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Posts posted by ParadoxicalZen

  1. 1 hour ago, Dunkum said:

    oof.  I've got something like 85/120 shrines and I'm not sure where most of the rest could be (haven't been exclusively looking or anything, but I have wandered over most of the map at some point, so not sure how I can be missing that many).  I can't even imagine trying to get all the koroks.  especially since I am terrible at the throwing a rock puzzles.

    I was in the same boat so I just looked up the rest :P

  2. @Quiver agreed. It was amazing...soundtrack, script etc etc it just felt a little too samey. Would have preferred they did something a little different but hey ho, was still awesome. Although I have a few nitpicks

    why on earth they go ahead with Quill x Gamora!!!!!!!!!!! Rage!!!!! This does not happen in the comics, keeping it more platonic makes for a much better dynamic.

    And calling Ego a Celestial, even when we see a dead Celestial head in the form of Knowhere in Vol.1, not to mention an actual Celestial using the power gem in the Collector's scene, really irks me.....unless they're just using Celestial as a generic term for Cosmic Beings then I'll let it slide.

    And sweet Christmas, how on Terra did they get the Watchers in this?!!!!

  3. @Delightfully Smoak they're forest spirits that inhabit the kokiri/great hyrule forest in Legend of Zelda. They first appeared as Kokiri (in the form of never aging kids similar to the lost boys a la Peter pan). This was mainly so that the protagonist, who was a Hylian, didn't feel alone. They next appeared in Wind Waker in their true forms, like tiny walking plants/trees with leaf masks (as tall as about knee to mid thigh height). They are also present in Breath of the Wild, although in a far more annoying and greater capacity (there are 900 hidden throughout the entire continent to find, although it is optional, I just have nothing else to do until the downloadable content arrives)

  4. 2 hours ago, Kaymyth said:

    Oh, you poor, unfortunate soul. I'm not sure it's possible to find all of them without help.

    Though a friend of mine has theorized that if you could just get them all to work together, you wouldn't need the Master Sword or the Divine Beasts to defeat Ganon. You could just have the Koroks mob and smother him to death.

    Storms, 900 little forest sprites throwing odd smelling po- err I mean seeds at Ganon.....

    Think of all that power......

  5. Actually, @Pagerunner, only the second film dealt with a stone, the first was focused on Thor growing up mentally. Granted, the Tesseract was hinted at in the post credits but it had no relevance prior to that. I actually enjoyed both the first two films, definitely not worth the harsh criticism some people give them. We know from Ultron that Thor had a vision, and Heimdall was saying something about going blind but I can't quite remember, need a rewatch.

    Now, as for the Soul Stone, I don't think we'll see that in either Thor or GotG2. Whilst it may be possible and likely, given Hela is god of the Norse underworld, so souls may be in play here, I have a feeling they will probably save it for Black Panther. 

    The colours and abilities of the stones have been switched a little bit so it isn't a direct adaptation (you should read where they actually come from, comics be cray cray)

    It all depends on how much they're borrowing from comic event book, obviously with some Planet Hulk elements (I look forward to hearing how Hulk/Banner got off world in the first place)

    (Speaking of comics, the Contest games is actually based on the Secret Wars: Battle world print run of the same name, if memory serves!)

  6. Before the Sony/marvel-disney agreement with Spiderman appearing in Civil War, The Amazing Spiderman 2 was supposed to be followed up by said Venom movie, as in it has been in the idea works ever since TAS2. That is, if I'm remembering correctly so I don't think it was planned to be in the MCU from the start. Spiderman may prove otherwise

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