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Everything posted by Kestrel

  1. I would like to see Civil War this weekend but... opening weekend movies are stressful for me. Too many people, noise, waiting. Anxiety about getting a good seat. ;-;
  2. I go to make some bagel bites in the oven. As its heating up my mom goes "is somerhing burning in the oven?" no mom, the oven is preheating. there's nothing in there. and like when its done she goes "i really smell something burning now" so i go "fine mom I'll check the oven and there's nothing-" there was a potato an already cooked potato im very upset.
  3. That's odd. Anyway, sending invite links now.
  4. I'll send you the link, then! I'd like to see this grow.
  5. My animation teacher said this was the best student quad run cycle she's seen in years and I'm wondering what crap she's been getting lately
  6. I've been frequenting a Wheel of Time site as of late; a lot of the users met up.But then again, I'm the only minor on the site so I'll have my chance... soon...
  7. Book 7 of the Wheel of Time. I've been working on it for... too long.
  8. Probably. It was super weird in the meat room. At one point you couldn't walk through it without stepping over horse legs. It was. Interesting.But yeah, there's a center close to where I live so I went out today. All their animals are so cute <3 one of the tigers did the cat tongue thing (where they sit around holding their tongue out. Its called bleping HOW CUTE IS THAT) No interaction, though. Just meat cutting. I was there for an english project; they actually only take court ordered volunteer work.
  9. I spent the whole morning at a big cat sanctuary, volunteering. They didn't let me near the cats but I did get to do some fun things they didn't let minors usually do, like get elbow deep in a tub full of raw, thawing frozen chicken parts. I can't get the smell off of me.
  10. For the record i have no idea what I'm doing So I've been using Discord for two different sites and its really, really good. Its like Skype but takes up less space and actually works, and can be ran through the browser or mobile app! It had text and voice chat, but you don't have to use voice. Anyway, I've set up a server for us to chat on; if you want the invite key please pm me, as we don't want spammers in the chat. It'll be moderated by me until I can figure out how to apply permissions to people, and the rules for our server will be the same as the actual site. I'm also tweaking some things with it. But its super easy and nice to use. My handle is Avyra. If you already have an account and want to add me personally, pm me and I'll send my number key. This would be pretty cool for Shard parties and events. Like the *coughs* movie nights. But yeah, hope to see anyone interested on Discord! Edit: I totally forgot to include the actual site! https://discordapp.com/ If you want to get to it via mobile browser, request desktop site then click "Launch Discord" If you wish to friend somebody, too, you'll need their handle name and ID number.
  11. This is pretty neat. owo I would be interested in learning how to do this.
  12. bows true I'm sorry ahh i was stalking for a while but didn't post because I couldn't find much to post. But I am somewhat here, now.
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