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Posts posted by Sarcasm

  1. You people are so tall  :huh:  :huh:  :huh:


    I am 5'5" and I am considered "above average". With my heels on, I nearly as tall as many guys are work  :o My husband is 6'0" and is considered tall: most guys over here are more around 5'9"-5'11".... I have a few colleagues above the 6'0" and they literally tower on everybody...


    We must be small people....

    *Awkwardly shuffles. I am officially convinced that i am the shortest person here. 5'2 (Granted, one of my friends is 4'10) ... And I'm a right-side hitter on gold volleyball. Don't ask me how that happened, though I can jump extremely high. I'm half Asian, with dark brown eyes that pretty much look black. I'm extremely tan, which helps cover up my multitude of scars (I'm very clumsy, and quite popular among mosquitos). That is all. Hopefully that's not enough to help any stalkers out there  :D

  2. I'm INTP. According to the test I took, my type is only seen in about 5 percent of men and 1 percent of women. 


    So when I say that there aren't many people in the world who really, truly, deeply understaaaannnnnd me, I'm not necessarily exaggerating. :P

    And also with Pascal, Newton, Socrates, and Einstein. Cool!

  3. Off the top of my head, this is what I can come up with:

    Hoid: ENFJ


    Kaladin: ENTJ

    Shallan: INFP, maybe ENFP? I don't really know.

    Szeth: I haven't the faintest idea

    Dalinar: ISFJ

    Adolin: ISFJ?ESTP? I'm not sure.

    Renarin: ENTP/

    I'm really bad at this, feel free to contradict, add, etc.  :)


  4. If I recall correctly, Regalia was formerly an attorney, then late a judge, then starring her own reality show and as a side thing, doing divisive preaching. I suppose that could lead to a fear of being proven wrong, as a judge making a wrong decision could lead to some pretty serious consequences. To be honest, if I ever became an Epic, my weakness would also be being proven wrong. ... Oh bother. Now you know my weakness. I'll have to kill you when I go on Rending, you know.  ;)  :P 

  5. First time rant on this thread! Not sure if that's good or terrible...


    So, every summer, my mom signs me up for this summer day camp sort of thing. (Not outdoorsy- it's an art camp held at a local elementary school.) Every year, she tells me to "just try it." Every year I'm told that if I don't like it, I can stop going. Every year I end up having to go every single day. Every year it's obvious the thing is designed for eight-year-olds and younger, and I'm the only one my age. I hardly ever know anyone there, but if I do, they're about eight years younger than me. Every year it's the same and I absolutely hate going there, but I have to go because my parents told me so. It's obvious the main reason I have to go is that my mom works for the organization that puts these things on.


    One of the things I hate the most is that I'm not even asked. It's always just stated as a fact. "Oh, and of course you'll be going to the art camp this summer." I don't have any choice in deciding how I spend my time. I can explain my reasons, I can offer to do other things, I can argue my head off and it doesn't make any difference. It's yelling at a brick wall.


    So I have to sit next to a couple six-year-olds and paint circles on a piece of paper for about four to six hours a day. Not my ideal summer vacation.

    If I was in your position, I would take this opportunity to polish my Aons and Alethi... ;)

  6. So last night I had a dream. And it was... interesting to say the least. But it inspired me to create this topic, and I didn't see anything else like it on the various forums. I would like to tell you about my aforementioned dream. Afterwards, I would like to hear any interpretations you may have of my dream or anyone else who chooses to share their dreams.  :P Okay, here goes. 


    My dream begins by following a young brunette girl (whom I've never seen before this particular dream) around the age of four or five. She is walking through the woods behind my house, down a leaf-strewn path. (One that doesn't actually exist in reality.) Suddenly, a wrinkled old hag (also someone I've never seen before) appears on the trail before the girl. The old woman points to the girls left, off the path and into the woods before whispering eerily, "You've awakened them,". The girl looks to where the woman is pointing to see three tree stumps in a clearing. Green shoots are visibly growing out of the dead trunks, and nestled in the shoots of each trunk are a newborn baby boy. None of the babies cry. They all have deep green eyes, and the baby in the center of the trio has silver hair. The three infants stare at the girl unblinkingly, until she flees back to my house. 


    The dream now begins to follow me as I step outside my home and into my backyard. (It has only been a few seconds since the little girl returned to my house.) I wait for a moment, then an eighteen (don't ask how I know how old the kid is, just some of that weird dream knowledge) year old boy (who, once again, I have no idea who he is... this actually happens to me in dreams a lot more than you would imagine  :blink: ) walks up beside me. He nods, and the we casually stroll over to my garage. We step inside, and when we step back out into the morning light, we each are brandishing a large battle axe. We then go to my back yard and wait for our enemies to arrive. (Again, don't ask how we knew they were coming, more inexplicable dream knowledge.) They quickly show up, the same three creatures that the little girl saw in the woods. The three of them have all some how grown impossibly fast, the silver haired leader (lets call him Quicksilver, just to be funny  :P ) now appears to be in his mid-fifties, while his two cronies appear to be in their mid-twenties. All three of them are well muscled and wear black suits and ties. The two minions are identical in every way, right down to their forest green eyes. In fact, the only thing separating them from Quicksilver is his obvious age and grey hair. 


    Quicksilver sends his two lackeys in to battle us. The two attackers our inhumanly strong, and dastardly hard to kill. But my comrade and I stand firm, and after a handful of minutes of fighting (of which I now remember next to nothing of) we are victorious over our foes. Quicksilver snarls in fury and leaps forward to join the fray. My nameless partner and I soon find out that unlike his two minions, Quicksilver can also generate illusions. I attack Quicksilver only to find that I have my axe buried in my dead companion's body. (Oops...  :unsure: ) Enraged, I bound over to my adversary. I grab him, then push him into the wall of my home, somehow phasing him into the material itself. (Apparently I also have superhuman abilities?) His head and upper body protrude from the wall, and I kindly axe him in the face. I grab him by the shoulder, then fling him onto the ground before my feet and swing my axe down onto him once more. I drop my axe and say, "I hate fighting illusionists," (because obviously I do that all the time haha  :D ) before walking away. 


    Alright. Your turn! What weird/memorable dreams have you had?

    A little too much Reckoners before bed?  :D

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