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Everything posted by Darkarma

  1. I'd like to see the WoB for Kandra worldhoppers. Shai would be rather fun, I could see her being one of the most likely people to actually catch Hoid. "YOU!" "Yes its me, the great and powerful Wit- oh dear." "I almost died because of you!" "Well looks like things worked out quite well, or rather quite badly for you considering where you are now." "Execution is not a trifle!" "Well unless I'm horribly drunk, which I would never put it passed myself to pass up on, it does appear that you got away." "That's beside the point!" "Actually its exactly the point, you were safer being executed than standing on the site of the incoming apocalypse." "Oh." "That's what I said when my father pointed out my horrible failings in life, how rude of you to bring that up. You don't even look like my father anyways."
  2. Summon the Everstorm... in the middle of the vacuum of space. Give Odium's shard to a fish. Someone may have mentioned this one... use aeons for a night light. Use nightblood for whittling. Waste all your breath on awakening one's own clothes just because you enjoy the color grey.
  3. Depends on your interpretation of the Tale of the Three Brothers, the Elder Wand is either a very well crafted wand or a gift given by Death. The latter certainly qualifies as a potentially divine source of power.
  4. Kandra! Any Kandra. It would finally confirm my theory that Sazed has sent his minions throughout the cosmere as his spies. But beyond that? I can see Wayne as a world hopper. Soulcasters could provide all his metal burning needs.
  5. Breathe in a treasure trove of stormlight, and waste it on a debate team.
  6. Well you'd have to use Scadrial Aeons which I'm guessing a similar to those chapter glyphs we've already seen. The second point is that the spike doesn't have to be moved, it simply has to remain inside its user ala how Miles Hundredlives did it. He burned piercings and implanted gold in his body, not just the ones in his stomach. There's also the problem of burning spikes given that it essentially welds the spirit web permanently to the user and does funny things according to WoB. I believe though that with the proper scadrial aeons you could in fact use the spikes as receptacles for the Mists to charge them... Oh hey its Scadrial Fabrials! But so long as your using your spikes that aren't hemalurgically charged but actually used with the intent of being carved, you could possibly charge yourself on the mists for dramatic effect similar to hemalurgy. At least that's how I see it.
  7. Well, there seems to be consequences whenever Gandalf uses his magic. I mean look at every time he's tried to cut loose. Dumbledore on the other hand could be said have no such restrictions. He's simply a man but one with complete and total free will... Plus... Elder Wand.
  8. Well Mateform seems the most opposite of the forms from Stormform that's currently available. They seem a bit like children in a lot of cases, very innocent. I'm guessing it uses Life spren as the foundation. They'd be the least likely to go back to Odium. Seems simple to me, capture a life spren, duct tape it or the roshar equivalent to the stormform parshendi, chain outside right before the highstorm hits and hope for the best. Stormform should be able to survive the storm wall anyways.
  9. It might be possible though that the escapees could break Odium's hold over their fellow people using the capture spren technique. Simply restrain them in a highstorm and attach the spren gem to their bodies. Bonus points if they give them the mate form.
  10. Wouldn't be surprised if they were adjacent star systems though. However the Shadesmar strikes me a bit like Dresden File's Nevernever where cognitive aspects of a similar nature act as neighborhoods. Odium's invested planet and say the Land of Happy Cheer* could be very near in the physical realm but in the shadesmar they could be opposite ends of the map. * The Land of Happy Cheer is merely the speculative place that I have dubbed as Hoid's own territory. More than likely it is not called this.
  11. Sounds a bit like Demonreach in Dresden Files. For some reason I see this as if each person has their powers bound to a particular biome. When they reshape an island into their haven, its can only change as much as they can to match that particular biome. For obvious reasons they may want to choose to preserve portions of the original ecology of the island so that after they make their changes they have a means of letting it recover should something go wrong or they have a habitable location to live in if they are unlucky enough for their own soul to be aligned with an arid desert. Their own methods of magic might reflect this in some way as well in terms of flavor Between the island's soul and the magic user's soul you could have some very interesting confrontations between who's doing the shaping and who's being shaped. The island itself could bleed into the one who is bound to it. I also imagine that given the nature of your magic system the energy source is considered highly valuable. If there is ever a means to bottle it then who ever develops that kind of ability would be probably very fearsome compared to others. There also might be something in your use of coral too. Maybe coral often forms the soul jars of the island? Dunno. Might make for some good plot points if there is a physical element someone can attack to take down an island and sever a magic user's connection to it. Another aspect is fresh water.. This could be the means in which your mana circulates through the world a little faster than normal diffusion. Coral and simple air currents bring in small amounts of your energy source to the island at a constant rate. Fresh water though as it circulates through the atmosphere collects it in large amounts, essentially sequestering it in the clouds until a downpour.
  12. If the Religion of the One is in fact about Adonalsium that's mentioned by Ym in WoR then his shattering may actually been self induced and on purpose.
