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Everything posted by frozndevl

  1. To me, "slowing" is just the process of starting to appear younger than you are with an extended life span. Aka, I could be 80 but only look 40 since I have "slowed". The agelessness resulting from the Binder (aka Oath Rod) doesn't stop the slowing, but adds the ageless look due to the tightened skin, and will artificially reduce a channelers lifespan from say upper limit of 600, to upper limit 400.
  2. I finished over the weekend as well. I haven't read New Spring yet, but I don't consider that part of the real series. I'll get to it before January, though. Yeah, the scene with Perrin and the power-wrought hammer just shows how awesome he is. I had forgotten about the rings that Gawyn takes, it will be interesting to see what comes of that. I am very glad that both he and Galad have been "fixed" so to speak so they aren't as angry, idealistic, and see the situation a bit more clearly now. I think one of the things I am most looking forward to now is what Moiraine can do, or what she has to say to Rand. Another thought as I read this is that Perrin really did become the best leader of the 3 boys. Rand has his super-sayan ta-veren powers going for him, Mat has his luck and his stapled on memories. Perrin just has the force of his own personality, coupled with the understanding he has gained as a wolf-brother. Perrin is the only one that will be an effective leader when all is said and done, Mat will hopefully be able to do something with the Seanchan and I am really clueless what will happen to Rand. Resurrection seems likely, but what will he do when he is done, will he go live in a hut with Min somewhere, or turn into a Philosopher. There is a theory out there, I suggest looking at Theoryland for all sorts of fun ones, that Nakomi may have been Verin in disguise. The timeline are a bit muddled these last two books as everything comes to a head, but it seemed quite convincing. I am also wondering what Avi is going to do to prevent the Dragon's Peace from being laid upon the land so she can avoid the fate of what she saw in the crystal pillars.
  3. In addition to Egewene going bonkers against the Seanchan, there was another group Of Aes Sedai on the lower levels that were attempting to fight back, as well as directing the Tower Guard. As for them fighting back, first of all, the Aes Sedai weren't all that successful in fighting back. Regardless, they can use the power to defend themselves "To save her own life, or her Warder's, or the life of another sister" I think that they could easily say that they were doing one of those two things. Also, they may have believed that there were Shadowspawn fighting them when they say the Raken.
  4. I think it is fairly obvious that it is #3. She isn't a DF, and nothing in what has been written strikes me as a mistake. She also noted in that passage, and in several others previously, that her skill at Delving is continuing to improve. I also think that the black hooks and crap are the "physical" manifestation of the taint. And since the DO is the source of the taint on Saidin, Ishy using the TP (which is also a gift of the DO) would be able to scrape it away or at least temporarily neuter the effects. I think that Nyn is able to heal the madness on the Asha'man because once it is separate from the mind, there is nothing left to fuel it since the taint has been cleansed. Also, Rand makes a comment about how in the age of legends, healing mental illness was difficult at best. Not to diminsh what Nynaeve has accomplished, but I don't see this as healing the mind. I think that the Asha'man aren't actually insane, they are influenced by the black crap in their head, and when that is removed, the brain is fixed. Note that she didn't actually use any Healing weaves on the Asha'man, just removed the black stuff, and he immediately went back to completely sane and couldn't understand why he was so paranoid about the Fades.
  5. We all tend to look at the cover at of the books, which is why any book with Michael Whelan doing the cover inherently gets a lot of readership. I know I specifically looked for his style.
  6. Here is an interesting discussion I've read before that includes some discussion about traveling. What it boils down to is the inconsistency could be: Literary inconsitency Traveling using the TP The Eye of the World is in TAR, so Rand used "need" based relocation Super special secret kind of other traveling that Lanfear / Ishy use sometimes http://www.theoryland.com/theories.php?func=5&rec=58&theo=1404 Personally, I am a fan of the TAR connection as that could possibly explain how the Eye was wherever it needed to be. Edit: Added the link I mentioned.
  7. As for what happened in TEOTW, I think that the difference in traveling was just literary inconsistency. I also think that Rand was just being menacing and having a show of bravado to intimidate with his threat of just erasing him from the pattern.
