you do not say to your child.
  8. OK, so, Jasnah and Wit is the pairing I didn't know I needed in my life. Just listened to the scene with Highprince Ruthar, and... Holy s#1t you guys. I rewound and listened to it 3 times in a row. I want Jasnah and Hoid to rule the universe.
  9. I'm at the end of part 1. I don't need spoilers. I just want to know... Are there actually going to be flashbacks? It seems odd to me that there haven't been any. For a "venli/eshonai" book, there seems to be oddly little venli. Seems far more like navanis book at this point.
  10. "That's because Wit is an asshole." - Zahel New favorite line from any book, ever.
  11. I love kaladin. I love Brandon. I have trust that if this happens, it will be done in such a way as to be acceptable. Brandon gets his readers and why they love his writing. WoR is a long book. There's plenty of room and time to set it up, imo.
  12. Unpopular prediction: I get the distinct impression that our beloved Kaladin isn't going to survive this book. Obviously, we know that not everyone can survive the first 5 books, and we also know that BranSan has been a fan of doing things earlier than expected (intro of odium, death of sadeas, etc). We also know that he loves to subvert tropes and expectations. I could be wrong. But I do want to be the first to make this prediction. I will not be surprised if Kal dies this time around.
  13. To be quite honest, what I'm learning from you guys about this actually makes me appreciate kaladin POVs more. I never thought of it as Kal dealing with actual depression. I'm used to heroes having their thing they have to overcome, overcoming it, and moving on to the next thing. Considering what you all are saying, it makes him so much more realistic, and while I don't relate to him as a character in that way, I think may make interacting with people in real life with this issue... Not easier, but... More understandable.
  14. Don't get me wrong. I love kaladin. I've just never struggled with depression, and if people who do struggle with it think BranSan is writing it well, then I trust him. I get and appreciate what people are saying. I just wasn't expecting such an emotional Rollercoaster again this close to the beginning of the book. That being said, I love and adore Syl reacting to it all.
  15. Sigh. Am I the only one exhausted by Kaladin having essentially the same struggle 4 books in? Like, I get that what he's been through sucks, but at the end of book 1, I thought he had dealt with it. He was like, "OK, good, I saved people!" And then he's still mopey in book 2, and now here we are, 4000 pages into the series, and moash can still tempt him with suicide? I don't know. I'd have thought that this far into the story arc, especially having supposedly dealt with it once or twice already, Kaladins arc could move to a different beat. But here we are, again, dealing with depression, again, being unable to deal with death, again. I AM really looking forward to where his character goes in RoW. Just something I noticed that was bugging me. Am I insensitive?
  16. So I'm rereading way of kings, and I know we're on to book 4, and this is old news, and maybe it's been discussed before, but a few questions about dalinars visions: Is he just interacting with what is basically a recording? Or is his consciousness actually transferred into the past? And if that's the case, what happens to the consciousness of the people who's place he's taking? Is it possible that it's transferred into dalinar in the present? It seems "obvious" that of course he's interacting with what is essentially a recording, except, the actions he takes have actual effects on what he's seeing. He's not just seeing. He's in the world of what he's seeing. Just some thoughts and questions.
  17. Gunna be honest. This podcast makes me want to go back and re-listen and re-evaluate the book. Grey and Feather made some points that made me rethink some of my initial reactions. I want to like this book, and now I want to go back and give it a 2nd try.
  18. I appreciate both reviews, though I absolutely agree with jebus. I loved skyward so much I read it in a day and immediately read it again. I bought starsight on audible, listened to it, and was so disappointed I ended up exchanging it for something else. I will read the 3rd book, but I'm in no rush to get it...
  19. No, its ok. I have zero problems with spoilers, especially on things that have been out a while.
  20. Just for kicks, I have a note open on my phone and I'm writing my reactions in real time.
  21. Here's my theory, as I'm not even halfway through: Spensa learns that humans are awful and almost wiped out other life in the galaxy. She also learns that her father learned that and wasn't actually brainwashed when he turned traitor.
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