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Posts posted by ParadoxicalZen

  1. This has been debated for a long time. I'm of the opinion that either planet could be the Tranquiline Halls, after which it then later became Damnation. However given that first WoB Teknopathic mentioned, the Rosharans/Vorin Church later attribute Damnation to Braize instead to make a distinction (and avoid any confusion in doctrine). Similar to how Nalthians gave different names to Zahel because they couldn't quite conflate why he would do what he did

  2. For me, the acting is great, the writing not so much. I am really looking forward to seeing how Jodie does as I think it could be really interesting. I think that there will be a few moments in episodes of "the Doctor is a woman?" and stuff along those lines. The butthurt i'm seeing on facebook comments and news articles alike is both amusing yet disappointing as it mostly sounds like children throwing a tantrum because they threw their dummy out of the pram 

  3. @Calderis Agreed, we don't actually know what part of the Taldain system Bavadin has/had actually Invested or resides/resided in. It could be Dayside's star, the planet or even the atmosphere, filtering/lacing the light from the star as it passes through (especially with all of those cloud faces present in the graphic novel)

  4. @Calderis The way I see it, the Stormfather is nigh-omnipresent, as seen with their conversation with Dalinar when there was no highstorm at Urithuru but the Perpendicularity is only present at (what i believe to be, going from Kaladin's scenes) the eye of the highstorm as the highstorm is the event that contains all this Investiture. Given we don't actually know how she got back, only how she got in (from that preview/exercise chapter); I would hazard a guess that as the Investiture came down from the Spirutual Realm, she absorbed some or was able to access her Transportation surge more easily in the CR.

  5. A bit late to the party but my two pennies. Bear in mind, the Shards themselves encompass everything about their trait represents, its the Cognitive perception that shapes and defines exactly what is considered "Honourable/Odious/insertotherexampleShardhere, therefore judging a Shard alone by a moral compass is a futile exercise due to being primordial actions/states of life. So it primarily falls to the Vessel's own ethics and moral compass which, depending on the Vessel, can vary wildly (after all, whilst there may be some unanimous agreement on what is 'right/wrong' amongst ourselves as the audience, in-world is a completely different culture and people faced with completely different circumstances, not to mention on the areas where we ourselves disagree). To judge whether Gavilar's actions are 'Honourable' or otherwise we would need the full story/reasoning/more background information about the Sons of Honour, whereas this chapter really provides a more detailed snapshot that we previously had.

    More on topic, I would disagree about Amaram's redemption, but I could see him making a sacrifice.


  6. Snapping before burning goes without saying but it is curious given how only one of the God metals provides a kind of non-allomantic by-product/benefit to the natives prior to either Snapping or lacking any Allomantic genes; is the reason Lerasium produces an effect a result of the additional Preservation inside Scadrians or is it just the nature/realmatic interaction of Preservation's creations and it's Investiture?

    It could also be asked if there is an effect on someone with no allomantic potential whatsoever

  7. I can't remember if this has been answered before (i don't seem to recall any WoBs directly stating so) but has it been answered what would happen if a Scadrian (unsnapped) eats a piece of Atium? Given we know Lerasium increases your Connection to Preservation, making you a Mistborn as a byproduct, I was curious if eating its counterpart would also produce an effect

  8. I've seen it twice :D

    I would, because I feel Holland actually portrayed both roles how they were meant to be. Whilst Tobey was a better Parker than Garfield (he had the awkward nerd thing down but his acting just felt a little...weird, especially as he was an adult playing a teenager, and Garfield was the complete opposite in that he wasn't an awkward teenager, he was a bit too charismatic and charming for my liking), Garfield was a better spidey than Tobey (he got the wisecracking webslinger down pretty well, but his nerdiness was well overlooked). However i feel Holland was a better fit as he looks the part, acted the awkward nerd and we get to see him start as out a hero. To start with, the whole "wannabe superhero", really grated with me, but then it started to make sense. He seemed to be still on the high after Civil War which probably fuelled his ego and hubris a little, making him think he can do anything, which makes sense as he's a teenager. 

  9. @Extesian I was just under the impression Leras just wanted them to be sapient (i had not seen that WoB until just now) especially if the humans they had created were early hominids like our predecessors, but i have yet to see a more detailed description of exactly what kind of humans/animals R+P actually created and why Leras felt they needed to be more of Preservation (meaning, what exactly was different to early Scadrian life than at the time he made the sacrifice)

  10. Do we have any thoughts on who purchased Avengers tower/What the tower might become? Most popular ones appear to be either Oscorp, The Baxter Building or The Daily Bugle. I'm all for any of them to be honest, but i'm hoping it becomes the Baxter Building in the hopes that Marvel manages to reacquire the rights back for Fantastic Four

    Overall, the film is class, definitely my preferred Spider-man film

  11. This reminds me of a quote/topic where the reasoning for why there is more than one order was discussed a long time ago (or something similar to that extent, it may have been just a few WoBs I recall seeing) and it mainly falls back to the Journey before Destination section about what it means to actually be Honourable in this case (hooray for Brandon for subverting the fantasy genre). There's always more than one way to resolve a situation, hence why each Order focuses on different things.

  12. Just now, Delightful said:

    I just really want to see more of Daisy XP 

    Would be interesting to see how the Royal Family react to her. I wonder if they'll cover any more lore on Hive and the ancient destroyed city, especially with the 5 tribes. Maximus' casting is perfect although I hope he shows a more maniacal side as well, he is a mad genius after all

  13. 14 hours ago, Delightful said:

    Is Inhumans gonna have crossover though?

    I'm thinking it'll be either a lead in/set up hybrid thing as they're different broadcasting channels methinks, unless I remember that wrongly. It would be interesting if they instead go with a generic space-theme I.e S.W.O.R.D but I'm hoping for Inhumans more

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