  8. I have yet to get to that point, but I do remember that happening. I don't think that will end up being anything than just that. I just began and am to the point where Perrin and Galad are about to confront each other Also, I saw the allusion to Mat's letter and it did make me cringe a bit. Mat really didn't have the right tone so far, and I actually thought Galad seemed a bit off as well. Almost a bit too fanatical. He seemed much more earnest, not Whitecloak loopy, when he ran across Nyn and Elayne in the earlier books.
  9. I think the question is whether or not the investiture of Nalthians makes the "uber" or is just a critical component of making them human. Spoiler tags for other novel discussion:
  10. Just finished up, and dark Rand was a fun read. The acceptance that LTT wasn't a random voice, but merely himself from another age was well written, IMO. The White Tower plot line annoyed me this time as much as it did the last time, it was just wrapped up much too neatly for my taste. Another thing I have wondered is just how many Seanchan came over on the ships and how big is their army. Secondarily, how quickly are they able to break those they collar and turn them into weapons. Will there be enough time between the White Tower raid and the Last Battle for them to become useful?
  11. I had to come here after I read the exact same passage you quoted above. Very moving, I teared up a bit.
  12. So, finished this last night, and I completely forgot about how this book ended, and I am sure I have forgotten how KoD begins. What's crazy, is I already can't remember what exactly was going on with this book. The fact that Egwene got captured, I knew was coming, but I couldn't remember when was a nice surprise. I guess this would be the closest thing she ever had to her failure, but of course it happened after she managed to turn the chain into cuendillar (sp?). I do miss Rand in these books, but this truly is a series with 4-5 major plotlines that are very detailed and so I can understand why it takes so long.
  13. By this time in the series, I am wanting certain things to already be taken care of. I think this is a mirror to my first read through, only this time I know they will be happening sooner rather than years away. Things like getting Faile back, Lan's bond being transfered, etc. One thing that happens with such a wide spread story is that there are so many people that are clueless about what is going on around the world. The one that comes to mind is the cleansing of Saidin, which everyone not involved with thinks was just some new Forsaken weapon. I know that we as the readers know everything (at least we like to think so) but the apparent idiocy of so many just bothers me. I also never understood why the Asha'man would agree to let the Aes Sedai bond them; the little paragraph where one of the sisters keeps, I thin it was Jahar's, dragon pin because she didn't give it to him just really bothered me. I do like Logain and I can't wait to see what he is up to at the Last Battle. I hope he beat the living snot out of Mazrim Taim, who at this point does appear to be up to no good.
  14. I haven't gotten back to Mesaana being braindead in my reread, looking forward to that one again.
  15. I finished PoD probably a week ago or so, I was on a long trip and had a chance to finish up a couple. Only problem is, I can't recall specifically what happened in this book. It took your posts about the anti-Seanchan war to remind about that at all. I too am a bit underwhelmed about what he actually accomplished there. Also, if the "secret Aes Sedai" weapon (aka the exploding gate) came in this book, the fact that they are still talking about it into book 10 just bothers me. However, even though I can't remember specifics, I did enjoy it as part of the overall story more so than my first read through.
  16. Same thing with me, I had a bit of a freakout that I wouldn't finish, then realized I'm reading like a fat man in a buffet line, nothing will get in my way. Of the Super Girls, Nyn has always been my favorite, but her irrational fear/annoyance with Mat at the end of LoC and so far into CoS just really annoys me.
  17. Working on this one now. Though, I shouldn't say work because it is very enjoyable. I think what I loved about the first part of this book is that it is all Rand / Perrin, all the time. Since we have our first "first-hand" exposure to someone going a bit nuts, Dashiva (though not really), it reminded me of a thought I had originally when reading this. I think that I never considered Rand himself going crazy, but talking to a past life would drive you to extreme distraction. The fact that LTT would try to seize Saidin to me seemed to speak against him going nuts. Now, some would say that it was all in Rand's head, but the fact that LTT was able to tell Rand actual correct information led me to believe otherwise. I was also grateful that I didn't have to see the super friends (Nyn & Elayne) for a long time.
  18. Finished up LoC over the weekend, and surprisingly, I don't think I enjoyed it as much this second time around. Let me clear, I did enjoy it a great deal, but just not as much as my first time. I echo someone else's comments from an earlier thread, I really am enjoying different characters this time around. I think I actually enjoyed Fires of Heaven more than LoC. I don't know why, but I feel like RJ spent too much time setting up the journey to Ebou Dar in what could have been done more succinctly. I did enjoy the quick introduction of the Kin. I felt bad for the old scholar who got ripped apart by the Gholam. All he did is send Rand a nice, innocuous message, he didn't deserve to die that way.
