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Everything posted by natc

  1. My first thought. Bloodbenders are OP. Especially the psychic ones.
  2. natc

    White Drab

    I'm actually more impressed that he managed to arrange getting giant suits of statue-armor with fully functional joints custom tailored to fit skeleton lifeless delivered to his lab. That's such a specific request that I wonder how nobody remembers it.
  3. It does appear right now that the groups most connected to the truth are the stone shamans, Heralds, and Listeners. Heralds are out of the question, so Szeth and Eshonai will probably be the most enlightening flashbacks.
  4. Hate to combo break, but you really gotta stop wishing your banes away. Nightwatcher be pissed.
  5. Memories take up physical space in the brain as much as they will take up physical space in a computer. As in none at all . . .
  6. . . . being a Herald perhaps? We still don't know much about that. Or maybe he's just supposed to be that awesome after all this warfare.
  7. So really, Odium actually kind of saved the spren population. That's convenient.
  8. There needs to be a Cryptic named Wheatley now. Can an essence mark correct the gender of a newborn? What with the lack of much history to speak of I think such a change is within the realm of plausibility.
  9. Ruin is voiced by Skynet.
  10. I remember something about being able to heal hemalurgic damage with enough gold charge, though I forget if that's for the recipient or the victim. You just have to spike out their gold really. We really have to and figure out the bind point for Herald immortality.
  11. Perhaps something beyond the instinctive control Radiants have is necessary to operate a honorblade to its full potential, as suggested. They're hailed as powerful relics yet consume too much stormlight to be of use, and can't heal as effectively. There must be something in there nobody has figured out or the Heralds would be pretty useless.
  12. You can now access the Aon of teleportation at will. Hope you have good aim and drawing skills. I wish the next person to wish for something will fail to notice his bane for all eternity, thus being unable to ask to fix it.
  13. Just realized something. The Stormfather and a small number of other spren were considered survivors of the Recreance, and since it was a rather organized event all of the Nahel spren likely knew the reason the Radiants did so, if not outright consented to it. Is the Stormfather so sure his kind will be betrayed because of distrust, or because there really isn't another option that he can think of but to kill them again? Everything is really pointing to some devastating cause now.
  14. You can't laugh. At all. I'm out of wishes for now, so anyone?
  15. You mean the blades (Honor fragments presumably) may have caused some subconscious nudging in their behavior so far like Nahel spren, and their absence has caused them to regress with perhaps some withdrawal going on? I mean, if you've got this thing on you that spent thousands of years making you act honorably or something like that as you die repeatedly, once that's gone it'd be the last thing you want to do.
  16. In terms of deviation from neighboring types Type IV seems like quite the outlier, because most of the differences so far have to do with retaining breath and obeying commands (or lack of those in Returned really). The vaporizing and soul drain came out of the left field. If Nightblood grants an ability on Roshar like Seons it might be something equally bizarre that even some other theoretical Endowment splinter might not produce. Because really I look at the guy and I don't see much endowment going on. At all. In short, the original intended point is that Nightblood is weird enough that I fully expect him to surprise us further on his endless quest to destroy evil. Whatever evil actually is.
  17. Well, you can list out some predicted "behavior" for a substance in a given scenario due to some inherent property. Salt stimulates the sensation of "saltiness" in human taste receptors, dissolves readily in water that isn't already saturated, and probably breaks appart rather spectacularly when launched in a particle accelerator into a wall (not that anyone does this). Alkali metals are generally soft, easily cut with a knife, and react strongly in water and usually resulting in spontaneous combustion or explosions. Electrons repel other negative charges, can release energy as photons when excited, and exists in a three dimensional space predictable by a wave function. Biochromatic entities, awakened object, lifeless or rReturned, are created by infusing Breath into the object via some command. They are (re)animated, and generally attempt carry out that command until the breath is removed. Not that we know what it is that Returned are meant to do, since they're all amnesiac. If the object used to be an intact corpse they retain some degree of intelligence relative to what they are a corpse of, and can be awakened in such a way as to interpret commands made post-awakening by using a set but changeable command phrase. Nightblood. He's sentient, which is weird, but depending on what command was used specifically (the general result is "destroy evil" but maybe it was engineered to be a tad more specific?) and whether 1000 breaths normally do weird things like this that might be normal. It tries to follow it's command, though with debatable success as the command itself baffles it's ignorant mind. It seems capable of telepaphy through some kind of bond. Strange. It also sickens any "good" person in the vicinity, drives any other person towards mass homicide before committing suicide directly when partially exposed out of its sheath, and consumes both souls and any investiture it touches indiscriminately while vaporizing matter on contact. This last part is just bizarre.
  18. natc

    White Drab

    Well thanks for the link. We can ignore that now.
  19. If the Listeners cared about honor at all then I doubt they're far enough gone to be fighting Radiants in the first place. . .
  20. natc

    White Drab

    Speaking of Perfect Invocation, I'm looking at the chart right now and trying to check something. Is the white produced from the super-efficient awakening and the rainbow distortions that appear from white objects around people at 10th heightening supposed to produce an infinite loop, or is it not compatible?
  21. They are temporal clones pulled from various points in the timeline. One of your future selves has lingering regret about something you will do in the future and desires to kill you to erase himself from existence. He's persuaded most of the others by now. Hmm. I wish to be Firefight.
  22. Come now, I doubt he had Kholin in his name! He's so old he probably predates the concept of surnames on Roshar! He invented the name Kholin for his descendants! They even got their own city.
  23. I don't think soulcasting is known to need much beyond a good gemstone, the surge or fabrial to facilitate it, and being persuasive enough to be able to get the stick to shut up and become fire.
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