  13. I suspect that either ardents/highprinces sell flavored specific meat at a higher price but given that they have chicken already such things would be better sold an even higher price for the real deal. I doubt they'd have access to cows though, horse meat is another possibility. But the kicker is everyone knows that soulcast meat is a poor substitute... This is why. Trying to soulcast other flavors would be like Jasnah trying to soulcast jam... it ends bad for everyone, especially the ardents.
  14. Chouta that Rock and Lopen were eating shortly before or after Kaladin met with Moash's lot.
  15. Also the bigger fish to fry is probably Hoid itself. Seems like all of the 17th shard is out for him since all the books where we have non-ftl worldhoppers have been books that also included Hoid.
  16. Mainly I think because these worldhoppers have bigger fish to fry and can't risk their own lives of things that Fortune has put into place to take care of. Let a world solve the problems it can handle. World Hoppers take on things it can't or doesn't have anyone to spare for. Example, Hoid helping the Terris people while Vin and Company go remaking the world. Sure it seems Worldhoppers are trying to do some good but if these people are to survive shardic influence then they need to rely on their own backbone and set up their own standard operating procedure. Just look at Hoid in WoR and his attempts to tell a story to Kaladin, "A Chick and a Bunny are hopping through a field..." "Wait what? A Chick as in a Chicken?" These worldhoppers don't know the planet they are on as intimately as someone born there. Culture clash between them and the (semi-)natives is bound to happen and complicate things. Zahel: As for using stormlight as breath I think the consensus is that he can awaken but like stormlight the effects would be temporary as it bleeds off unlike breath.
  17. I can definitely agree with her being my favorite character now as well. She's up there with Vin. I still suspect that she had the potential to pull off mistborn fun if she ever runs into Demoux to show her what can be done by eating things other than food.
  18. Wheel of time sort of. But off the top of my head there isn't much that I know of... however you may find this useful: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenderRestrictedAbility
  19. Investiture reacting to investiture of another frequency/type seems more like when they are of opposing intents by the user and the target. If it were the case that they were always resistant to each other I somehow think Vasher wouldn't be able to subsist on stormlight due to his divine breath in getting the way, same goes with powering nightblood. It may be difficult but not impossible. More than that there is the matter simply giving something breath regardless of what it is seems to relatively easy so long as your not awakening it. If you gave it to the stone it probably wouldn't care, its just holding it, however spren do have minds which may be enough to allow them to act a bit like lifeless if they weren't intelligent before hand in regards to getting the Breath back. Now if you gave Pattern Syl or Wyndle... it. They'd have to choose to give it back though it'd be a question how efficiently they can use it. Seems like it would be a good topic to broach Brandon on if anyone can get a hold of him.
  20. True but isn't the very nature of spren hinging the fact that humans see concept as living things and thus Spren have been shaped and shaped themselves to act in a living way after a fashion? If thing views itself as alive would that be enough?. Though on this point I will give that it probably works better on Sapient spren, and less so on windspren and various water spren and might be almost impossible on things like fire or gravity spren.
  21. Page 751 in the digital version of WoR seems to disagree. Pattern implies he uses investiture and Shallan even passes stormlight into him. Something tells me Breaths or even a divine breath would do some pretty fun and amazing things to a spren.
  22. If you want something heroic with a similar sound to the above's lightsaber... The Starblazer
  23. Nightmaws could be based on the Komodo dragons. In which case they will eat anything that moves and will willing swim great distances to other islands with ease.
  24. Excepting a non-human Roshar natives... I had a thought. What kind of biology does soulcasted blood have. It would be odd if you could use safely in a pig or a cat as you can a human as seen with Jasnah healing Shallan. Now if you can soulcast blood that can work within a human circulatory system and regrowth can do such significant healing as we seen. It seems to me that surgebinding is strongly align to human biology... So does that mean that soulcasted meat is idealized human flesh? We know that soulcasting has limits it can't be anything to specific or to customized, otherwise the warcamps would have non-identical buildings for barracks and the like. So unless soulcasting can chose what kind of meat (generic chicken, beef, crab etc) you're making which I'm guessing aligns very similarly to blood creation I strongly suspect that incidentally all Rosharan humans who imbibe the synthetic flesh are actually cannibals. Sort of... Edit: So if you've found this thread. Congrats. Someone was actually brave enough to ask if this was true in a WOB
  25. It could be that this is set so far into the future that Scandrians just happen to be the first ones on the scene in traveling everywhere but by then may not be the only ones. Considering how Roshar's history is built on conquest and being extremely factious, there could be an intrepid Alethi consortium looking for innate investiture that they can soup up with stormlight or something. Hard to tell. Or on the other hand they could be from Braise and have a bunch of White Sand peoples or something. During my Reread of WoR Sigzil mentioned the color of the Horneater's Oceans of Life. Emerald. We know Hoid got to Roshar through them meeting Rock along the way. And they are emerald. Anyone remember what color the Shardpool in Elantris was?
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