  19. Not to derail, but I would say there is no chance of the entire WoT being made into something, there is too much material. Look how much they had to cut from LOTR and that was only 3 books and the movies were huge. Game of Thrones is an interesting take since they are turning the novels into a series, and that to me is the only effective way to handle so much information. Though, I haven't seen but one episode so I don't know how much they are having to take out.
  20. Have to say, I don't remember much about Elantris, the characters didn't really stick for me. Except the priest who was almost turned into a monk. Anyway, back on topic here! Just read the passage where Nyn Healed Logain, Siuan, and Leanne. It was very interesting that even right then, she was able to tell that the healing was different in the sexes. Makes sense that it would take a woman to Heal a man, and vice versa. What I have always wondered is if they were to Sever Siuan and Leanne again, and them have one of the Asha'man Heal them (I can't remember who their epic Healer is) would they be restored to original strength or just their new lowered strength. My thinking is that they would go back to original strength because the new "sever" would effectively be removing what Nynaeve inserted. Ooooh, just had a thought, that this is a very good way to foreshadow sealing the bore. She put something back to the way it was before it was broken. That thought may hold true, unless a Healed channeler may be more prone to burning out, but I don't think that is the case.
  21. I'm confused, I am pretty sure Sarene is an Aes Sedai. Are you guys mistaking that name for Cyndane?
  22. Replying to self, go me! Anyway, finished Fires of Heaven this morning and I have to confess what happened in this and the next 2 books had all seemingly blended together in my head. I think that it was because I picked up the series around when book 7 was published, so I rushed through all of these waiting for Path of Daggers. One thing that bothered me on my first read through, and this one too, is the entire Morgase situation. It seed kind of sad and pathetic, especially how it just kind of fizzled. Lanfear has definitely got some Style. Moiraine took herself up a few notches with her actions (of course I remembered them) and I can't wait to see what she does in the last book. I did miss Perrin. This is the first book where one of the main PoV characters was largely absent, and it is sad. Perrin has more of the everyman quality about him than Mat or Rand, so he was sorely missed. Yes, he has the whole Wolfbrother thing going on, but it seems to be less mystical than Jesus-Rand or Mat and the Dark One's luck. Though, when we get to the book that really doesn't show any Mat, I think all of fandom basically sh** a brick and wanted to know how the hell RJ could write a book without Mat in it in any substantial way. Those are my random thoughts, oh, one last one. How far back to you think that Rahvin was removed from the pattern. A "thicker than a man" chunk of balefire has got to remove him for at least a few days I would think. Okay, this brought up another thing I noticed. Nynaeve seems to have some sort of enhanced awareness when she is in TAR. She notices that Rahvin turned into Mist before he disappeared, and she also noticed Moggy in the window. Now, maybe it was just chance, but I find it interesting that she noticed those things as well. Also, she was able to pick up on Siuan and Leanne playing their double-game to the Aes Sedai in Salidar. I can't remember if this awareness pops up anywhere else, but I noticed something. Cheers! Edit: Okay, I'll edit this one. In a prior thread I posted about who would win in a battle, Mat, Gawyn, or Galad. I think after seeing Galad in action in Samara that he would win. He is just too damnation perfect. Though, it was his fault there is a war there, that makes up for his beauty and perfection, I guess.
  23. I'm only about a third of the way through FoH and I am remembering why this isn't my favorite of the series. At times it just seems to drag on. Onto Egwene, this time through I am much more aware of her growing ego, especially on her dealings with Nyn. She really turns into an unlikable person.
  24. Yeah, that was a fun scene to read again. Also makes me wonder who would win now. Galad - He is the perfect swordsman Gawyn - somehow has turned into super sayan form of himself Mat - Just overall badass with his ashandarei
  25. There was a good example of the oaths in the first scenes with the Seanchan and damane. If I remember right, one of the captured Aes Sedai was commanded to say a dress was a wrong color but was unable to do so. I don't recall her body forcing her to keep trying to say the false word, she just tried and was unable to do so. I don't think the binders will compell you to keep trying to do something if you fail at it. It will just keep you from doing it, or will make you try to do it that time. Also, remember that the agelessness comes from the oath's settling down onto the skin.
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