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Posts posted by Sarcasm

  1. I have 86 visible distinct scars


    I have insomnia


    I have an obsession with pencils. In fact, I would estimate that I have about 500 of them


    I can pop almost every joint in my body


    Like several people here, my thumbs are double jointed and can pop out at freakish angles


    I cross my toes when I think


    I chew on my fingernails a lot, sometimes past the bed. Which really hurts. My pinky nail is 1/8th of an inch long.
    I sneeze a lot when I get really warm
  2. I had a recent dream in which there was a huge hurricane coming from an opening in the sky that got nearer and nearer to me. I ran into this underground lair, but not before I saw one of my friends get electrocuted. I ran through the underground tunnels until I came to a large mall. Then, I bought a churro and ate it. And then I went into a recurring dream of mine-never ending stairs, where a bunch of people from books and real life were walking on stairs with me. And then all the characters from Tangled came and started prancing around. The end.

  3. Well *Firefight spoilers*

    It seems to be a combination of megalomania, selfishness, and utter apathy for others, so rather than an urge to kill it's really the lack of any urge to avoid killing?

    Wish I had a meme. It's difficult on a phone.

    You're completely right, natc. Allow me to correct myself:



  4. Okay, my friend and I are locked in a heated debate on the better author: Brandon Sanderson, or Orson Scott Card. The stakes are high, and losing would bring dishonor and shame to all of the 17th Shard. My friend has read only WOK, and is near the beginning of WOR. Will everybody help brainstorm some points that I can use to bring victory and glory to the Shard? Thanks, 

  5. Losing a limb or a function (blindness)

    Unpredictability-This one's rather strange. It's as if I have a fear of not being able to control things. For example, I have a minor fear of drowning, as that represents not being able to control my ability to breath and get something which I need.


    My biggest phobia is probably not being good enough or being useless or unwanted. That one's always been a big thing with my parents, who criticize me on everything and make me think I'm not good at anything, and I'm useless and worthless.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this, but now I'll have to hunt all of you down when I become an epic.  ;)

  6. I, for one, am incredibly curious and concerned on the whereabouts of Tia. I have a slight suspicion that she'll come back later and play a major role in apprehending Prof. (My pet theory is that Tia was in a group that created Calamity)

  7. I just found out that three of my teachers are moving/retiring, and one of them was my absolute favorite, who was the only person who I felt like I could talk to and have her understand me. And my best friend moved to Washington, and two of my other friends switched schools. And a guy who I've kind of liked is moving to Seattle. Change is horrible.  -_-

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