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Everything posted by Darkarma

  1. I got the first WoT book that he took part of and went from there starting with Elantris. I was surprised how good it was an how his magic systems mirrored my own attempts at such only he did it much much better... After that I was hooked.
  2. I can't wait to listen to this. Now I'm going to have to go to the NYC signing...
  3. Well as far as we've been told forging doesn't require any special materials whatsoever, anything from ordinary wood to crystal works. Soulstone as mentioned could be something we have in the real world but give the quality and usefulness has been given a name befitting of the magic system that makes use of it. That said we haven't really seen any materials with special properties in Sel other than the shardpool I believe.
  4. Ah the old reptile... hmm not nessessarily theory sinking but I see what you mean. And thanks for the catch on Endowment, not sure how I mixed that up. The point remains though. Any chance you know where the preshattering naming source is from? If that's the case then this theory is sunk then. The way it was phrased, the shards themselves were invested on Roshar.
  5. Restating this and found my proof from the latest interview in written form. The main reason why I think its possible is four points, the first is that that each desolation happened in such a way where they were nearly or completely forgotten about so humans would turn on eachother. The second point is that their are 99 of them so far enter on 100. The third point the differences between Shinovar and the rest of the world and the amount of time required to transition between the two as we know Brandon pays a lot of attention to science and the reason why he put so much time between the desolations was for this point and the next. Finally the fourth is that there are huge differences between each of the human species something that would take at least 10,000 to a 100,000 years. Though this last detail could be handwaved away by the proesence of spren which seem to be agents of change that manifest as well from it that could speed things along. But from those points its arguable that the name of the planet and history that happened before and just after the shattering could have been completely lost. On the Yolen side we don't have a firm estimate of time between Liar and Dragonsteel really or even when the first highstorm started if they are the same planet as Roshar. However we do know all the original shard holders originated from Yolen (and perhaps that's why Roshar has old magic). I suspect that the holders would have no reason to go to Roshar yet some how the world was touched by all of them, but they would have a reason to leave it, minus Cultivation and Honor... And the honorable thing for Honor to do is stand by its homeplanet right? And Cultivation seems like it would be something rooted and harder to move. Its the technically part that strikes me. Can anyone say the preshattering andolesium? The Old magic could very well be a remanent of all those different shards as an original whole. For those who read chapter one of Liar of Partinel its mentioned something called skullmoss is some sort of disaster that is being spread across the known world and using trunes to restrain it from affecting area inhabited by humans. If its like actual moss, the Highstorm sounds very effective in destroying it and preventing it from taking hold, whatever it is. Between the two, you have 99 desolations and likely the highstorms starting around before the first, enough to completely wipe out most every society that was originally built. I'll go by my own estimate of a hundred-thousand years which is long enough to completely rewrite all of history and hide just about anything else away.
  6. Well the book related to it was called dragonsteel but could giant flying reptiles really survive something as world reshaping as highstorms? Like I said its a bit of a stretch but it would explain why its been touched by all the shards, could also explain how Shallan could have access to lightweaving if that's actually kept in Words of Radiance.
  7. I was listening to the latest interview with Brandon while glancing over the first chapter of Liar of Partinel and I realized something though it may be a bit of a stretch. Roshar once was invested by all the shards. It's also been around for long enough to develop completely new species adapted to the highstorms but Shinovar shows that it was once something earthlike. Here's the big thing that hit me. Roshar is Yolen many many thousands of years later. Not much in the way of proof of this other than the fact that it was subject to all the shards, which suggests it had human life before the shattering.
  8. Leading to my own theory thread, I have an idea that most the Lerasium bead might have been part of the sword's construction for a Hemalurgic-Awakened Sword that could be used as a metalmind?
  9. Well Honor himself admits he is the one called the stormfather or Almighty I believe in the second to last chapter. Though i think it likely that the Honor shard might have passed into someone else's hands before being shattered given how fragmented Roshar views him as so many different entities. Possibly the original entity of Honor died fighting Odium and left the message that Dalinar stumbels across and then passes his shard on to Jezriem? Possibly the highstorms are the message itself. From there it gets shattered and used to create the Dawnblades, Honorblades, and or Shardblades. This is just my musings on the subject. On topic, the first time we are alerted to Shallan's shardblade is when she firsts thinks back to how her father died. The second time is when she prepares to try and defend herself from the Cryptics right before she soulcasts her goblet into blood.
  10. Thought of using it the Lerasium as a hemalurgic weapon combined with nightblood awakening (Commanded to "Help me help defeat Odium") to later be burned to create an multi splinter (Or multie shard flavored) ascension tool... It wouldn't have to be a alloyed tool but rather a thin spike of Lerasium being worked into the tip and the rest of the blade as part of the weapon, perhaps welded on. Pointy end, spike/cut someone, it steals a bit of their sDNA and preserves. When its finally ready you have something that can hold all those different shard investitures using the Lerasium as a base to bring the other bits and burn them into your Spirit Web as you ascend using the initial awakening to direct yourself. Its a bit convoluted but I think it fits nicely using Allomancy as a base and Hoid's interest in hemalurgy.
  11. Could it be like how shardplate is connected even when separated? Even broken apart it still exists as a coganative whole? In that respect, you burn the shavings and you might as well burn the whole bead. But the fact that you can forge it into alloys, based on Brandon stating as such, of other metals means its probably more pliable and forgiving... though its for this reason that I thought shavings rather than thinking Hoid trying only burn part of it and then vomitting the rest back up. Shavings are a far less messy of a theory and less sickness enducing. Plus you could could scientifically measure the amounts being ingested to achieve the desired effect. Though Hoid doesn't seem much of a scientist. Right, having a minimum or weak mistborn does seem a bit of a cheat but we've had examples of people of varying power as mistings right?
  12. Clarified that but for the sake a new post I'll restate the edit, he burned the shavings to become a weakish Allomancer. As for burning metals I'm referencing the fact that burning doesn't generally consume all the metal unless you use up all the metal meaning, you can burn part of the metal and still get an effect. By extension you don't need to use all the lerasium to get the effect of becoming a full allomancer, you just won't have the full potential tha a newly gifted allomancer would have... not that Hoid would even have to worry about being fully gifted as he can compensate. Edit: I'm now noticing that this post box doesn't let spell check interact with it... pardon my numerous grammatical errors.
  13. Hi there, my first post so I thought I'd make an impression with a simple little theory that I have but forgive me if its already been stated or suggested, I haven't come across it anything similar in my time lurking. Hoid has gained allomancy and still has the lerasium bead or rather most of it. As far we been shown when you burn metal, with the exception of Lerasium, you don't have to burn it all. And it wouldn't take much for Hoid to shave up off a small amount of powder. Since we've already confirmed him to be a Feruchemist he wouldn't need to take the whole bead to be on par with a normal mistborn. Even being a weak mistborn is enough simply because he can compound himself to make up for those deficites and that's not even considering the fact that he probably has a supply of Deralumin to further add to that. That still leaves him with plenty of lerasium to create a Lerasiumind-nightblood-shard blade-hemalurgic spike (And yes an all in one weapon because it could easily work!) (okay maybe not all those would work but a lerasium alloy metal mind made into a night bloodesque weapon is viable) or something. Thoughts? Questions? Large holes to tear my theory assunder? Hope its interesting enough!
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